Author's Note: My final note to you is at the end of this chapter. Thanks for your love and support. =]

The End is Merely the Beginning

"We'll be fine, Mum." Albus groaned as his Mother continued to fret over leaving her two technically grown sons and almost grown daughter at home for a week while she went on a couple's vacation with Ron, Hermione, George, Angelina, Luna, and Rolf on a tropical island. She really needed the vacation, but leaving her children at home (no matter how old they were) was hard.

"Ginny, we're going to be late if we don't leave now." Harry looked at his watch in a sort of stressed-out fashion that caused Ginny to nod.

"Alright, alright. Be good!" She called as Harry smiled once at his children before guiding his wife out of the house and to their port key for paradise.

"So, what do you guys want to do this weekend?" Albus smiled as his siblings shared a look that he knew he wouldn't have caught had he not been looking for it. "Aww, no…Don't just ditch me." He frowned as Dominique appeared out of nowhere from the fireplace.

"I'm looking for a place with Adora and Fred today. Sorry mate." James shrugged.

"I'm going to hang out with Scorpius. Dad has been making me help sort through files with him all summer, so I never get to go and see Scorp." Lily pouted as Albus frowned his resolve to take charge of his younger sister's life for the next week faltering at her manipulative expression.

"So, let's all just meet up at that new wizarding club in London tonight." Dom proposed with a grin as all three Potters turned to face her with a shrug of acceptance.

"Lil's is under age…" Albus frowned as he looked at his little sister.

"Right…and a new club is going to say no to her?" Dom gave them a devil-may-care expression. "Leave Lily getting into the club to me… No one will even know it was her and Roxy at the club." She smiled as Albus sighed and nodded. There was no arguing with Dom once her mind was made up. "Perfect! You two go run off and find your plus one's." She grinned as she turned towards Albus. "We have some errands to run, Al." She waved as the other two Potters grinned and left before Albus could change his mind.

"Scorpius…" Lily laughed as he walked behind her, their bodies pressed together lightly as he led her through some building. "…Where are you taking me?" He had blindfolded her as soon as she had shown up at the Manor; and then promptly apparated them somewhere.

"Okay, okay, one moment." Scorpius grinned as he waved his wand and wordlessly the lock of the door clicked open. "Alright, just a few more steps and you can see." He smiled as he walked her into a large open room with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking a river that ran past the building on one side. The opposite view of the room showcased a street lined with shops and restaurants. The floor was a light wood (so unlike all of the deep dark woods in Malfoy Manor); and the walls were white – a completely blank slate. "Okay, open your eyes." He grinned in anticipation as she moved the blindfold up and looked around the room, a small smile forming on her lips.

"Scorpius, is this your flat?" She smiled as his grin grew. "Oh Merlin! You bought a flat!" She catapulted herself into his arms nearly knocking him over as she hugged him tightly before kissing him soundly. "Congratulations!"

"What do you think?" He couldn't help but chuckle at her ecstatic response as she began peeking around the place. Checking out the kitchen on the other side of the bar, looking at the views the windows had to offer, and opening closets…

"I love it!" She smiled as she stepped out of her heels and walked around the place barefooted. "Do you have a bedroom or…?" She looked around as he laughed and picked her up cradling her in his arms causing her to squeal momentarily. "Of course we have a bedroom. What sort of bloke do you take me for?"

She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck before pressing one small kiss against the base of his neck. "A poor one just out of Hogwarts?" She joked knowing good-and-well that just graduated or not, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy was filthy rich.

He chuckled as he walked down a hallway passing up a bathroom door before pushing another door open with his foot. "I'll only be poor in spirit when you're not here with me." He teased slightly as she nuzzled herself closer to him. "And this, my princess, is our lair…" He teased as she laughed looking up around the spacious bedroom where a four-poster was flanked by bed stands. However, the room was otherwise empty.

"Ohh…our lair?" She smiled as he smirked before dropping her on top of the bed with a bounce causing her to squeal and laugh.

Scorpius smiled as he crawled atop the bed, pinning Lily underneath him without actually putting any of his weight on her. "If you want it to be…" He grinned as she nodded before leaning down to kiss her, her arms instantly wrapping around his neck.

"Let's just stay here all week…" Scorpius smiled between kisses as Lily giggled and pulled him down by his shirt collar.

"Okay…But we have to go out tonight. My family wants to go clubbing." She laughed as he sighed against her neck.

"Can we sneak away?" He smiled a flame in his eyes as she kissed him passionately.

"The first chance we get." She smiled as she felt his hands tangling in her hair as she kissed him softly.

"Clothe thyself!" Dom yelled with a grin as she pushed the door to Scorpius' new flat open with a bang.

Albus looked around the flat uncomfortably as Roxy flounced over to a chair and sat down. "You know Dom, you can be right creepy when you want to be. How did you even know where this place was?" He looked around the desolate flat uncomfortably as Dom began turning the kitchen counter into a vanity with makeup and hair supplies.

"She paid off Scorpius' realtor." Roxy supplied in a bored tone as Dom grinned proudly; and Albus' eyes went wide. "Hey Malfoy!" Roxy smiled as the blonde-haired boy entered the room looking ruffled and surprised. "Nice place you have here for occasions like this."

"Thanks…" Scorpius looked at Roxy before shaking his head and looking at Dom and Albus. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you lot even get in?" He raised an eyebrow as Lily lifted herself up so that she was sitting on a space on the kitchen counter

"I have my ways, Malfoy." Dom smiled with a wink. "That's all I'm giving away."

"AKA she whores herself out to get information…" Roxy trailed off as Lily smirked and Albus choked.

Dom rolled her eyes with a good natured smile. "I never actually do anything. I just you know use my assets to get my way is all." She smiled as Albus continued to gape slightly. "Really Al, close your mouth. If you don't use it, you lose it. Therefore use your gifts, assets, whatever!" She smiled as Lily and Roxy started laughing hysterically.

"Want to go pick up food while these three get ready?" Al shook his head as he looked uncomfortably at Scorpius. Spending time with Malfoy seemed more enjoyable than hearing anymore about his veela cousin's dodgy behavior.

Scorpius looked around the room to see Dom already charming Lily's hair so that it was straight. "Uhh…yeah, let's." He nodded before giving Lily a slightly nervous glance before following Albus out of the flat and down into the crowded London streets.

"You look so different…" Scorpius couldn't help but stare at Lily (who according to her new ID was Athena Goffrey). Lily's normally slightly curly dark auburn (more dark brown than red) hair was straightened to midway down her back. Her ocean-colored eyes were so dark they almost appeared black, all traces of the light blue and green gone. Her makeup was did more over-the-top than Scorpius was used to; and she had on one of Dom's short/tight (admittedly skanky) black dresses and black strappy heels.

She couldn't help but laugh and kiss her boyfriend as they slipped into the club. "Do you like it?" She smiled as she raised an eyebrow, not altogether pleased or displeased with her appearance. The only major difference was her eye color.

"I like your real eye color best. You know it sort of swirls like a sea…a mixture of blue and little flecks of green…" Scorpius blushed slightly as Lily grinned and kissed him. "I like you. Even if your eyes are all dark and your hair's straight."

"Good answer." She smiled as she pulled him towards the bar and away from her various family members that were either scoping out the scene or dispersing to get their own drinks. "Six dragon-fire shots, please…" She smirked as Scorpius wrapped his arms around her from behind protectively.

"Are we trying to recreate the last Slytherin party, Petal?" He smiled as his breath tickled her ear; and he felt her shiver ever-so-slightly.

"Definitely not." Lily turned in his arms, her back against the bar. "I don't plan on sleeping tonight, Scorp…" She bit her lip as she watched his reaction – his breath seeming to hitch slightly in his throat.

"Are you sure?" His voice was deep and velvety as she nodded and pressed her lips against his.

"Absolutely positive." She heard the shot glasses being lined up behind her, but ignored it as she continued to gaze into his eyes. "And the only reason I'm telling you this now is because I know you're too noble or whatever to listen to what I say later when I'm drunk." She watched as he nodded mutely, his hands pulling her waist closer to him.

"Get it, James!" Dom called laughing as she grinded against a random wizard. She was fairly tipsy as she watched James and Adora making out in a nearby corner. Albus was hitting on a particularly pretty brunette witch. Rose was smiling over the same drink that she had gotten when they entered the club as she talked to an old classmate. Roxy was grinding against her boyfriend beside Dom, while Fred sat at a table playing a drinking game with Aleera Thomas, Louis, and Molly. She had lost track of Scorpius and Lily ages ago – though she had a sneaking suspicion she knew where they had wandered off to. They were almost as revolting as James and Adora…but they had had the good sense to find a more secluded spot.

Lily felt her back thud against the door to Scorpius' flat without really feeling it. Her head seemed fuzzy and clear all at once as Scorpius continued to kiss her neck, his hands slowly undoing the buttons on the back of her dress. She allowed her hands to tangle in his hair which was sticking up at awkward angles as he finally managed to open the door whilst holding her closely.

He smiled as Lily threw his tie onto the counter as he continued to carry her towards his bedroom. He opened the door as she undid the final button on his shirt and he kicked the door closed behind them. "Positive?" His voice was silky as he kissed the skin beside her ear, her dress discarded somewhere beside his trousers.

"Mhmm…" She smiled as she pulled his lips down to her's while simultaneously letting her hands wander down his back slowly…

Lily awoke with a start as she noticed the heavy arm around her bare torso. The previous night came rushing back to her all at once as she felt Scorpius breathing softly behind her. She was careful to turn towards him slowly, taking in his peaceful expression and disheveled hair. She couldn't help the smile that took over her expression as she traced his jaw line causing him to stir unbeknownst to her.

His voice was a deep raspy timbre as he smiled down at Lily – her appearance back to normal. He couldn't help the swelling of happiness in his chest at waking up beside her. "Good morning…" He smirked as she looked up startled and a bit like she had been caught red-handed.

She leaned in and kissed him deeply, the sheet slipping below her midriff. "Good morning." She laughed as his hands wrapped around her waist pulling her flush against him.

"We should do this more often…waking up next to each other." He smiled as she kissed his neck softly, moving herself so that she was straddling him.

"We really should." She grinned as she kissed him.

The rest of the summer was spent in a similar fashion. Lily escaping her Father's office to 'run errands' aka, meet Scorpius (at his apartment, or at a restaurant for lunch, or any place they could think of). After dinner with her own family she'd spend time with Scorpius at Malfoy Manor until late into the night. And for the longest period of time, it seemed to Lily as if she may get her wish – in which the summer would never end. But as things always go, the summer did come to a close; but the end of the summer didn't signal an end to the relationship in any way.

The Time Between

"I'll write you guys, promise." Lily smiled as she hugged her parents one last time as her eyes darted towards Scorpius stationed a few feet away waiting patiently on her.

"Alright. Have fun! We love you…" Ginny smiled softly as Lily waved while practically skipped towards Scorpius a large smile on her face.

Scorpius smiled at Lily as he stood in front of her on the train platform. Her parents were stood a few feet away talking to Ron and Hermione Weasley. "I'll miss you, Petal." He kissed her forehead softly his hands caressing her cheeks as she pulled away to look up into his eyes.

"You'll write, won't you?" She couldn't help but bite her lip as Scorpius chuckled and nodded – this conversation a repeat of one they had had many times now. "And you're going to come see me the first Hogsmeade weekend – no matter what?"

"Lil's, I wouldn't miss that weekend for anything." He kissed her lips softly, ignoring the fact that her father and uncle were probably watching them at this moment.

She felt her body stiffen as the final train whistle blew. "I'll see you soon…" She held her tears back as Scorpius squeezed her hands in his before bringing her in for one last tight hug.

"I love you!" He smiled as she hopped on the train and mouthed the words back – her eyes never leaving his as the train grew smaller in the distance.

Lily smiled as she rounded the corner to the main street in Hogsmeade. She had been counting down the next time she'd see Scorpius since the train had left the station. She loved reading his daily letters; and even liked the frequent letters she received from his mother and grandmother…but this was what she had been waiting for.

"Hey Petal! Didn't know it'd been so long that you wouldn't recognize me." Scorpius smirked jokingly as his girlfriend turned around quickly in surprise, before jumping him – her legs wrapping around his waist of their own accord as he held onto her chuckling.

"Not recognize you? Never!" She smiled as she kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I've missed you so much." She smiled as he nuzzled his face against her hair breathing in her scent.

"Not as much as I've missed you." He smiled as he kissed her softly. "It's too quiet without you around…" He smiled softly as she grinned at this statement.

They spent the day walking around Hogsmeade hand-in-hand clearly in-love. They stopped for lunch and a drink at 'The Leaky Cauldron' before going to the Shrieking Shack to be alone for a while. Despite the lack of time they'd spent together recently, it seemed as if no time had passed all. They easily fell into each other's company; and before they were ready the first visit was over.

"I'll see you at your's for Christmas Eve then?" Lily smiled as she played with the fringe of hair at the base of Scorpius' neck.

"Yes." He smiled as he kissed the tip of her nose, leaves blowing around their feet. "My family wouldn't want to spend a holiday any other way."

"Me either." She smiled as she kissed him passionately before hugging him tightly, willing time to stop for just a little while.

With one hand, Scorpius smoothed back his silvery white hair as he pulled away from Lily's embrace. "I'll see you round for Holiday then." He smiled warmly as Lily nodded before standing on her tip-toes and gave him one last kiss.

Author's Note and Preview

Author's Note:

First off, I would love to thank absolutely everyone who has stuck with me while I wrote and sporadically updated this story. And an especially HUGE thanks goes out to all those reviewers/readers that pm'ed me when I got lazy about updating and kept me on my game (you know who you are) – if it weren't for you, I can honestly say that this story would not be at the point that it has made it to. When I posted this story, I had hoped that someone would enjoy reading it. However, I never expected the support and love that I received through all of your reviews, pm's, and favoriting. So thank you.

I am sorry that it took me so long to post this final chapter, but it was very hard for me to end this story. It was hard to close this story (even though I know I have a sequel that I love to work on for it) because this will be the very first story (that is longer than a one-shot) that I have successfully completed from start to finish. So this is both happy and sad for me – an accomplishment and a moving on of sorts.

I hope that those of you that read and enjoyed this story continue to read my stories and leave reviews to encourage me. And I especially hope that you give the sequel to this story a chance. Yes, the sequel will be different. These two will have to find each other and their relationship all over again. They'll be more mature and different people (considering years have passed from this story to the start of the next)…but as always at heart it will remain a LilyScor love story.

As always, I'd love to hear any of your thoughts or questions about any of my stories or anything else. May you continue to enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing stories for you to read.

Luvies, T


Story Name: "When I Find You, I'll Find Me"

IMPORTANT *** It should be noted that the following are scenes/teasers from multiple and different chapters of the sequel. The scenes don't all go together/flow obviously – they're not meant to. These are simply meant to tease you and entice you to read the sequel.

"Hey Lily." Harry smiled with a surprised yet sleepy smile as he stood to hug his daughter. They had all been at the Ministry Ball earlier that night; and he hadn't expected his daughter to show up at her childhood home, not that he wasn't happy to see her because he certainly was. "Is everything okay?" He frowned as he finally noticed her hurt expression and the way she tensed as he hugged her.

"I know what you did." Lily's voice was on the edge of hysteria, somewhere between hot anger and intense tears, as she watched her father's face pale and his expression change rapidly. "How could you!" Her eyes were ablaze with fire as she stood glaring up at her father as he leaned against the fireplace in the Potter home-office shell-shocked. She felt her body tremble with rage and an engrained sadness. All of those emotions, those feelings about an event that she couldn't wrap her head around at the time that it had happened, surfaced and finally as things became clearer she felt more betrayed then she could've ever imagined.

"Lily…" Harry's voice was laced with a sort of stern apathy as his daughter backed away from him, a disgusted expression on her face as she shook his hand off harshly.

"Don't even. You couldn't possibly ever say anything to make this situation better." She shook her head as angry tears began to spill onto her cheeks.

"What's going on in here?" Ginny appeared in the doorway in her house robe as she looked at her upset husband and teary-eyed daughter. "Harry?" She looked at her silent husband a moment before realizing that he couldn't or wouldn't respond. "Lily? What is it, dear?" As she went to place a comforting hand on her daughter's arm, Lily backed away shaking her head clearly distraught.

"Why don't you ask him? Apparently he can voice everything for me better than I ever could for myself." She shook her head before brushing past her mother and leaving her childhood home without a second glance.

"I'm getting married!" Roxy squealed excitedly as she pushed her engagement ring into her favorite cousin's face.

"Ahh!" Lily squealed happily as she took Roxy's hand examining the ring. "He finally proposed!" She couldn't help the large grin that covered her face as she hugged Roxy tightly as they jumped around in elation.

"Ten galleons to the person that finds someone to go home with first?" Albus raised an eyebrow with a smile as Dom smirked and Fred grinned, both nodding.

"Be prepared to pay up, boys." Dom smirked as she flipped her perfect blonde hair over her shoulder, a brilliant smile making its way onto her face.

"Whatever Veela." Fred joked with a cocky grin. "We have that Weasley charm on our side." He smirked as Albus chuckled before leaving the two to their banter so that he could get an uneeded head start…

"I just wish that they were happy…" Astoria sighed as she looked into her vanity mirror, her husband massaging her shoulders softly from behind.

Draco nodded before pulling away with a teasing smirk. "I'm just happy I'm not the one that royally messed things up. One for Draco, none for…"

"Shush!" Astoria couldn't help the amused expression that crossed her face as she spun to face her husband. "That's horrible to hold a competition like that."

"Only if you're the loser…" He joked as she shook her head before pulling them towards their bed.

"Lily?" Scorpius couldn't keep the shock from his voice as he came across his one-time-love in the library of his parents' home.

"Scorpius…" She knew that she shouldn't be shocked to see him here of all places, but for some reason she was. "…How are you?" She played with the corner of the book she had been holding as she took in his appearance. He looked much the same as he had the last time she saw him…but this time a feeling very different than the one she had experienced the last time surfaced in the pit of her stomach and heart.

"Alright, I suppose…Busy with work and all." He pulled at his suddenly very tight tie uncomfortably as she nodded.

"Yeah. Your Father told me that…" She bit her lip as she stared at the man that physically didn't look so different from the boy that had stolen heart years ago…


In Response:

Al-Orange Ninja: Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed this story.

speedsONEandONLY: Hahaha, not at all! And France - just vacationing, a day trip...

twilightlover212: Sadly no. =( Unless someone gets creative, which we can hope for! And so much drama awaits, haha. But so does a lot of humor too...

amama123: Thanks! And I hope you still feel that way.

Leftmango: Thanks Mango! I tried, haha

Jessica682: I'm sorry. :( But as the title fo the chapter susggests, this is merely a springboard for the sequel, so be happy and excited for that!

bookworm1519: Hog up my reviews all you want! =D And I do hope you like the sequel...

DracoluverAlanna: This last chapter ended up being a bit more like a filler chapter. A sort of springboard for what's to come... And minx is the best word!

Annabella Prinx: Aww thanks! And Slytherin Pride always! =D

Bucky5: Thank you for absolutely everything. I hope you'll continue to read my've always been so kind and helpful. Sorry I got off on my newst updating schedule right when you comment on it, lol. Hopefully I'll be better now. =]