I apologize for keeping you guys wait so long . .. . To anybody who still reviews this, Thank you so much1

Everyone waited with the stiff tense room's atmosphere as the forcekept scrolling, lookingfor a fic to force someone to read. They were allfidgting, hoping heywould not be chosen to read the next fic. the force finally stopped at one. Everyone was awake, the force woke Ritsu up.

shigure,Read. Shigurehesitently stoodup and went in front of the computer, than turned and looked at evryone.

'i'd like you alltoplease place all sharp objects on this table, and rememberthis is someone elses work, not mine or anyone el-"

'STFu and read!" Kyou yelled. shigure nodded, sighed and sat.

The Smell of Cinnamon

By: MonkeyOfAlchemy

Summary: a fluffy fic of cuteness lol omg!

shigure croched his eyebrow.

'This may actually be, a sane story." Rin stated.

Ritsu sat in his room thinking whilehugging his stuffed sheep Hiro , stuffed cat Kiyo and his stuffed Rooster Kureno.

'Is this supposed to imply something?" Haru asked

'No not at all!" Ritsu sighed, feeling bad that the poor former monkey symbol was having histurn of torture.

He just couldnot get her out of his head, the one who smelled like cinnamon.

'i know those feelings, shigure playfully sobbed. Risu blushed and smiled.

"I hope I'll find a girl like that one day.' he stuttered

It made him hard just thinking of her.

Wha WHAT?1 Ritsu panicked 'I'msorry, I'm sorry! pelase don't hurt me! This isn't true!"

"Didn't need to knowthat . . ."Kureno said with a cocked eye brow, everyone in the room agreed.

he assumed that Hiro was the same way with kisa.

kisa started blubbering "Huh, wha?

'I haveto leave before I kill Ritsu" Hiro said bluntly as hestood. He then left By now ritsu was trembling and crying whispering I'm sorry while whimperinglike a dog.

He wantedto hold her, caress her, touch her in all the sexy places

"We get it!" everyone yelled

The problem was it was not just one girl . . .it was two.

"You horny bastard haru remarked.'

'NONONONONONNONONONONONONONONONONO"ritsu yelled, "I would never ask fro more than one girl!

It was a very tough choice. One had the right personality but a flat as hell body, the other had a hot curvy body but she was a bitch!


Every night, he would pray for a solution to his problem. he asked for a girl with Tohru's personality but bitchy Rin's body.

Shigure looked back immediately after reading thisto find Ritsu had already gained two black eyes from rin and was now screaming and crying aplogies. tohru kept blinking, with a sad look in her eyes.

I'M SO SORRY, I REALLY AM SO DISGRACEFUL AND VILE IM SO SORRY EVERYONE, I DID NOT MEAN TO B SO HORRID!" Ayame pats his friend reassuring him that everything wouuld be alright.

fast forward a bit, it's the annual new years which Tohru'd snuck in to using, methods.

'I would never!'

Kyou'd been locked up and Tohru was depressed, so she had to get to a party. Somehow.

"I really don't like this chick' Kyou gritted now shaking,Tohru put her armsaroun kyou trying to calm him down.

So she came to the New Years party, Saw Momiji and Kagura dance like morons

"Hey!" the two mentioned protested.

Got real drunk

everyone shuttered at this idea as Tohru started shaking, fearing what may happen next.

Rin too got drunk, but she'd been doing this for a while.


This had been a particularly bad week though, So Rin drank a lot more since the alchohol was there.

rin was face palming while crying

Now drunk Tohru and rin were holding hands skipping through the Sohma complex.

Shigure and Ayame snickered Rin death glared them

The alchohol made them feel hot, so they started stripping righ there


they then felt really cold due to the weather and went into the nearest house

"This iswhat they mean by Alchohol making you make stupid choices" Hatori said as he faced the kids

"Is anyone home?" they chimed together. Ritsu came out of the room

Ritsu shook now uncontrollably crying, apologizing

Seeing his two lovers naked, made him so very hard The girls walked to Ritsu and seductivly pulled him intohis room and shut the door.

"STOP IT STOP IT" Rin and ritsu kept yelling. Tohru was shaking violently in fear

They sexily took Ritsu's clothes off while Ritsu blushd, but stayed frozen at first, trying to take it all in. he then helped the two finish.

Everyone was disgusted by this story, just wanted it to end.

Tohru and Rin then played aroundsuggestively with ritsu's tingaling until Ritsu stopped them and placed it in-


Half the Juusanshi were passed out from the horror.

alright then, we'll pick another story

the force backed out of this story and found another . ..

What is this about? Tnein Next Time Which should be next week at thelatest. I'm so sososososososossosososososossosososoossosoosososo sorry for so much waiting. Please review if youlike~!