AN: A crossover I wanted to try, let's see what happens.

Disclaimer: I don't own Love Hina nor Zero no Tsukaima

Prologue: The Worst Suited.

Japan, an Asian country lying in the continent's eastern waters; an archipelago of islands a little bit too small for all the people living in it. Throughout history it has suffered great disasters, and continues to do so even nowadays, but this nation has, however, prevailed up until now from very ancient times. This country's culture, while not perfect in any way, has many points to be admired.

But that's not why you are reading this, is it?

Our story, while it doesn't happen in this land, starts in Japan; or to be more specific, in a small province known simply as Hinata. This calm and beautiful town is widely known through the nation for its hot springs, occasionally attracting tourists to visit these splendid baths. At the highest point of this town, built over a hill, surrounded by beautiful sakura trees and the dreaded seemingly eternal flight of stairs, proudly stands the Hinata-Sou, an all-girls dormitory which has proven to be a beautiful place to live in. This building is one of the resting options for those females who visit the town, or at least it is until they hear the rumors…

The all-girls dormitory was once an inn open for general use until its actual owner, Urashima Hinata, decided to convert it and give 5 different girls a roof under which they could sleep as they separated from their families for personal reasons. However, this place has one (or rather many) things which scare people away.

It could be due to the current manager being a male and rumored pervert; it could be the fact one of the tenants is a kendoist able to use ki attacks took out from shonen mangas and always carries a sword; it could be because another girl was a frequent visitor to the local bar and was known for leaving men's wallets empty clean; it could be the fact that they somehow keep nuclear weapons underground or maybe even the fact another tenant can shatter rocks with her fists; whatever the reason is, people avoid the place as much as they can and besides a few, not many have dared stay at such a place.

The only tenant who under society's standards could be considered normal, is a shy, blue-haired thirteen-year-old girl that goes by the name of Shinobu Maehara. This girl, considered cute by some and antisocial by others, is a mere middle school student just beginning to enter into the complicated and frustrating journeys known as love and puberty. Shinobu is very timid, and her willpower is almost non-existent, because of this she doesn't have many friends nor is popular with the boys. She doesn't stand out in anything besides home domestics, and has a low self-esteem as she constantly compares herself in skill and body against the other tenants and comes out losing.

This lack of respect and confidence has been, however, slowly resolving itself after the arrival a few months ago of the current manager and grandson of Hinata, Urashima Keitaro; but even as love has blossomed in this young maiden's heart for the man, the lack of self-esteem has driven her to watch from the sidelines.

It is this little and normal girl who is one of the main characters in this story, or rather the protagonist.

If you did your geography homework you should know Japan has over one hundred million inhabitants. If a lottery was to be held between this entire population with only one ticket as the prize, you will have less than the .000001% of winning, which is of course if someone doesn't have more than one ticket. Even if the contest was to be held solely between the dormitory's tenants, it would be less than the 20% chance of winning. Yet, from all the people available, it was her that was chosen by fate, not for her strength, but for her heart.

In a lone kitchen, in the middle of the archipelago known as Japan, the chosen girl known as Shinobu Maehara was in shock as a greenish portal of something opened before her. She would have screamed or fainted as was her habit, but she was swallowed whole by the oval portal, leading her to a world of fantasy and leaving a certain boy miles away just coming from repairing his laptop without job.


Louise Francoise de la Valliére wanted to die. She was seriously considering the option of pointing her wand at herself and being blown apart by the explosion that always came after she finished casting a spell. That would be less painful and humiliating than facing her classmates, which were currently beginning to laugh and mock her in the distance.

The girl was currently standing in the yard of Halkeginia's most renowned magical institution, Tristain's Academy of Magic. Being a mage in training herself and having finally reached the second year of study at the academy she was expected to do the sacred and ancient ritual of familiar summon to call on forth the creature that would serve her for the rest of her life.

There was a problem though…

Louise was known among the school as "Louise the Zero", having a round zero success rate at any magical aptitude and thus not even having earned a runic name; in other words, she was known as a complete and utter failure.

Because of this several of the academy's students, rich and spoiled noble children, use to pick on her. Just yesterday, after miserably failing to use simple alchemy magic to turn stones into anything else, she had been mocked at by two of her female classmates at how poor she was in magic and that she should just give it up. Not one to be intimidated, Louise answered them back and even dared declare that her next day summon was going to be the most sacred, beautiful and strong familiar they have ever witnessed.

Sadly, as had been proved in history over and over, she had failed once again.

Louise was never someone to believe in irrational fantasies, and she knew that what she had told Kirche and Montmorency had not been thought thoroughly, in fact it hadn't been thought at all (Not that her pride would allow her to admit it). She HOPED her familiar would be just like she had told the two: strong, beautiful and sacred. She EXPECTED it to be some sort of creature, no matter how small or insignificant; hell, she would even be okay with an insect as that would be proof of her having at least a tiny amount of magical skill somewhere within her soul.

Reality was far crueler however.

When she had finished casting the summoning spell Louise had originally been afraid that the subsequent explosion had killed whatever familiar she had called forth; now that she saw what she had summoned she wished it had been blown away, that way she could fake nothing had been there in the first place. That would have been better than this.

She had summoned a human. She had summoned a damn commoner girl.

And not even a good one.

The girl had cream white skin and blue hair similar to Tabitha's, just that hers was slightly larger yet didn't even reach her shoulders. She wore an odd attire kind of similar to her uniform: a skirt similar to hers but in blue instead of black, yet no cape or any other thing signifying her as a mage; she also had a short-sleeved white shirt with a red tie around her neck, blue socks and what appeared to be a pair of sandals made out of bunny skin as the heads of said animals were currently adorning her feet; Louise was personally disgusted by them.

But the worst part of all was her posture… oh! That damn posture! Just looking at it made Louise red with embarrassment as others saw it too.

The girl had tears forming in her eyes just like some kid who had lost his favorite toy; any moment now Louise expected her to just begin weeping, thankfully she didn't. Also, she held both her hands over her mouth as if trying to protect herself from others, or rather from Louise. All in all, the girl seemed so submissive and so much of a coward she just knew her classmates would never be let to live it down.

And they didn't; in the background, every single noble (Minus Tabitha) exploded in a roar of laughter.


I didn't know it back then, but with Louise's potential she could have probably summoned a mightier familiar. Endless worlds and endless beings: ancient dragons, fierce heroes, sacred beasts, renowned emperors… so many people, animals or even plants that would make a worthy familiar for her…

Yet I was chosen.

It had all began like a normal day. One week after the whole affair with Kyoto ended the residents of the Hinata Sou, myself included, had gone back to our routine; our crazy and wild routine. I woke up one morning ready to go to school. I dressed up in my uniform, made sure both Keitaro-sempai and Naru-sempai were up, hid the bananas from Su and tasked myself with the breakfast.

I had been planning to make Sempai's favorite; at least until I was kidnapped.

Just entering the kitchen I found myself facing a greenish oval of light. It was right there, floating in midair as if it was normal for it to. For a moment I thought it was Su's doing; if she could make a gigantic turtle robot or those camouflage suits, then she could do this. Yet it was unknown to me; for all I knew this thing could be dangerous or even radioactive so I set myself to alert the others.

It was then that the oval, unbeknown to be a portal, sucked me similar to the way a vacuum sucked the dust. I tried resisting, I tried to scream, but I couldn't; before I realized it, it had sucked me entirely and thrown me into a whole new world.

I fell through an empty space. It was the gap between worlds, the void dividing one world from another parallel one. Above me I could see a small hole in which the Hinata was reflected, much as if I was inside water. Below I could see a tall and white tower, its structure unlike any other I had seen. I had to admit, the place looked like a good place but nonetheless that wasn't my place. I tried screaming, shouting, moving, but I couldn't; my entire body felt numb and didn't respond to any of my commands. I continued to fall until my head touched the window to that other world, and first thing that happens when I arrive is the sound of an explosion.

Out of instinct, I remained still in the pose I use to take whenever I feel nervous or scared: slightly crouched over, head low and hands in front of my mouth. I couldn't see a thing with all the smoke. When it cleared and I opened my eyes, I found myself in the yard of the very tower I saw in that void. In front of me was a pink-haired girl; she seemed to be nervous about something, but when she looked at me she suddenly put a face of pure disbelief and disillusion.

To my left stood a man without a single hair on his head; he had some kind of thing in his hand and was wearing a blue robe. For a moment he reminded me of my professor, that very same aura of seriousness and authority around him. In the background there was a group of people all wearing the same…was it a uniform? ...outfit the girl before me had: white shirts, black skirts or pants and a cape over their backs. With all those strange creatures around them and those people holding wands I couldn't help but think of all this as a fairy tale.

As I looked around me I remained wary in case these people, whom I didn't know in the least, tried to do something to me. Had they brought me here? Why? How? All I could do was become more and more nervous, and for some reason that seemed to tick off the girl before me.

My head was full of questions with no logical answer, and that's when everything began.

The group of students in the background began laughing to the point of shedding tears. As if I didn't already feel bad at the moment, they made it worst by laughing at me, or so I thought…

"This makes what you said yesterday worth it! Only you would summon a commoner as a familiar Zero!" A tan and very busty girl said between laughs.

"That's our Louise the Zero, never failing to meet our expectations!" Another student, this one a boy, said while pointing at the girl called Louise.

At that moment I realized they weren't making fun of me; they weren't even paying me attention; but of the girl in front of me. While knowing that made me calm down a bit, I couldn't help but feel pity for the pinkette. "I only screwed up a little bit!" Surprisingly she confronted them back; looking at her fiery attitude it reminded me of Naru. Turning to the professor she changed to a more pleading tone. "Professor Colbert please let me try the summoning ritual again!"

"The Springtime Summoning Ritual is a sacred event Miss Valliére, you cannot repeat it. If she was summoned as your familiar then you must…" He stopped for a moment to look at me, which made me flinch a little. For just a second his face showed a little bit of surprise, as if he had just realized something; nonetheless he regained composure after a mere second and coughed a little while saying… "Complete the ritual." For some reason his voice had a little less bit of conviction.

And for some another reason, Louise put on a horrified face. "You couldn't mean…" She turned to me. "With her…?" The professor nodded. The students in the background jeered even louder, specially the boys which were behaving with a little resemblance with Kitsune; needless to say I grew even more nervous. The girls among that group simply seemed disgusted by the boys' attitude.

What was going to happen? What was Louise supposed to do with me? Why were these people behaving like this?

Louise seemed to accept whatever was going to happen as she slowly made her way to me. In the background the students kept saying things like "Come on!" or "Give us a show!" just to be scolded by the teacher. I was too scared to move, so instead I stiffed more and more as Louise approached until she was just in front of me.

This close I could note we were of the same height, and she was blushing for some reason.

Seeing my nervous expression seemed to irritate her even further. "Could you stop making that face? I want this to be over with as soon as possible." She whispered to me. Lifting her wand, she began chanting what I guessed was a spell. Was she going to turn me into a frog or something by the like? "My name is Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Valliére. Pentagon of the Five Elemental Powers; grant your blessings upon this humble being, and make her my familiar." She tapped my forehead softly and after nothing happened I began to relax, but that's when she did that.

It happened so fast I couldn't stop her. She took hold of my arms with both her hands and separated them to uncover my mouth. Then, she leaned and kissed me on the lips faster than lightning itself. As soon as she finished she backed away fast and held her mouth in disgust.

So that was what she was supposed to do.

Laughter and jeers erupted from the background after the scene. At the simple thought that my first kiss, that very important part of me which I wanted to give to sempai, had been stolen from me in an instant and with a girl of all things made me reach my limit. Tears began strolling down my face at what had happened and that every one of those who were laughing had saw. Noticing my state Louise directed me a frown. "Calm down could you? It wasn't that important." It was maybe my imagination, but the yard seemed to quiet down a bit to hear my reply.

Between sniffs I answered back at her. "That…that was my first kiss…" My voice was so meek and broken it was a surprise it had been heard at all. After I said that, Louise turned away not being able to endure the sight I was and the guilt she felt. She continued to preserve her tough girl act; after all, that had been her first kiss too and she wasn't crying. In the background things grew even worse.

"Look what you had done Zero! Making a girl cry!"

"Yeah! Stop stealing first kisses from innocent girls, Zero!"

"Not only a failure but a child molester too huh? Zero?"

Feeling a bit of pity for me and deciding the students had gone too far Professor Colbert turned around and scolded them all. "That's enough! You are supposed to be nobles, act like one! Making fun of a fellow student and of the ritual is a disgrace! I won't tolerate any other jokes, understood?" Leave it to a teacher to silence a bunch of bullies; after that was said, everyone silenced and simply walked away.

I dropped to my knees and continued crying, but for a different reason. In my right hand runes were being carved into my flesh. I couldn't take it anymore. I was somewhere far away from home, surrounded by cruel people who were all strangers to me; my first kiss had been stolen without me being able to do a thing about it and now my whole body was in pain. I couldn't take it anymore!

All I wanted to do was to wake up from this nightmare and go back with sempai.

That's right… a nightmare…

This was all a nightmare which was going to end as soon as I woke up. All I needed to do was wake up.

Louise told me something but I couldn't hear it. Losing consciousness, I dropped head first to the ground and remained there, fainted. Everything would be okay; this had been after all a simple nightmare.


AN: Thanks for reading and please review. Until next time.
