Hetalia Host club crossover!


Germany as Tamaki

Italy as Haruhi

Austria as Kyoya

Russia as Mori

Sealand as Honey

France and England as Hikaru and Kaoru


America as Rengae

And Holy Rome as Bossanova!

Okay folks we've got a great show for you! Let's go!

****Cue theme song****

Moving through the halls is a boy of about sixteen; he has auburn hair that has a little curl that refuses to stay in place. He's new at the school, Hetalia academy and people don't know a lot about him. At his old school people used to pick on him and his brother, who is with a friend of their parents for the school year. This boy's name is Feliciano, he is Italian but lots of people at Hetalia Academy are from other countries so this is nothing special. Feliciano eats lunch away from the other students; actually he does almost everything away from the other students as he is terrified that he will get picked on again. Feliciano is looking for a quiet place to eat, when he finds them. The host club… it consists of six boys, each of them stunningly handsome. Feliciano does not know it yet, but he will make the seventh member.

{{{{{{Starting today, you make seven!}}}}}}

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt! I'll leave!" Feliciano started to back out, but was stopped by a boy with blonde hair, blue eyes and a German accent.

"Wait! What's your name?" he practically shouts into Feliciano's face gripping his shoulders and shaking him.

"F-Feliciano V-Vargas…" the Italian stuttered

"Roderich! Why is this boy so Familiar?"

A boy with almost black hair and glasses replied in a similar accent, "Feliciano Vargas, age: sixteen, Grades: average, his Grandfather used to teach here… actually he taught your first year class, Feliciano must bear some resemblance."

"Ja!" He smiled widely "That's where I remember you from!"

"You know my grandpa? Oh good you had me fooled I thought you were a bunch of crazies for a minute!" It should be noted that Feliciano is very clumsy.

Another member of the host club with shoulder-length blonde hair brought his face too close for comfort to Feliciano's and tugged his perky curl. "Why is your hair so unkempt, mon ami?"

The Italians face exploded in a blush "P-please don't t-t ouch that!" he shot backwards into a very tall boy with hair so blonde it was almost white, he immediately creeped Feli out. The tall boy had a light colored scarf around his neck that Feliciano didn't understand since it was the middle of spring. In his attempt to evade the Tall be-scarfed boy he tripped over a small blonde boy who began crying.

"Ivaaaan!" The boy had a hint of a British accent. The tall silent creeper picked up the short boy and wiped the fat tears from his face.

"Calm down Peter the new kid didn't hurt you too bad." The tall one had what Feliciano recognized as a Russian accent. The small one stopped crying. Feliciano backed away from the strange scene and into a table, knocking it over. Stupid Italian. On this table sat a brand new tea set complete with a cream pitcher and little matching spoons. Which is now in a trillion tiny pieces on the ground.

"Oh, now you did it you Bloody wanker! That was going to sell for 14,000 pounds in an upcoming auction!" Feliciano thought about how many Euros that would be… it's a little over 16,000. "You're going to have to pay us back for that!"

"I-I don't have that much money!" the Italian had no Idea how to pay these weirdos back.

"Roderich, how can this poor child pay us the money he owes us?" The German said.

"Well that money was to benefit the club; I suppose that he could join our ranks and help us collect enough profit to repay us. What do you think?"

"Brilliant!" he dramatically sat in a chair that seemed to pop out of nowhere, "There's a saying you may have heard Vargas. When in Rome do as the Romans do. That's why, starting today, you make seven!"


"I suppose we should properly introduce the rest of the club! Club, assemble!"

The Hosts sauntered over and stood in a not so straight line, and under the instruction of the German boy gave their names.

"Roderich Edelstein, pleasure."

"Francis Bonnefroy!"

"Arthur Kirkland, how do you do?"

"Peter Kirkland, I forgive you for squishing me."

"Ivan Braginski, I hope we can be good friends."

"And I'm Ludwig Beilldshmidt it's good to have you!"

"You guys can call me Feli."

"Now, someone fix what he's wearing before the girls get here!"


The rest of the hosts giggled, this scared Feliciano. "You will see soon enough mon ami, for now let's see what we can do with the hideous clothes you wear." Francis grabbed Arthur and Feli and ran to a changing room. He gave Feli a clean uniform of good quality and instructed him to change out of the more normal clothes he was wearing. The Italian can pull off the outfit, and the Englishman and the Frenchman tell him so. Feliciano can sense some tension between the two (sexual tension?). The two make last minute adjustments to the Italian, just in time too, as the girls have arrived.

My friend gave me the Idea so I guess technically she and I are the parents… yes there will be more, there will be much more! KTHXBAI~! ^v^