I have had writer's block for quite some time. Sorry for not putting out a new chapter in so long. Hoping to keep on going! -PCS

Chapter 14: Just Once

Lily was sitting in class thinking about the previous weekend. She had a good time sipping her butterbeer and watching the sunset but there was something about Sev that made her wary. She wasn't sure whether it was the fact that Severus was obsessed with Potter and the idea that he wanted to hurt him or the fact that he felt so distant recently. Lily was losing faith that she would stay friends with Sev. Every time he disappeared it was for those Dark Arts. The things that she detested so much but she could see the good in him. It was a conflict she tried to influence in the correct direction. Lily had yet to see success but she tried all the time even if she thought it was a losing battle.

Severus was grinding his way through his last charms class and headed out the door with some haste. There was a Slug Club meeting to discuss the winter ball and the final touches. He was trying to avoid being seen by anyone who would scoot him into the Great Hall. Snape wanted to be alone. He took the corners of each corridor with accurate precision and right before the Slytherin common room entrance he ran into Professor Slughorn.

Snape nearly ran into him but stopped himself short. He gloomily looked up to the Professor's face and attempted to avoid talking about the ball.

"Excuse me Professor", he said with a small attempt to escape Slughorn's rather long and inane discussions.

"Where you going m'boy? We have the meeting in the Great Hall. You weren't thinking of skipping it now, were you?"

"Uhhh- no Professor. I was just going to my room for a second to-"

"No time for a second. Come now. Time to get this show on the road as the Muggles say."

Slughorn flashed a long but simple smile and Severus unwilling followed his Potion's master to the one place he did not want to be.

Lily and the others were already circled around a sketched out drawing of the Great Hall. The decorations looked marvelous with a nice arctic feeling to the atmosphere. She and the other Slugs pointed out different ways to hang the decorations and how to light certain areas to point out more subtle designs. They were interrupted by the sound of clicking boots as Horace Slughorn entered the room. Their enthusiasm for their ideas halted and all turned to their Club leader. Some students glanced behind him as Severus scooted towards a nearby bench to sit alone and listen.

"Well students, all the arrangements have been made and soon our ball will commence. Before we go any further, would anyone wish to comment or say anything in particular? Do not be afraid."

Alice stood up slowly and said, "Well sir. It seems the Ball has died off as the talk of the school. Whether we announced it too early, or the want for one is rather low, no one has spoken of it at all in a week. This seems to be a problem as it is less than a few days away."

"Yes, Alice, that does seem to pose a problem. Perhaps some of the other students have any ideas to bring this ball back to life?"

The group mumbled a bit and no one said much, if anything. There were a few suggestions that the students themselves shot down before anyone else could say a word. The silence creeped into the conversation and eventually everyone was quiet.

"Make it a masque." The words broke the dead air with a strong thought.

Everyone glanced over past the group and to Severus who was sitting alone in the corner of the room. They all looked at each other with a slightly perturbed look behind each glance but then they reevaluated. They all stammered with a "Huh." or a "Hmm...". No one seemed to add much until Lily finally stared him down with a curious eye. He was being serious from her perspective which was something different for Snape to do. He wasn't one for contributing to group activities.

"A masque sounds wonderful." Lily said with a simple smile. Her green eyes concentrating sharply still locked on to Severus, the person she had not talk to for days.

Slughorn nodded in unison with the rest of the group, "A brilliant idea, dear boy. Brilliant. Well done."

Severus barely lifted his dark eyes towards the words of admiration. He just stared at his hands with a contemptuous gleam for being caught and for being there period. His heart ached every time Lily looked his direction. Heartstrings that were tugged each and every way until he couldn't stand the thought of her green eyes even looking at him. Snape wasn't sure if he should have even suggested the masque but there would be only one opportunity to get just one dance.

"How to implement it though?" Slughorn thought aloud with a quirky tinge to each word.

Alice grinned widely and she stood up immediately, "Well, sir. I have been studying charms recently. Advanced ones, sir. I was glancing over and I saw this charm to protect one's self from Dark creatures like Dementors. I believe it was the Patronus Charm?"

"Yes dear. It is a very advanced charm indeed but what of it?" The Professor asked with curious grin skimming across his face.

"Well, sir, I was wondering. Is there any way that the charm can be used to make the masques?"

Slughorn slummed over the idea for a moment before fully commenting. "I am afraid not my dear. That magic draws upon inner memory to power it. The happiest memory you can remember to make it become a fully formed, animal-like shape. That would take a lot of magic to have it attach that image to a mask. More magic than some would be willing to use for a simple ball of ours. We will just have to encourage students to make their own."

Alice nodded solemnly before sitting back down and giving a tender shrug. Lily gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze before taking Alice's place, "All the decorations have been planned and simulated several times giving quite a nice atmosphere. With these new plans, we could add some small details to show the masque detail. Other than that, we are in a wrap up phase and should be ready for Friday to commence Professor."

Horace's gooseberry eyes stared at Lily for a moment, nodding at the right intervals, and he spoke, "Well, it seems all is in accordance. Now to spread the word around about it being changed to masque and we shall be on our way. A few posters at a few select points should do the trick. Until our next meeting at the Ball, all have a lovely few days. Don't come without someone adorned on your arm." He gave a tender wink before curling around his robes and heading out the Great Hall.

As soon as Slughorn had left so did Snape. He tried to wriggle his way out as the Slug Club was busy thinking of ways to tell the students and staff. He made it to the exit of the Great Hall before an "Ahem." was announced clearly and crisply behind him.

Severus turned on his heels biting his lower lip momentarily and turned to face Lily.

Her jade green eyes stared at him with a clean glare that was mixed with concern and confusion, "What was that back there?"

Her head turned as to indicate in the Hall behind them. Lily's fiery red hair curled around her jawline, wishing in the small movement, before settling back to its shoulder length position. Snape took in a small breath through his flaring nostrils and stared at the gray, cobbled ground to think of an excuse.

"I realized that if no one else could think of a solution that perhaps adding a bit of mystery to something would intrigue everyone." It was clean, simple, and logical but the way he said it indicated there was some other motive, some other thought. Severus clenched his jaw and moved his lips in a motion that showed his nervousness.

"I see—"Lily looked at him for a short while taking in his whole presence before noting the dark bags under his coal black eyes and the even lighter shade of his skin. He had clearly not been sleeping well. "It was a good suggestion. It was nice to see you again. I missed my best friend in Potions, Sev."

Severus looked away from her, he had to. The words felt like a sharp sting in his chest; a puncture that would never heal. He nervously rubbed his left shoulder with his right hand trying to massage the hurt away from his mind. It didn't work. Snape's lips moved to make words but nothing came out. His dark, midnight eyes apologized to her with all that he could but it felt as though he was failing. He closed his eyes in disappointment.

Warmth curled around him and it scared his pale, cold skin. He suddenly opened his eyes in a slight shock. Lily was hugging him; comforting him. Snape's lithe arms fell to their sides unsure of what to do in this instant. It felt like forgiveness but he never had received it without trying harder than this. He didn't know if this was real or imaginary.

Severus wrapped his arms around her in a loose fit as if hesitant to accept her close to him. As if he didn't want to be this vulnerable to her actions, but he let it happen. He let her in as he always had in the past. Lily was the only one that knew him. The only who cared and that meant everything to him. She let go and backed away leaving Snape awkwardly arms wide but that quickly dissipated. He cleared his throat and dropped his lengthy arms to his sides once more.

"I'll see you at the Ball, Lily." He said shortly.

She looked somewhat confused with a sideways smile donned on her lips. "Thought you weren't going?"

He turned to walk away and remarked lightly, "Slughorn said I needed to be there. I will be but for a short while. I have a previous engagement to work on."

"Oh, well, in that case, we should dance together!" Lily said with excitement laced within her demeanor.

"Perhaps we will." Snape remarked before waving a short goodbye. The ball was going to be soon enough.

The night of the ball had finally arrived. All of Hogwarts was invited and students flooded into the Great Hall. The room was decorated to the coldness of the late January air. The hall was transformed into a winter wonderland. There were icicles hanging from the frame of the door to the huge windows at the back of the hall. The room was lit brightly with lights beckoning off of each crystal piece on the room giving a magical glow. The blue and white snowflakes fell down from the roof above and drifted back and forth with the flow of the music. A refreshment table was located in the back corner. The blue tablecloths when touched had a vibrant red hue form across its surface in the shape of what affected it.

The students were dressed in the highest fashion and each wore their own homemade masks. There were ferrets, dogs, cats, and even a werewolf. It was quite a loud ruckus in the Hall but when Dumbledore stood to speak, the noise fell silent. He remarked that the festivities were open and that all should have the time of their life. At the end of the speech, the music began. The Slug Ball was underway.

Severus sat in the corner with a fresh pair of dress robes. He had them delivered this past week in light of the events. However, he did not purchase them himself; someone had gifted them to him in a kind gesture. He didn't know who or why but he was grateful. Snape was one of the few in the room without a mask. He attributed not wearing one to the fact that the effort would not be worth the cost of making it. He would have to leave early. His eyes skimmed the room looking for Lily but to no avail. Slughorn had seen him and that was all the clearance he needed to leave.

Severus approached the exit gladly when a doe entered the Hall. Her fiery, red hair was an outstandingly recognizable feature and more importantly her eyes were something that Snape could see from a mile away. As soon as they met gazes, they both stopped in recognition. Lily's friends stopped but she motioned them to move on without her.

"Hello, Sev." Her beautiful smile curled upwards under her doe mask. Snape thought it was a fitting thing to wear. She was a free, light, and kind person. The perfect match.

"Hello, Lily." Snape stood straight and smiled widely in return, "You look beautiful."

Her freckled cheeks burned with a bright red that matched her hair. Lily was unsure of how to reply. Their gazes, however, remained locked.

"About that dance…uhm. It will have to be delayed for a bit. I have a previous engagement to get to but enjoy." Snape quickly dashed out with no other words and Lily felt a little stranded.

Her fingers curled around a small note that she had received the previous evening from her date. It read:

"I believe the day is tomorrow. I will be there and I am hoping you can recognize me. I will be wearing a silver tie and black dress robes. My animal is a match to yours in every way. Will you be able to find me? I am quite certain I will find you. – HBP"

As soon as Lily entered the room and her eyes perused every single mask in search of her other. Her match was somewhere in the sea of endless students. It was a flood to the senses. The colours that bounced around threw her eyes a curveball when she saw bright hues. She didn't mind it thought. Lily was going to find this boy who admired her from afar. Her heart brimmed with an excitement that couldn't be tamed. It was an endless wave of stigma that washed over her again and again. She paused for a moment staring down a stag that was on the other side of the room. The boy in the mask was wearing a silver tie and black dress robes. Her heart jumped as he began to approach her with a smirk on his face.

"I see you found me, Lily." The gruff voice was very familiar to her ears and she backed away for a moment.

"Potter?" Her green eyes sneered at the very thought that this was his game. His trick. His way of getting her to date him.

"The one and only." He laughed at his own elation of the events that were about to unfold in his mind but as soon as he looked away from her, the sooner she disappeared back into the crowd.

A hand had snatched Lily backwards and held a firm grip around her own hand. Her savior led the way as the two fled through the waves of students as the song began to die down and everyone applauded the beautiful ensemble. The next song would be only a minute away.

When he finally let go and turned to her, Lily finally had a good look at HBP. He had light brown hair, and dark black eyes. He stood a foot or so above her own height with pale skin like most of the Londoners that went to Hogwarts.

HBP stood there letting her examine him. She glanced at his silver tie and fresh dress robes. She was, needless to say, impressed. Lily finally greeted him hello and noted his mask.

"A fox?" Her voice inquired curiously. How is that my match?

"Yes, a fox. Intelligent, quick, agile, sharp and sly." He smirked widely revealing a small dimple that only showed on one side of his face.

"How exactly is that—"

"-your match? Well, it's quite easy to think about. A doe is kind, gentle, resourceful, and beautiful. Things a fox does not have. But what he does have, he can offer to a doe. A balance for both. Is that not what a match means in that end? Balance?" His words were weaved with logic but also with a compassion that was reflected in his dark eyes that held her gaze and never let it go.

Lily could not really think letting the moments soak into her. She just looked around in a constant smile. The music was beginning again and his strong hands gently wrapped their way around her tiny waist and took her hand in his.

"Are we going to dance then?" She said getting ready for the night of her life.

"Perhaps just once." The waltz music had begun and soon their feet were off in perfect unison.