Hey readers! Long time no write, and I'm proud to present the latest chapter of "Scarlet Dawn" So sit back and enjoy the ride(;

Secondly, I have also started a new fic "A Woman Scorn". Check it out and leave a review(:

Thanks for reading(:

I nodded and jumped from the tree, hitting the ground with a faint thumping sound. I sighed loudly.

"I have exactly two weeks before they return." I said to myself "Let the training began!"

Golden rays of warming sunlight kissed my sleeping face. My eyes fluttered open and a lingering yawn ripped its way from my chapped lips. I blinked several times and wiped the drool from the side of my face.

"That's just gross." a whimsical voice commented with a soft chuckle.

I looked over to see Valerie sitting in the dirty plaid chair across the room. The sunlight pouring from the open curtains painted her skin a lively bronze tone. She absent-mindedly stroked the black kitten sitting on her lap.

"Well good morning to you too." I stated sitting up in the bed. "You got some food?"

"Do I look like a chief?" Valerie asked back with an eye roll.

"Well I figured if you were going to be creeping on me this time a morning, that you'd at least bring breakfast."

"I used ancient magic to reunite you with the deranged anime character that you fell in love with, isnt that enough?" She responded with a thousand-watt smile.

I let out a dry laugh dripping with sarcasm. "You outta be a comedian instead of a witch."

"Anyway, I have some good news." She looked around the room as if someone else were around to hear this juicy tidbit of news she felt the need to tell me. "I have this feeling that some Konoha ninja will be hanging out around here on a mission."

"Oh my gosh! No way!" I squealed with excitement. I pumped my fist in the air as tiny tears of happiness filled my grey-blue eyes. "Who is going to be here? Where can I meet them? Can I speak to them? Oh my goodness I hope it's Kiba! Or even better Hinata!"

Valerie didn't even try to hide the look of embarrassment that crossed her face. "Calm down Crimson. I won't tell you if you keep acting like a psychotic fangirl."

I quickly sat still and crossed my legs in front of myself like a giddy schoolgirl listening to instruction from their teacher.

"Okay." She sighed and shook her head. "It's going to be Hinata, Kiba and Shin-"

"Hell yes!" I screamed cutting her off. I jumped from the bed and pumped my fist again. "I can't wait to see them!"

"Woah, woah, woah." Valerie said. Drawing my attention from the horrible hip swiveling dance I starting doing in the middle of the room. "I hope you don't think you are gonna just hang out with them all day. They are here on business, not to hang out with creepy fans from other realms. So I subjest you s-" The abrupt slamming of the halted her from finishing her sentence.

I ran barefoot down the large mahogany staircase of the inn and nearly slipped and fell as I jetted around the corner into the main lobby. The brunette maid that had flirted with Sasuke a few days ago looked up from her sweeping as I entered.

"When is Sasuke-Kun returning?" she asked with a slight blush.

I raised an eye brow "Whenever he finishes his mission and whatnot. Whats your name anyway?"

"Miyuki." she replied with a small smile. "Did Sasuke-kun want you to ask me?!"

"No." I chuckled and made a mad dash to the door before she could question me further.

Right as I opened the door, I ran head first right into someone. The force of the collision sent me tumbling to the hard ground.

"Watch it man." A masculine voice said.

I looked up to see none other than Kiba Inuzuka himself sitting on top of Akamaru. He looked ruggedly attractive in his leather form-fitting jacket, black pants and black sandals. A squeal bubbled up from my throat and a red-hot blush consumed my lightly tanned face.

"K-Kiba-Kun, that isn't a man" a gentle voice whispered from next to him.

My eyes drifted over to see Hinata, a worried look overtaking her angelic face. It was that instant that I looked down at my outfit to see that I was wearing a dingy, grease stained white shirt, pajama pants that had an array of holes in them. I knew my hair probably looked like I had stuck a fork in a light socket.

But of course, this wasn't going to stop me from glomping Hinata.

"Hinata!" I screamed jumping up and hugging the woman as hard as I could.

A blush dusted her pale cheeks and she stood stiff as a broad.

"Hey weirdo! Stop molesting Hinata-Chan!" Kiba yelled as he dished a devastating punch to the side of my face.

instantly I blacked out.

Well folks thats all for now(: Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Please review!(: