I was reading through my old writings here on Fanfiction and was absolutely horrified at how many grammar mistakes I make. I thought to myself, "My poor readers have to put up with this crap? NEVER AGAIN." I proofread this chapter a few times, and I have not found any grammatical errors. Sorry about that guys :p Anyway, here I am again after a few months break! I just looooove to have y'all sitting on the edge of your seats. Enjoy my lovely readers!

Chapter 14 – And So, It Begins

"Where are we going?" Kagome asked skeptically as she tried to avoid people's stares. What, had they never seen a boy give his girlfriend a piggy back ride before? Boyfriend… I'm still not used to calling him that. She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Quit asking me that and just wait. I promised you I'd make you forget about everything, didn't I?"

"Alright alright. So, what were you and your brother fighting about this morning?" Kagome glanced at Inuyasha's face, waiting to see his reaction.

"It's nothing. We just… tend to disagree on everything." His eyes narrowed in anger, "I'm moving out of that house as soon as I find a place I can afford."

"Oh, I see." She felt his muscles tighten up and his arms grip her legs harder. Something's not right. He's been living with his brother for years and now all of a sudden he wants to move out? I wonder what's gotten him so upset. Could it be… "Inuyasha, be honest with me. You're not fighting with Sesshomaru… about our relationship, right? I mean, if you are, I don't want you and your brother to stop talking over something I did."

"Of course not! Kagome, don't even think that. He might think that you're a free loader and cause a lot of trouble and make a lot of mistakes and-"

"Oh, well that makes me feel better." She replied sarcastically.

"Anyway, he probably likes you more than any other girl I've dated."

"More than the girl that looked like me?" Kagome felt a sting of jealousy as she brought up Inuyasha's past flame. He suddenly stopped walking. Uh-oh. "Never mind! I shouldn't have brought it up!" Stupid! Why did I even say that? He gently lowered the girl down to her feet and turned to face her. "Sorry! Let's just forget about it!"

"Her name was Kikyo." Inuyasha's face looked serious, but the girl couldn't help but notice the look of sadness in his eyes. "She was the only woman I ever had real feelings for, before you. I thought that she was the one for me, but I was wrong. She betrayed me in a way that I can never forgive her for. I don't know if you think it now, but before you believed I only cared for you because you looked like Kikyo. And I'm telling you now that's not true. I mean, sure when we first met you reminded me of her, but now I only see you as Kagome and no one else. Understand?" Inuyasha smiled down at her.

She nodded and nervously played with her baby blue bracelet. He's never been this honest with me before. I'm glad and all, but still… I can't help but feel jealous about that Kikyo girl. I wonder why? I mean, he's not seeing her anymore. "I understand."

"Good. Now let's forget about everything and just focus on us." Inuyasha took her small hand into his and pulled her alongside of him.

"Okay," Kagome responded, still feeling like something wasn't right.

~Welcome to Shikon Café! where we cleanse your soul and serve you to your heart's content!~

"Welcome back Master!" Kaname greeted the teenage boy at the door. "Your table is right this way." The boy said nothing to her and simply followed her lead. "Our special today is the apple spice muffin served with hot cocoa. Would you like a moment to review the menu, Master?"

"Actually I was wondering if you could help me out. Someone told me that my older sister had been working here for the past few weeks. Her name's Kagome and we've been worried sick about her. Tell me, are these rumors true?" The boy, who appeared bored, questioned the young maid.

"Oh, well yes. And you said you were her brother?" Kaname eyed the young boy with white hair suspiciously.

"Yes. I'm her step brother. She ran away a few months ago and we haven't heard from her since. Please, will you tell me where she is living? I just want to pay her a visit." The boy said with no emotion in his voice.

From what Sango told me, Kagome never really talks about her family. But if she ran away, there must be a good reason behind it. "I'm sorry, but I wouldn't feel right giving you that piece of information. If you want, you can come back into the café tomorrow around 11. Kagome will be here getting ready for work. You can talk then."

"She's my own sister and you won't tell me where she is?" He raised an eyebrow at her, leaning forward in his seat. "We've been so worried about her though."

"I understand, but-"

"Kaname, the she witch is calling you," Ayame came up from behind the girl. "She needs to ask you something. I'll take his order for you."

Glancing at the boy, Kaname had a sickening feeling that he was up to no good. "Listen, Ayame-"

"It's rude to keep your employer waiting." The boy narrowed his eyes at her and turned to look at Ayame.

"Go on Kaname, I got this." The naïve school girl smiled at her.

"A-Alright," She hesitantly backed away and headed for the kitchen.

"So, what can I get for you, Master?" Ayame whipped out her notepad.

"Actually I was wondering if you could help me out. Someone told me that my older sister had been working here for the past few weeks. Her name's Kagome and we've been worried sick about her. Tell me, are these rumors true?"

"You're Kagome's little brother! Ha! No way, you don't look alike at all." Ayame joked. She looked at him up and down, noticing his white hair that fell past his shoulders and his cloudy purplish eyes.

"I'm her step brother. Could you tell me where she's living? I just want to pay her a visit and check in on her."

"Aw, you're worried about her! Don't worry, she's been doing fine these past few weeks. She lives over at Shinto apartments with Sango. Neither of them is working tonight though. Sorry."

"No, that's fine. I'll be leaving you now. Thank you very much." The awkward teen got up from his seat and headed for the door.

As Ayame got a better look at the boy's face, she couldn't help but feel like she recognized the guy. "Say, have we met before? Like at school or something?"

"No. Thank you for your help." He didn't bother looking back as he exited the café, but Ayame stood watching his fleeting figure through the window.

"I swear I know that guy from somewhere. Oh well. It'll come to me later." She shrugged and turned to go back to her work.

~Welcome to Shikon Café! where we cleanse your soul and serve you to your heart's content!~

Kagome's head lay perched on Inuyasha's shoulder as they sat together on the park's fountain. Their entire date had turned out absolutely perfect. First he had taken her out to a really nice Chinese restaurant and the entire time they talked about their high school days, nearly falling out of their seats laughing listening to each other's ridiculous stories. Once they had started another mini food fight at their table, they ended up being asked to leave by the manager since they were "disrupting public peace", but they didn't care. After, Inuyasha had taken her to a shopping center where all they did was try on goofy clothes and made out for a while in the dressing room. She had to admit, he was a really good kisser. But even after she had such a great time, Kagome couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right. He was acting like his normal self, but she still caught him looking worried at times.

"Hey Kagome, we have to head back in about ten minutes." Inuyasha nudged the girl, making her lose her train of thought.

Frowning she glanced up at the park's clock, "It's not even 9, what's the rush? Getting bored of me already?"

He laughed and kissed her, "No that's not it. I have something I have to get done later tonight. Believe me, I would cancel it if I could." His face suddenly looked worried again.

I knew it. Something is on his mind. "Is everything alright?" Kagome asked.

"What? Oh yeah, everything's fine. Don't worry." He slung his arm around her shoulder and pulled her so that her head rested on his chest.

"Hey Inuyasha, I've been meaning to ask you something."


"Do you remember… that night when you gave me the hickey?"

"Why, do you want me to give you another one?" He smirked and kissed her neck.

"S-Stop it you idiot! We're in a public park!" She pushed at his chest and he reluctantly pulled back. "I was talking about what you said to me that night. You told me that you were involved in something dangerous." She looked up into his dark violet eyes, but he looked quickly looked away from her. "Tell me, is that what's got you so upset?"

"I'm not upset." He muttered, refusing to meet her worried gaze.

"It is, isn't it? Inuyasha, let me help you. Tell me what's wrong." Kagome placed a loving hand on his cheek, only to have him grab her hand and pull it away.

"It's something I have to do alone. It'll be over soon though, I promise."

"What'll be over soon? Why can't I help you?" She started to sound more desperate.

"It's not safe for you!" Inuyasha finally turned to meet her gaze, his face looking stern and commanding.

"And it is for you?" Kagome shot back at him. "Why can't you tell me what it is? Is it something to do with the Wolf Gang? You don't have to prove anything to them."

"That's not it! Listen, I don't want to argue with you. Just leave it, alright? I'm going to be fine. I promise, I-" He suddenly flinched and stared at the ground.

"Inuyasha? What's wrong?" She worriedly stood up and placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Something's coming."

~Welcome to Shikon Café! where we cleanse your soul and serve you to your heart's content!~

"Byakuya, is Kikyo with the specimen?" Naraku called over to his advisor.

"I don't think so. I saw her working in the lab only a few minutes ago. Shall I go and bring her here?" The loyal Byakuya moved to head for the door.

"That won't be necessary. However, I would like you to do something else for me." A dark smirk appeared on the man's face.

"Oh? And what would you have me do?" The advisor raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Our original plan was to have that Inuyasha fellow and Specimen 6 fight here in our facility. But I'm having doubts on the matter. We all know how this is going to turn out. They fight. Inuyasha wins but ends up with a few scratches. And Specimen 6 gets brutally massacred. Just thinking about it bores me. I've decided to take a more… exciting approach." Naraku stroked his tie and turned to look at his comrade.

"And what would you like me to do?" Byakuya bowed politely to his superior.

"Speciman 6 is still under heavy medication. Call for a few of my men and chain up the creature securely. When they're done, bring out the truck and load him in. We're about to take this experiment out for the public to see first-hand." He snickered. "Oh, and let us keep this is a secret from Kikyo. She wouldn't understand."

"But of course."

~Welcome to Shikon Café! where we cleanse your soul and serve you to your heart's content!~

Sango lazily flipped through the channels, stroking Kirara behind the ears. "Ugh! I need to get a life. Everyone's out having fun and I'm stuck at home with my single ass watching old re-runs. Do you think I should try and find a guy or something Kirara?" The little cat mewed and pawed at her owner. "You're right. If that damn Miroku won't take me seriously, then making him a little jealous wouldn't hurt, right?"

The doorbell suddenly went off and the young woman groaned before sliding her feline friend to the floor and slowly getting up from the couch. "Be right there!" She stretched before trudging over to her door. "I swear, if it's Miroku asking for money…" She grumbled and opened the door.

"Do you happen to be Sango?" A young teenage boy with shaggy white hair asked.

"Uh, yeah. Do I know you from somewhere?" She questioned, not recognizing him.

"No but I'm looking for my older sister, Kagome. A friend of her's told me she was living with you."

"Really?" Sango glanced down the hallway, not seeing anyone else wandering around. What should I do? I know Kagome isn't on speaking terms with her family, but I can't just tell him to go away. "Would you like to wait for her? She should be back in a couple of hours."

"And where is she exactly?" The boy seemed to be frustrated.

"She's out on a date with her boyfriend. But you can wait here if you want-"

"No thank you. I can find her on my own." The teenager turned without a goodbye and headed down the hallway. Sango suspiciously watched him as he left.

"What the hell was that about?" She turned to glance at her clock. It was just past eight. Way too early to try and sleep. Glancing back down the hallway, she saw the boy step into the elevator. Turning back to her cat, she sighed and ran to grab her jacket. "There's nothing else better to do. I'll be back soon." And with that she threw on her black UGGS before hurrying after Kagome's so called "brother".

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