Okay, here I am. Updating. All that stuff.. I know its been forever since I updated, I think before New Years. If it was? I hope you all had a good night and have an awesome 2012. Do you all think it would be worth updating with a New Years one shot? I could do something about Austin and Vanessa dating and all that? I don't know, its probably not worth it! I'm glad you all enjoyed the last chapter and some were shocked about Jack being the Dad, some had guessed! Either way, you all enjoyed it and that makes me happy.

Someone asked about Gabriella being hypocritical and all that is explained in coming chapters. Kailey isn't out of the picture just yet! In answer to a review I got. I apologise for not updating, but I have a good excuse, I've been working and life is just in the way, I also don't think anyone misses my stories and I know people say they do but when I don't update I just feel like they don't so I apologise for the long updates. But! I have also been working on a new story called 'A Rebellious Love, A Broken Lie', sound interesting? Let me know in your review!

Baby, Baby, Baby!

"Hey Alexis,"

Gabriella smiled down at her little sister, who was now two days old and sleeping peacefully in her car seat. After Troy's little breakdown about his Dad, a few movies and a couple tubs of ice cream, Gabriella made her way back up to the hospital to talk to her Mum. They talked things out, spoke about how long Jack and Maria had been going on, and made up eventually after some arguing.

Maria told Gabriella that her and Jack had been sleeping together for months and it was wrong of them, but she was lonely.. And she told Jack that he had to break up with Lucille, then she found out about Alexis and they stopped it, Jack promised he wouldn't say anything about her being his which is why Maria didn't get rid of her.. But, they were both wrong. As soon as Maria told Gabriella she was telling Jack to break it off with Lucille, otherwise she'd leave him, Gabriella felt a weight on her chest. It was the exact same as her and Troy.. Except neither of them were married. Gabriella hadn't been forcing him, but.. Now she realised she was exactly like her Mum. So, she stopped the sex with Troy and told him they had to tell Kailey.. Which they decided to do at the celebration barbecue that was being held in honor of Alexis that evening.

Lucille insisted. Yeah, even after Maria cheated with her husband.. She understood where the woman was coming from. She'd been in the same position once and she knew Maria would've been telling Jack to tell her. So, they had started to mend their friendship. Grown ups.. Weird.

"How's she doing back there?" Maria smiled back at her daughters.

"Sleeping soundly," Gabriella smiled, gently resting her finger, smiling when her little sister wrapped her tiny fingers around hers.

Troy smiled, watching his girlfriend through the rear view mirror of his car. "Lucky, she might start crying if she sees your face." He joked.

"Hey!" Gabriella laughed, hitting him lightly, wherever she could reach. "Don't be a jerk, there's sleeping children in the car."

"Oh, so, I can be a jerk when there isn't?" He laughed.

"Don't talk to me," Gabriella laughed, looking back down at the sleeping baby. "Oh, we're home." She smiled feeling the car come to a stop. "Is it okay if I get her out, Mumma?"

"That's fine with me," Maria smiled, started to pull herself out of the car.

"Here, I'll help you," Troy nodded, jumping out before rushing around to help her out of the car. He helped her out and closed the door behind her before opening the back door, undoing Mel's seatbelt gently as he watched Gabriella get out carefully. "Are you alright baby?"

"I got this," Gabriella smiled, walking around to him. "Are you sure you're okay to be around my Mum?" Gabriella sighed, leaning against the car.

"I'm sure, baby," Troy smiled. "My Mum seems.. Really happy they're making up," He nodded. "She keeps saying that she knew my Dad was cheating on her," He sighed. "Which sucks, but she understands you're Mum needed someone, just promise me that if you ever get lonely that you'll come and tell me, not run off and go sleep with another guy."

"As long as you promise me that you'll tell me if our sex life goes bad and you don't love me," Gabriella nodded.

"Well, if I had a reminder of what it was like," Troy smiled, pulling her closer, kissing her quickly.

Gabriella raised an eyebrow, not moving. "Did you seriously just say that? While you're holding my little sister? And while I'm holding my.. Our baby sister?"

"Ah.. Yeah?"

"Not until you break up with Kailey," Gabriella shrugged. "I'm not turning into my Mum." She sighed, walking up to her house.

"Brie," Troy sighed, following her. "Baby, I was joking."

"Whatever, Troy." Gabriella muttered.

"I was!" He frowned, following her up the stairs. "I don't wanna be like my Dad, you really think I'd want that? You know how much I despise him for what he done."

"Well, we're not doing anything until she's out of the picture," She nodded, walking into her Mum's room. "Here we go, baby sister," She smiled, gently kissing Alexis' forehead, laying the still sleeping baby down in the bassinet beside her Mum's bed. "Sleep tight." She whispered.

Troy sighed, gently laying Mel in the middle of Maria's bed, putting a couple of pillows either side of her before walking over behind Gabriella, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. "I love you, baby." He nodded. "I don't wanna make you feel like you're gunna turn out like your Mum.. Or my Mum," He sighed. "You're you, my girlfriend," He smiled. "I'll tell Kailey."

"When? Cause its been months, Troy." She frowned.

"I know," Troy sighed. "And its no excuse that I keep putting it off. I was just scared," He frowned. "But, knowing my Mum owns half the company, we can do it." He smiled. "I'm sorry if it seems selfish that I wanted to keep us a secret because of the money and stuff."

"Hey," Gabriella frowned, turning around in his arms. "Its not selfish, you done it because you want your family to be happy," She nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm sorry I got upset, I just.. I'm still upset about what Mum done and I don't wanna be the same as her, ruining a relationship."

"I know, baby," Troy sighed, leaning down and kissing her quickly. "How about we go have a sleep? Just a sleep. We'll talk about some stuff and just chill?"

"I don't know, people will be showing up soon."

"Come on, we deserve time alone, just me and my gorgeous girl." He smiled, kissing her forehead. "No objections!" He laughed, keeping her close as he led her to her room.

Gabriella giggled, following behind him, smiling as he laid down on her bed, patting the spot beside him. "Thank you," She smiled, laying beside him, resting her head on his chest. "For everything, for being here and not hating me or my Mum." She smiled.

"I could never hate you, Brie," Troy smiled. "Ever, okay? It was something that your mum done and it wasn't your fault, plus everyone understands why it happened. My Dad is just as much to blame, if not more." He nodded. "Okay?"

"Okay," Gabriella frowned. "When are you going to tell Kailey?"

"As soon as she gets here," Troy nodded. "And its not just because I wanna have sex, but I don't want you to feel bad and think you're turning into your Mum."

"Thank you," She nodded. "I cant wait to tell everyone that we're together." She smiled.

"Me either, baby," Troy laughed, kissing her quickly. "We deserve to be happy," He nodded, pulling her closer. "And when we go to college next year? We'll be away from everyone and just be us two," He smiled.

"Mm, I cant wait," Gabriella giggled, closing her eyes, slipping her hand under his shirt.

"Me either," Troy smiled, watching his girlfriend begin to fall asleep. He couldn't wait to break it off with Kailey, they could finally be happy.


"Finally, the terrible two made it," Lucille smiled seeing her son and his girlfriend appear at the back door.

"Ha ha, funny," Troy muttered, scratching his head as he let out a yawn, stepping onto the back porch. His Mum and little brother were there, Kailey, some of Maria's friends and their families, Ally, Mike and AJ.

"You two have been up there snoring for a good hour and you're still yawning?" Maria smiled.

"Mm," Gabriella nodded, sitting down on one of the lawn chairs. "We were talking about Alexis and just.. Fell asleep a little while after, but we haven't had much sleep since the other day." She mumbled, trying to explain in front of Kailey why they were in her room.. Alone.

"Oh, poor babies." Lucille laughed.

Gabriella smiled tiredly, nodding. "I know."

"Troy?" Kailey spoke up, looking over at him. "Can we please talk?"

Troy nodded. "Actually, yeah.. I need to talk to you." He let out a breath, putting his hands together. He glanced at Gabriella quickly, sharing a reassuring smile with her before he followed Kailey back inside. They stopped in the lounge room, taking a seat on the couch. "Okay.. I, ah.. I think we should bre-"

"I'm pregnant,"

"Bre-eak up.. What?" He asked, looking over at her.

"Break up?" She frowned, looking over at him, tears forming in her eyes. "You wanna break up with me?"

"I.. Wha-..? Preg-Pregnant?" He choked, looking away from her. "Pregnant?" He whispered.

"Y-Yeah," Kailey nodded, standing up. "I-I should.. I should get going." She nodded, heading for the door.

"Wait!" Troy frowned, getting up and following after her. "Kai, wait." He sighed.

"What Troy?" She frowned, looking over at him, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I thought I'd tell you and you'd understand, not dump me."

"N-No.. I-I just.. I wasn't expecting that, we haven't been that close lately," He shrugged, taking her hand and lacing their fingers. "I didn't think you wanted to date anymore." He lied, still shocked by what she had just told him.

"I do," She frowned. "I've.. I've been sick," She nodded. "Morning sickness, stress of telling you," She frowned, hugging him tightly, resting her head on his chest. "I was scared." She whispered. "Especially after you told me about your Mum and Dad."

"You shouldn't have been scared," Troy frowned, suddenly feeling extremely bad for dumping her. "Have you been for any scans or anything?"

"I have one tomorrow morning, its why I thought I'd tell you today," She nodded. "So, we could go together."

Troy smiled slightly, looking down at his girlfriend.. The girl he knew he didn't love, but couldn't leave. How would that make him look after hating his Dad because he stayed with his Mum, obviously and unfortunately a woman he no longer loved, when he knew he was going to become a father. Gabriella would understand.. She'd have to. She hated what her Mum and Jack done. She couldn't hate him for not wanting to do the same thing.

"I cant wait," He smiled, kissing the top of Kailey's head. "When did you find out?"

"Just a couple of days ago," She nodded. "So, I don't know how far along I am, which means no telling anyone until we know how far I am or until I'm twelve weeks, okay?"

"Okay," Troy smiled. He'd be lying if he said that he wasn't excited about the fact she seemed so excited and eager for the pregnancy and having a baby. "I promise." He smiled.

"Thank you," Kailey smiled, leaning up and kissing him quickly before she grabbed his hand, resting it on her stomach. "There's a baby in there.. Our baby." She smiled.

Troy laughed, looking down at her stomach. "Oh my god," He smiled, joy overcoming him. He was going to be a father. As cheesy or gay as it sounded? Being a father was something on the top of his list. He would've preferred it be with the girl he loved, but he couldn't stop it now and who knows? Maybe after its born.. He could help Kailey and then move on with Gabriella. For now? He had to do what was right.

Gabriella laughed, shoving her best friend. "Shut up, I told you that in confidence!" She laughed.

"Oh, really?" Ally laughed. "Because there's no way in hell that I'd keep something like you having a little accident in the middle of the school fair."

"I was eight!" Gabriella laughed. "And the clown scared me!"

"It was last year, Gabriella," Ally laughed, taking a sip of her drink. "I remember dropping you home because you felt 'sick'." She smiled.

"Shut up," Gabriella giggled. "I did feel sick, that clown was a pedophile. What was he even doing at a high school carnival anyway?" She laughed. She looked between her friends and the parents, laughing before Troy and Kailey walking outside caught her eye. Her laugh turned to a small, awkward laugh, followed by a confused look and a frown. Why were they holding hands? They were going inside to break up!

She watched them sit closer to the side of the house, kind of away from everyone, Kailey in Troy's lap just talking happily together. She was broken out of her deep thought when she felt someone slap her arm.

"Ow!" She frowned, grabbing her arm.

"Your Mum is talking to you!" Ally laughed. "Answer her!"

"What?" Gabriella asked, looking over at her Mum. "No," She muttered, her Mum holding up an empty plate, about to ask if she wanted food. She got up, pushing past the seats, heading inside, missing Troy's sigh as he watched her walk inside.

"Okay, what happened to her?" Ally asked confused. "What the hell did you do Bolton?" She asked, standing up as she looked towards Troy.

"I didn't do anything," Troy shrugged. "Maybe I should go talk to her," He nodded.

"No, stay with your dog," Ally muttered, ignoring the comments, walking inside. "Gabi?" She called out, heading towards the stairs of the Montez house. She stopped hearing sniffling coming from the lounge room, turning around and frowning when she saw her best friend sitting on the lounge, her knees pulled to her chest and tears streaming down her cheeks. "Hey." She frowned, walking over and sitting beside Gabriella, pulling her into a tight hug.

Gabriella sobbed, hugging Ally back. "I'm sorry," She mumbled against her shoulder after a minute of silence. "I didn't mean to walk out."

"Its fine, just.. What's wrong?" Ally frowned. "You were fine two seconds before Troy came outside."

"He was suppose to break up with Kailey," Gabriella frowned, sniffling. "Because.. After everything that happened between our parents, I realised how much of a bad thing we were doing," She nodded. "It made me feel really terrible, even though I hate her.. She doesn't deserve that, no one does." Gabriella sighed. "Anyway, he was in here talking to her.. Next thing they're outside, all love-y and shit!" She cried

"Oh, Gabi," Ally sighed, moving her friends hair behind her ear. "I'm sure there's an explanation for it, maybe, ask him?"

"I'm not talking to him," Gabriella mumbled. "He can go fuck himself, after everything we've done together and been through? Two seconds alone with her and he's already back up her ass."


"Kailey Thompson,"

"That's me," Kailey smiled, standing up.

Troy smiled, standing up with his girlfriend, following behind her. She stopped, turning around to face him, resting her hand on his chest. "What?"

"Why don't you just stay here?" Kailey nodded.

"Why?" Troy frowned. "There's nothing I haven't seen before." He laughed, going to start walking again, frowning when she stopped him again. "Kai, please?"

"Troy," She frowned. "I'm just not comfortable right now, it's the first appointment, please? I'll get pictures and everything." She smiled, kissing him quickly.

"But," Troy frowned. "I'm the Dad! I wanna be in there," He nodded. "From the beginning."

Kailey frowned, looking down at her shoes. Heels.. Something Troy protested against, but she didn't listen. She sniffled, making him frown. "O-Okay," She said shakily. "I just don't want you to worry if something's wrong."

Troy frowned, gently running his hand down her arm, taking her hand. "Baby, if it means that much to you then I wont come in," He sighed. "But, next time? I am," He nodded, kissing her forehead.

"Th-Thank you," Kailey nodded, walking towards the doctors office.

Troy sighed, going and sitting down on the chair in the waiting room he was just sitting in. He got his phone out, checking for any messages or missed calls Gabriella might have made. He frowned seeing nothing, checking her message folder.. There was twenty or so sent from him, but none returned. She didn't even give him time to explain yesterday, just ignored him the rest of the afternoon. But, he'd sent it in a message, hoping it would help her understand. He was kind of annoyed at the fact that she hadn't replied.. He was sick of running after her, she was being a little childish.. Then again.. He did say he loved her.

He felt like he was sitting there for five minutes before Kailey came out, standing in front of him. He quickly pressed the button to lock his phone, shoving it in his pocket as he stood up. "How'd it go?" He smiled.

Kailey smiled, handing him a little picture. "I'm six weeks."

Troy smiled, gently running his finger along the picture, taking in the little human in it. That was a part of him. "Oh my god," He laughed lightly. "That's our baby!"

"It is," Kailey laughed. "The doctor said that it was perfect, in every way, shape and size." She smiled.

Troy laughed, looking over at his girlfriend. "I cant believe this!" He smiled, picking her up and spinning her around. "We're having a baby!"

"I cant believe you're so excited," Kailey laughed lightly. "I thought you might be out of here."

"Hey," He frowned, standing her back on the ground, looking at her seriously. "After what my Dad done? I wouldn't wanna turn into him." He shrugged. "If people cant handle that then that's their problem." He nodded.

"Talking about Gabriella?"

"Maybe," He sighed. "I thought she'd understand that I wanted to stay with you," He nodded. "Because of the baby. She was the one that her Mum was left alone because my Dad is a dick!" He sighed. "But, if she's not going to listen then that's her problem."

"Exactly, so, don't stress." Kailey smiled.


A Month Later:

"Shouldn't you be showing more by now?" Troy frowned, rubbing his girlfriends stomach gently. "I mean, you're three months."

"The doctor said the baby was a little small," Kailey shrugged, pushing him away. "Can you stop touching me? Its annoying."

"Sorry," He sighed, sitting up. "I'm just worried there's something wrong with the baby is all."

"The doctor said at the last appointment that it was fine," She nodded. "Okay? Don't stress."

"Its our baby, how can I not stress?" Troy frowned, looking over at his girlfriend. "I want everything to be okay."

"Me too," Kailey nodded. "How about we go and do some shopping, get our mind off things?"

"I'd like that," Troy smiled, kissing her quickly. "But if you don't start showing soon we'll have to go back to the doctors."

"Troy, I'm the mother, I can tell if something's wrong," Kailey groaned, getting up off the bed. "Do you not trust me?" She frowned, tears building in her eyes.

"No," Troy frowned, getting up and standing in front of her. "I didn't mean it like that, baby. Please, I'm sorry, okay?"

"Okay," She sniffled, nodding. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Troy sighed. "Come on." He smiled, taking her hand, leading her out of his room. Only six more months of this he thought.

Gabriella smiled, picking up her one month old sister. "Hey, Lexi." She smiled, kissing her soft cheek, gently. The past month had been hectic, her Mum went straight back to work straight away, Maria and Jack had resolved things to a business level, nothing else, on the condition that Jack got to see Alexis when he wanted to. He'd moved into his New Mexico hotel, Lucille had filed for divorce which had taken a toll on everyone, except Troy who seemed to be burying himself in his and Kailey's, according to Gabriella 'fake ass', relationship. He didn't care about anything other than Kailey now, Gabriella knew that he wouldn't leave her now she was pregnant, she just couldn't talk to him yet. He told her that he and Kailey weren't having sex, but she ended up pregnant. That's what was upsetting her, he lied to her and made her believe they were going to be happy, he had some explaining to do, but.. She couldn't talk to him yet.

"You're going to spend the day with your Daddy today," Gabriella smiled a little, laying Alexis down on her change table. "Just for the afternoon, don't cry," She smiled, gently kissing the back of her tiny hand when she started to cry. "And then Mummy will pick you up after she's finished work. You're lucky, she started working less because of you." Gabriella smiled.

She changed Alexis' nappy and put her in a different suit, heading downstairs with her when she heard a knock on the door. "There he is," She smiled, picking the previously packed nappy bag up on the way. "Hey Ja-" She started, opening the front door. "Troy?" She frowned.

"Hey," He nodded, waving a little. "Can we come in?" He asked, squeezing Kailey's hand lightly.

"No," Gabriella shrugged. "I'm waiting for your Dad to get here, so if you don't want to see him then I suggest you leave right now."

"Actually, we came to pick Alexis up," Troy nodded. "I volunteered when I ran in to Dad at the shops, I was hoping we could talk?"

"Yeah, why have you been ignoring him, Gale?" Kailey asked

"Um, you're an idiot," Gabriella nodded, looking over at Kailey. "You've been dating how long and you still don't know my name? You're dumber than I thought."

"Fuck you," Kailey snapped.

"Stop, both of you!" Troy sighed. "Gabriella, may I please talk to you and explain everything? Kailey, you promised that if you were going to start something that you'd sit in the car."

"Fine," Kailey muttered, walking off.

Troy sighed, looking over at Gabriella. "Lets talk,"

Okay, stopping there because the next chapter I want to just basically have them having a massive talk and maybe some more baby stuff! Big shocker huh? Most of you probably hate me but just remember the story does end Troyella so you have to keep in mind that what you think will happen may not happen.

Also what do you think about the title of my new story? Worth posting? I'm thinking after this is done I'll post it, I've already written two chapters! Let me know in a review!