He pushed her against the wall, their lips against each others, and his hands in her glorious red hair. How had this happened? Severus Snape couldn't remember, but at the moment he didn't care. All that mattered was that this glorious woman was pressed against him, and they were clinging on to each other as if there was no tomorrow.
He had been waiting so long, Snape mused as he wrapped an arm around Lily Evan's waist. He pulled her against him as gently as he could, and Lily responded by kissing him with even more fervor than before. Severus couldn't believe it. He pulled his head back, and Lily looked at him with confusion.
Before she could protest, Snape put one finger in front of her mouth, silencing her. With all the tenderness he could muster in his body, he cradled Lily's face between his hands, and she looked up at him with those stunning green eyes. They were burned into his memory, and Severus swore that he would never forget the beautiful, brilliant emerald-green eyes that Lily Evans had.
"Severus," she breathed softly. A million butterflies flew in Snape's stomach when she said his name. She was the only woman who had such an effect on him. And she was his. He would never, ever let her go. If he needed to die to protect her, so be it. Severus vowed to himself right then and there that he would never let Lily come to any harm.
He continued staring into her dazzling face, drinking in the sight, studying every line and crease. Lily's millions of different facial expressions flashed in his mind. He adored everyone one of them...that gleeful ones, the furious ones, the confused ones, and especially, most especially, the laughing ones. Snape felt like he could watch her laugh every day for the rest of his life and be content with that alone. When she laughed, he felt like he hadn't a care in the world, and when every time she chuckled, Severus could forget all else and think only of her.
All he could see was the beautiful Lily Evans. Even her name was gorgeous. And being here, with her in his arms, right now, was the only thing that kept him from going mad.
Snape lowered his face to meet hers, and their lips pressed against each other's softly, and all urgency from their previous kisses had vanished. Snape continued to keep Lily's face in his hands, treating her as if she could shatter into a million pieces at any moment. Severus could not stop the rush of affection that flew through his veins when he saw Lily break away from him and smile. Her smile was his sun; it blinded him.
"I love you, Severus," Lily told him.
Snape's heart almost exploded. He felt like giggling in delight. Lily was truly special. He hadn't known anyone else who could make him feel like a foolish schoolboy; yet Lily seemed to do it without even trying. Snape, however, stood his ground; it took all his strength to keep from floating up into the sky.
He smiled at her. "Lily Evans, I love you too."
And they both hugged each other tightly, Lily beaming into his shoulder, Severus's face pressed into her fiery red hair.