Hey guys!

This is my very FIRST Heist Society Fanfic, or one that isn't a GG Fanfic for that matter, so read with an open mind. :P

3rd POV:

Hale walked down the street, through the icy drizzle.

Number 21, this is it, he thought to himself.

Heart in his mouth, he strided up the hedge-lined path and to the front door.

A few seconds after his knock, the door opened to reveal a very pregnant Kat with a toddler on her hip. Upon seeing him, Kat froze, letting her daughter slide to the floor.

"Hale," she said in recognition, her voice a mere whisper. "Berlin, Baby, go back inside," she told the infant, who was inspecting Hale's Italian-made shoes with a child-like interest.

Berlin. After the Berlin job. The girl's name shouldn't have made a difference to Hale, but it did.

Berlin obeyed meekly, skipping into the house behind Kat, black curls bobbing.

Kat stepped into the night. They didn't go far; only to the concrete fence, upon which they both perched, oblivious to the torrential rain.

Hale's eyes raked over Kat's angular face, as though looking at her for the first time. They then dropped to her swollen stomach, clearly visible underneath her light cotton shirt.

"Pregnant again," Hale commented with a bitter smile. "I'm happy for you." And he was, but then again, he would've given anything to have it be his baby her body was growing round with, his child she had held on her hip, his ring on her finger.

"Thanks," she replied, smiling back lightly.

But then their eyes met, both full of things they weren't saying, and her face fell slightly.

"I never stopped loving you," she said, fiddling with the zip on her open raincoat. She then met his gaze. "Not once in all those years."

"And I, you." Hale bit back bile, swallowing hard.

"But I moved on. I had to move on."

"Yes," whispered Hale, wishing he could say the same. "Yes, you did... ...What happened to us?... We used to be... so... compatible."

"We're still compatible." She objected.

"Do you really believe that?"

"No," she answered, façade crumbling. "It just seemed to be the right thing to say, I guess."

They both fell silent.

"Run. Run away with me," Hale said impulsively, reaching for her hand, holding it in his.

"I can't. I've got Berlin, I've got the baby." Her hands automatically pulled from his, dropping to cradle her stomach. "I've got... Nick."

Even though he'd known that was what her answer would be, things didn't cause any less pain for Hale. He could only content himself with looking into her long-lashed, cornflower-blue eyes and knowing that she would always love him as he loved her.

But she would never be his, and that was what hurt him the most, so he had to walk away.

"I should go," he said, dropping a light kiss on her watery cheek, as he made to leave.

"Goodbye Hale." He heard her say for the last time as he walked away. He gave no reply.

It was only halfway down the street that he'd realised that it wasn't just rain that had wet her face.

She'd been crying.

I know that the beginning, middle, and end are appallingly badly written, and that it's kinda sad and depressing, but do you still think that you can bring yourself to review? Please? :/

Next one-shot's gonna be better... I hope. :P




