Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to Dick Wolf.

A/N: Many thanks and much love for my betas! You ladies are amazing! How blessed I am to have you as betas and friends!

To the readers, thanks for the favorites, follows and reviews! Reviews are golden!

In the last chapter, Olivia passed out in the church after Elliot's funeral. What caused her to pass out? Is she ok? What about the baby?

In this chapter, Cragen is a bit out of character. I wrote him this way intentionally. I think you'll understand why as you read.

Chapter Four

"She's starting to come around."

"Liv? Come on, wake up."

"Can you hear me?"

The voices slowly permeated her consciousness as she slowly moved her head from side to side.

"Melinda," Fin called. "She's trying to wake up."

Melinda hurried back over to where Olivia still lay on the floor. She dropped down on her knees beside her friend. She reached over and gently framed Olivia's head with her hands, stopping her side to side motion. "Olivia," she spoke calmly. "Liv? Can you hear me?"

Olivia groaned quietly as she struggled to open her eyes. She blinked, then quickly closed her eyes again as the bright lights of the church caused her head to pound. "Uhhh…" she moaned as she raised her hands to cover her eyes.

"What is it?" Melinda asked as she caught Olivia's hands before they reached her face. "Are the lights too bright?"

"Yeah…" Olivia muttered in response.

Melinda glanced over at Cragen who was on his knees on the other side of Olivia.

He motioned to Fin and together the two men moved around, using their bodies to block some of the light and using their hands to shield Olivia's eyes as best as they could.

"Try again," Melinda encouraged. "Open your eyes again."

Obediently, Olivia slowly opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times.

"Better?" Melinda asked.

"A little," she responded as she squinted but managed to keep her eyes open.

"How do you feel?"

"Like I got hit by a semi."

"Yeah," Melinda agreed. "I can see why. I want to get you to the hospital so I can check you out better."

"Mel," Olivia sighed as she tried to sit up. "I just want to go home."

"Olivia," Melinda spoke kindly but firmly as she helped her friend to sit up then held a supporting hand behind her. "You passed out. You weren't out long, but you went completely out."

"I'm ok," she insisted. "I just want to go home and go to bed."

"I understand, but you really need to let me check you out. Passing out was probably due to dehydration, stress and exhaustion. But it's better to be safe than sorry." Melinda reached down and gently laid one hand over Olivia's stomach as she continued. "Besides, you're pregnant. I would feel a lot better if you let me check to make sure that both you and your baby are really ok."

"For your baby, Liv." Cragen spoke from where he remained on his knees behind her.

Olivia sighed and rubbed her eyes with both hands.

Melinda relaxed a little, knowing that Olivia would do anything to ensure the safety of the child she was carrying.

"Casey can go and stay with you." Cragen's voice was soft and caring as he moved to face Olivia. "Or Fin, or I'll go if you want me to. Whoever you want to go with you."

Olivia nodded slowly. "Alright," she agreed. Tears filled her eyes as she laid one hand over her stomach where Melinda's hand had rested only moments before. "This baby is all I have left of Elliot."

With the tenderness of a father's love, Cragen reached over and gently wiped the tears from her clearly exhausted eyes. "I know it doesn't seem like it right now," he whispered. "But everything's going to be ok."

"Never," Olivia cried, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks. "It will never be ok without my husband."

"Things will work out," he spoke softly, tears in his own eyes. "I'll make sure of it. I promise."

Melinda looked over at Fin as she slowly rose to her feet.

Understanding without words, Fin rose as well, then leaned over and lifted Olivia into his arms.

"I can walk," she protested.

"I had rather you didn't right now," Melinda explained. "I want you to stay off your feet until I examine you."

Olivia sighed knowing that arguing was pointless because she wasn't going to win. She laid her head on Fin's shoulder and closed her eyes in exhaustion as he carried her out of the church.

Once they were in the parking lot, Casey pulled Melinda to the side.

"Are you going to keep her in the hospital overnight?" Casey asked the two women watched Fin settle Olivia in the back of the car.

Melinda nodded. "For one night at least. Possibly more, depending on what's going on. I'll know more once I examine her and run a few tests."

"At least one of us should stay with her. I don't think she should be alone, especially so soon after Elliot…" Casey trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished.

"I agree. I'm not going to restrict her visitors."

"Even overnight?"

"Even overnight," Melinda reassured her red-headed friend. "I'll even make sure that her room is private and is a double so there's an extra bed for whoever stays with her overnight."

"Melinda!" Cragen called from where he stood next to the back door of the car. "She's cramping again!"

Together, Melinda and Casey hurried over to the car.

Melinda leaned into the back of the car where Olivia sat. "Ok, shhh, it's ok," she soothed as Olivia whimpered in pain. She gently pulled Olivia's hand away from her stomach and replaced it with her own hand.

"Fin," Casey pulled him away from the car. "Can you give me a ride back to Liv's house and then to the hospital?"

"Sure," he agreed, pulling out his car keys. "I'll go get my car and bring it over."

"Thanks," Casey nodded as Fin turned and hurried toward his car. She moved toward Melinda in time to hear the doctor speak to Captain Cragen.

"Can you ride along?"

"Of course," he agreed quickly and slid into the back seat next to Olivia.

"Lay down, Liv," Melinda urged as she helped her friend change positions. "There we go… good," she spoke softly as Olivia laid down, resting her head in Cragen's lap. Melinda slowly removed her hand from Olivia's stomach as she attempted to soothe her friend's shattered emotions. "Try to relax, honey. Just try to relax. Take a breath for me."

Olivia looked up at her Captain's face as she tried to comply with Melinda's instructions.

"Shhh," Cragen soothed as he let his always professional guard drop. "Breathe sweetheart," he encouraged as he ran his fingers through her hair with the gentleness of a father.

Her gaze met his and she took a slow breath, calmed by the fatherly love she saw in his eyes.

Satisfied that Olivia wasn't going to completely panic, Melinda raised up and stepped away, pulling herself out of the back seat.

Casey leaned into the back as Melinda got into the driver's seat and started the car. "Liv," Casey reached over and squeezed her friend's hand. "Fin and I are going to run by your house and get a few things for you and then we'll meet you at the hospital. Ok?""

Olivia nodded and squeezed Casey's hand in return.

"Hang in there, honey. I'll be there soon."

Again, Olivia nodded, tears in her eyes as she focused on continuing to breathe slowly.

Casey moved away and closed the back door. She watched as the car pulled out and sped away, carrying her friend in the direction of the hospital. She rushed over and slid into the passenger seat of Fin's waiting car. "Let's go," she urged as she buckled up. "We have to hurry."


An hour and a half later; Melinda, Casey and Cragen stood in the hallway just outside of Olivia's hospital room.

"So you were right? It was just dehydration?" Cragen asked with a look of concern.

"Mostly," Melinda answered. "Dehydration, exhaustion and not eating."

"You're sure?" Casey voiced her concern as well.

"That's what the exam and all the tests point to."

Cragen glanced in the room at the woman who had become like a daughter to him, despite his status as a childless widower. He sighed in relief. "She's going to be ok then? And the baby too?"

"The baby's fine," Melinda responded. "And Liv's gonna be ok. She just has to start taking better care of herself. I've got her on an IV to re-hydrate her and I gave her a mild sedative - "

"A sedative?" Casey interrupted her mid-sentence. "Won't that hurt the baby?"

"No, what I gave her is very mild, and I didn't give her a full dose."

"Sorry… sorry," Casey breathed. "You're a good doctor. I know you wouldn't do anything to harm Liv or her baby. I just…"

"You just panicked," Melinda said as she glanced in the room to make sure Olivia was still sleeping. "It's ok, I understand. You feel a greater need to protect them both now that Elliot's gone."

Casey nodded in silent agreement.

"We all do," Melinda reassured her quietly. "So, like I said," she continued, "I have her on an IV, and I gave her a mild sedative. Once she gets a little rest, we'll get some food into her and she'll be feeling better."

"Rest?" Cragen frowned in confusion. "Everyone's been saying that sleeping is all she's really been doing."

"She's been using sleep to escape," Melinda explained. "There's a difference in sleeping to escape and in actual resting. She's had plenty sleep but none of the actual restorative rest that she needs."

"Have you told her that you're keeping her overnight?" Cragen questioned.

"Yeah. She wasn't very happy about it, but she agreed when I told her it was best for the baby."

Cragen nodded and turned his gaze back into the hospital room to watch Olivia sleep. "She shouldn't wake up alone."

"She's won't," Casey spoke with confidence. "One of us will be with her at all times."

"Do you mind if I take the first shift?"

"Of course not," Melinda responded. "Go on in."

Cragen nodded his thanks then walked into the room and moved toward the bed where Olivia lay sleeping. He pulled a chair over right beside the bed, then sat down and took Olivia's hand in his own. "Alright, Sweetheart," he whispered to her sleeping form. "I know it's Elliot who has always walked you through hard times like this, but you're gonna have to make do with me this times." He reached up with his free hand and gently brushed some hair back from her face. "So, you're gonna lay here and get some rest," he continued quietly. "And I'm gonna sit here and hold your hand until you wake up."

Almost as if she heard him, Olivia sighed in her sleep and shifted slightly in the bed.

Cragen smiled as she seemed to relax somewhat. "You and me, kiddo," he whispered. "We're gonna do this. I promise you're not alone. Sleep, just sleep and take care of this beautiful grandbaby of mine," he smiled again. "Yeah, you heard me right. I said grandbaby." Cragen sighed softly and moved his chair close to the bed without releasing his grip on Olivia's hand. "I know I've never outright said it, but I think you know me well enough to know that I've always loved you. I was never blessed with children of my own, but you've always been the daughter of my heart." He reached out with his free hand and gently laid it over her still flat stomach. "And that makes this little one my grandbaby."

Again, Olivia shifted, moving into a more comfortable position. She gave his hand a slight squeeze. "I love you too," she whispered without opening her eyes.

Surprised that she had heard him, he squeezed her hand in return.

Olivia turned her face into the pillow and quickly fell back to sleep, still holding Cragen's hand.


Several hours later, Cragen still sat at Olivia's bedside, holding her hand as she slept. Although lightly dozing himself, he was still aware of even her slightest movement. He was instantly awake the second her peaceful sleep became restless. He sat up straighter and held her hand a little tighter. "Shh," he whispered, trying to soothe away whatever was bothering her without waking her up. "It's alright. You're ok."

Her restless movements continued and she seemed to become more distressed, even in sleep.

"Liv," Cragen spoke quietly and calmly despite the worry that was rising in his chest. "It's ok," he continued to try to soothe her.

Suddenly, Olivia woke in a state of pure panic. She sat up quickly, jerking her hand out of Cragen's grasp and holding it across her chest as she gasped for air. Terror was evident in her eyes as they darted around the room.

"Hey," Cragen reached out but didn't touch her.

Olivia jumped, startled by her captain's presence.

"Hey," he spoke softer this time. "It's ok. You're ok. Take a breath."

Her eyes darted around the room once more before returning her gaze to Cragen.

"Slow breaths," he encouraged as he laid a gentle hand on her arm. "Just breathe."

Olivia took a few breaths, trying to calm her racing heart.

"That's it. Get your feet on the ground."

"Ok…" she said, finally breathing a little easier.

"Ok?" Cragen asked, watching her closely.

"Yeah," Olivia answered as she took another slow breath. The terror in her eyes, now gone.

"What happened? Nightmare?" He reached out and gently took her hand back into his own.

She nodded but didn't speak.

"You wanna tell me about it?" he asked kindly.

"No," her voice was hoarse from sleep. "I just wanna forget."

"Ok, sweetheart," the term of endearment, although unusual for the captain, fell easily from his lips. "Lay down." Still holding her hand, he used his free hand to gently push on her shoulder, encouraging her to lay back again.

Surprisingly, Olivia did as he requested with no objection or resistance. Then, even more surprisingly, she gripped his hand tighter and whispered, "Please don't leave… I don't want to be alone."

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere," he answered quietly as he tightened his grip on her hand as well. He reached up and gently wiped away the tears that streamed freely down her cheeks. "Close your eyes."

Again, she did as he requested. Tears continued to fall from underneath her closed eyelids.

With the tenderness of a father, Cragen gently ran his fingers through her hair, trying to soothe her. "I can't imagine the heartache you're feeling right now," he spoke softly. "But I'm here and I'll do anything you need me to do."

She answered without opening her eyes. "I want Elliot," her voice was quiet and broken.

"Oh, honey." Another rare term of endearment flowed naturally from Cragen. "I wish I could bring him back to you. I would in a heartbeat."

"I kn-" Olivia's reply was cut short as she gasped and her eyes popped open. She winced hard and both of her hands flew to her stomach.

"Liv?" Cragen asked, alarmed. "What is it?"

The door to the hospital room opened and Casey walked in, just in time to hear Olivia's painful answer.

"H… hurts…" she groaned as she rolled over onto her side, brought her knees up as far as she could and held both arms over her stomach.

"Cramping again?" Cragen asked as he quickly stood.

"I just saw Melinda. I'll go get her," Casey said then turned and ran out of the room in search of the doctor.

Olivia cried out in pain and Cragen leaned over the bed, trying his best to comfort her. "Hang on, Liv. Hang on…"

A/N 2: Oh no! Cramping again?! What's going on now? Can Melinda help? Or will Olivia need more medical attention than Melinda can give her alone?

And what about the rest of the SVU family? How are they handling everything? Can they band together to take care of Olivia? Or is Olivia too far gone to be helped?

Want answers? You know what to do! Leave me a review and let me know what you think! :~D