Vile: Well, yet again, I strayed off course with my ideas and ended up starting something new, but I couldn't help it! I had to write something for ZEXAL.

Yuma: I'm good with it! Whatever gets us more screentime is fine!

Vile: Glad you approve, Yuma. This won't be a very long story, maybe around 4-5 chapters, but I'll do my best.

Kotori: Who all will appear in this story?

Vile: Pretty much all characters who are friendly with Yuma, and at least one OC who will show up later. Shark will thank me for that, heh heh.

Shark: We'll see about that. Who's got the disclaimer?

Astral: Vile does not own Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL or any of it characters. He does, however, own the aforementioned OC as well as any cards used that do not exist.

Vile: Thank you, Astral. Now then, on with the show!

39 & 13 means Love

Chapter 1

"Hmm… Hmm…" Yuma hummed as he sat on a bench in Heartland Park, thinking to himself. The matter was quite important to him, as Astral noted while observing him. "What could I possibly get her…?"

"Who are you referring to, Yuma?" Astral asked suddenly, startling Yuma.

"Do you have to pop up out of nowhere every time?" The red-eyed boy asked irritably.

"It is not my fault you don't pay attention." The spirit deadpanned.

Yuma sat up and groaned. "Whatever. If you must know, I'm trying to figure out a gift for Kotori."

"Ah, your green-haired female friend. If I may ask, for what reason would you get her a gift?"

Yuma didn't even bother looking at him. "Do I need a reason?"

"Based on my observations, humans typically give each other gifts for one of two reasons: either out of celebration or out of affection." Yuma's face gained a small tint. "There are no upcoming celebrations according to what you call a 'calendar.' So I would assume that you would want to give her a gift out of affection." Astral looked at him. "Am I correct?"

Yuma's eyes widened. "…None of your business." He said, turning his head away to conceal his blush. He had liked Kotori for some time, but even with his "Kattobingu" spirit couldn't muster the courage to tell her.

"Your face is red, Yuma. I have seen this before." Astral's voice was heard.

"S-Shut up!" Yuma jumped and yelled at him, thankful no one else was around. "You are not helping right now!"

Astral merely blinked. "Your reaction tells me that my assumption was correct. I have noticed other people act this way when they showed affection for each other. It is a sign of embarrassment." Yuma had no words, so he just sighed and sat back down to think some more. He knew Astral had him there. For someone so unfamiliar with this world, Astral knew more than he thought. "…A Deck."

"Huh?" Yuma asked, looking at the spirit.

"Get Kotori a Deck." Astral replied. "Humans who love each other usually have much in common, as I have observed. If the two of you are both able to Duel, it will be something that you two have in common."

Yuma blushed harder when Astral said "love." Sure, he liked her, but did he actually love her? He wasn't sure, but he thought over Astral's words. "Something in common…" He mused quietly. "We'd be unbeatable as a team… And we could be a couple at that…" A huge grin came over his face. "That's a great idea!" Astral smirked at his enthusiasm. Then Yuma stopped. "But what kind of cards would Kotori like?" Yuma began thinking again. "Astral, do you have any idea?"

"Allow me a moment to think, Yuma." The spirit answered. Astral entered his own thought. "Hmm… I believe I recall her gazing at certain cards in that store…"

"Kotori's been in the card store?" Yuma asked, surprised.

"Indeed. I remember seeing her there while searching there myself. She did not gaze at a specific card, but the cards she did seem to gravitate towards were of the Winged-Beast Type. Perhaps she has an affinity towards them."

"Winged-Beasts? Sounds like a good idea. I mean, even part of her name means 'bird'. I'll try it!" Yuma rushed off into the city, a huge grin plastered on his face. "This day will the best day ever for me! Kattobingu daze, ore!"

Astral merely chuckled. "Observation #21: Humans become ecstatic at the thought of good outcomes, even when said outcomes have not occurred yet." Astral then noticed something nearby. He noticed a lone figure, peeking out from behind a tree. "Hmm… I have an unpleasant feeling. Events may not go as smoothly as Yuma believes they will." The spirit cautiously followed his partner back into the city.

The figure continued peeking out from behind the tree, looking at Yuma as he rushed off. "Yuma…" The figure sighed in a female voice. She stepped out fully, revealing herself as Cathy. "Why…? Why does it have to be her…? I've loved you more than she has… I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't hear me out…" A single tear fell from her eyes as she walked away. "If I wasn't such a shy person… maybe you'd see me for the person I am, and see that I'm the one for you…"

"There is something you can do…" A mysterious voice spoke to her.

"Wh-Who's there?" Cathy asked, slightly scared. Then, a card blew through the wind next to her. Cathy reached down and picked up the card. It had the frame of an Xyz Monster, but no monster image. It had weird markings, making her unable to decipher it. "What is… this…?" All of a sudden, a dark aura surrounded Cathy, causing her to squint her eyes shut. The card image slowly began to fill in, and the markings morphed. Then her slowly opened, showing a redness in her eyes. "Yuuuuuumaaaaa… you are mine…" Cathy licked her lips and giggled, the laugh carrying an eerie echo.

Tokunosuke: Astral's right to have a bad feeling. I can already see the hidden danger, Ura!

Vile: Don't worry, Tokunosuke. Things will be fine in the end.

Yuma: I'm not worried! *grins* I have one question, though. What's up with the title? It makes no sense to me!

Vile: That question will be answered later as well. Be patient, Yuma.

Yuma: *groans*

Kotori and Cathy: *giggles*

Vile: I might get another chapter out today, depending on if my brain works.

Takashi: In any case, leave some reviews for Vile! It boosts self-esteem, which is important!

Vile: Thanks, Takashi. See you later, viewers!

Computer Voice: Vile, logging out.