I was running around the resort looking for that man stealer Noah. Cody is mine and only mine. I will tear this place apart until I find him. I don't know why I'm making such a big deal about this. Noah might be gay but Cody's not. But I guess that's not the point. Nobody will even try to steal my Cody from me. I've already checked all around the resort and I still can't find him anywhere. Maybe he's inside. I'll check every room, tear down any door, and take care of anyone that tries to stop me.
"OUT OF MY WAY!" I yelled at Katie and Sadie as I headed for the hotel. They screamed and jumped out of the way and into Justin.
"Hey! Watch the Knees!" He said. Where should I check first. There are about a hundred rooms in this place. Maybe he's in Codys room. That's where I'd go. So I took the elevator to the second floor. Codys door was locked but I had swiped a spare key when I first got here. I went in and I immediately started to tear the place apart. The couch cushions ended up in the bathroom and the towels ended up on the TV. I went over to the bed and started to tear apart the bed. I know Noah wasn't and couldn't hide himself under the blankets but I was pissed and wasn't thinking straight. I grabbed the pillows and threw them at the wall. I was about to turn away but then I saw a little book on the bed that said, "My Crush," on the front. I picked it up thinking that Cody was keeping a journal about me. I tried to open but there was a lock on the front. Good thing I know how to pick a lock. I reached into my pocket and pulled out some paper clips I had been carrying around. It took a few minutes but I finally got it unlocked. Cody had drawn a picture on the front page. A bad one at that. I had no idea what I was looking at. But there was something written on the bottom of the page.
"I wonder if they know how I feel about them and if they feel the same way about me?" I said to myself. That doesn't seem right. Cody knows how I feel about him. Every page had the same thing. A poorly drawn picture and something written at the bottom. Every drawing seemed familiar but I couldn't make out what. When I got halfway through the book I finally figured out what it was that was so familiar. The pictures had been getting a little bit better with every page. This one was good enough to understand. It was Noah. But this picture was different because Noah was holding someone, Cody.
"I wish he knew how much I wanted him to hold me close." I said to myself again. No, no, this can't be happening. Cody's not gay. He always hit on Gwen when she was single. What if it's a cover. A cover for liking Noah. I am going to loose Cody to Noah. I feel to my knees and started to cry.
"Whose in my room? Sierra? What did you do to my room!" It was Cody. He looked down and saw me crying. "What's wrong Sierra?" He asked.
"Y-you're gay." I said with tears in my eyes.
"Wha! No I'm not!" He said. I then shoved his journal into his hands. He looked at it, scared. "Oh." He said.
"And you do have a crush on Noah?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said still looking scared. I couldn't take it. I ran out of the room sobbing. "Wait! Sierra!" He yelled chasing after me. I heard somebody coming down the hallway. I saw a closet on my right. So I got in and waited for them to pass by.
"Hey Cody. What's up man?" Somebody said.
"Oh, hey DJ. Did you see Sierra run by?" Cody asked DJ.
"No. Why?" DJ asked.
"How good are you with secrets?" Cody said.
"Any secret's safe with me?" DJ replied.
"I-I'm gay and I sort of... have a crush on Noah, and Sierra found out." Cody said with a stutter.
"No way! Are you serious?" DJ asked with a shocked tone.
"Why? Is there something wrong with that?" Cody yelled.
"No, not at all. It's just that Noah's gay too!" DJ yelled excitedly.
"What?" Cody yelled back.
"And he also has a crush on you." DJ said.
"Are you serious! You better not be joking with me!" Cody said.
"I'm not. Duncan told me. He said Izzy told him and Gwen." DJ said.
"Izzy does know everything about everyone here. Do you know where Noah is?" Cody asked.
"No, sorry. But Duncan did tell me Sierra overheard." DJ said.
"They must be hiding Noah. But where could they be hiding him?" Cody said.
"He might be hiding in Gwen or Izzys room. Duncan ran off to tell me after he and Sierra found out." DJ said.
"Gwens room is closer. I'll try there first. Thanks DJ." Cody said and I heard him run off.
"You're welcome. Come on bunny. It's time for a bath." DJ said and I heard him walk away too.
I sat there in that closet crying. Noah liked Cody. Old news. But I just found out that Cody also liked Noah and Cody was now trying to find Noah to tell him. I'm gonna loose Cody if I don't do something. So I got out of the closet and headed towards Gwens room. When I got there I almost didn't see Cody. I was about to go grab him but then he knocked on the door. I quickly jumped into another hall closet before he noticed that I was there. I opened the door just a little so I could see. "Who is it?" I heard Gwen say. Cody was a bit pale. He was obviously nervous. I hoped that he wouldn't say anything and just walk away.
"I-it's Cody." He said. My heart sank.
"Cody! What are you doing here?" Gwen asked.
"I-i'm looking for Noah? He said stuttering again.
"Noah? He's not here." Gwen said. Oh please, please, please don't be there!
"Gwen, I heard him in there a few seconds ago." He said without stuttering this time.
"Cody, he's..."
"I just wanna talk to him." Cody said interrupting Gwen. Nobody talked for a while.
"Ok." Gwen said. She opened the door and walked out.
"We'll leave so you two can talk privately." She said as Owen, Duncan, and Alejandro walked. Alejandro? What's he doing in there? Then Izzy came out and ran down the hallway and out of my sight. Cody looked a little confused at everyone. But then Duncan pushed him into the room and closed the door. This was bad. Noah and Cody were both in the same room and I couldn't do anything about it.
"I would kill to see what's going on in there." Gwen said.
"You can Gwen!" Izzy yelled coming back with a laptop.
"How?" Gwen asked.
"I put a spy camera disguised as an apple in there and we should be able to see what's going on in there with my laptop." Izzy said.
"Why do you have spy camera?" Alejandro asked. She didn't answer.
"Come on, lets watch." She said walking over to the closet I was hiding in. She didn't come in but she stood just close enough for me to see the screen.
"Isn't this kinda wrong?" Owen asked as Gwen, Duncan, and Alejandro gathered around Izzy.
"Come on, it's not like you're not curious." Duncan said and then Owen walked over and started to watch. Noah was sitting on the bed and Cody was standing in front of him scratching the back of his head.
"Well?" Noah said.
"So. You like me?" Cody said.
"Sierra tell you?" Noah asked.
"No. DJ told me." Cody said. There was another long pause. "Listen, Noah. I came here to tell you..."
"I know, I know! You came here to tell me that you're not gay and don't like me like that! I've heard it a million times!" Noah yelled as he got off the bed and walked to the window.
"No! That's not it! I came here to tell you that I do like you like that!" Cody yelled back.
"No way!" Gwen yelled. No! I gotta stop this but I can't get passed them.
"R-really?" Noah said.
"Yeah, I have for a while." Cody said handing him his journal filled with his drawings of Noah. Noah started to read it and instantly looked confused. "Yeah, I know the drawings are bad but they get better towards the middle." Cody said. Noah kept looking at the drawings starting to smile.
"Wow! This ones pretty graphic Cody." Noah said. Cody looked at the book and started to grab for it. Noah held it out behind himself. Cody reached over Noahs shoulder still grabbing for it, their faces inches apart. Their faces got closer to each other. No! Please don't do it! Their lips met. My heart sank into my stomach. Noah put his arms around Cody, pulling him closer.
"Eww. Geek love." Duncan said.
"Aww come on. It's sweet." Gwen said.
"Eh." Alejandro said with the tiniest bit of enthusiasm.
"Gosh, how do you think Sierra's going to react to this?" Owen asked.
"Why don't you ask her?" Izzy said as she opened the closet door revealing me.
"Sierra!" Gwen yelled.
"They're coming out!" Owen yelled. Gwen then started shoving everyone in the closet. It took her a while to get Owen in. Then she got in herself and shut the door.
It was a tight squeeze. Owen took up 90 percent of the closet. Because of that Duncan was squashed behind him and Izzy was riding on Owens shoulders. "Ow! Someone stepped on my foot!" Alejandro yelled.
"Owen! You're sandwiching me into the wall!" Duncan yelled.
"Everybody shut up!" Gwen said in a loud whisper. She then put her ear to the door.
"Ok. They're gone." She said and then started to make her way towards me. "Listen Sierra, you aren't going to ruin Noah and Codys relationship." She said pointing at me.
"But Cody's mine!" I yelled at her.
"No he isn't! That marriage you put him in wasn't binding and you know it!" She yelled back.
"Yeah. But he's still mine!" I yelled. "Oh my god." Gwen said.
"Don't you like it when Cody's happy?" Owen asked me.
"Yes." I said.
"Then why are you upset? Didn't you see how happy Cody was? You know he'll be that happy everyday now?" Owen said.
"Yeah. But... I love him!" I said as I cried into my hands.
"But he's gay. He's not gonna like you like that." Izzy said.
"I could get him to switch." I said.
"Please. I tried to get a lesbian girl in my neighborhood to switch once. Even with my looks I couldn't do it. It's impossible." Said Alejandro.
"This closet is to small. We need to get out of here before Alejandros big ego kills us." Duncan said. He got out from behind Owen and opened the door we all fell out onto the floor.
"Well it's about time." I looked up. It was Noah. He and Cody were leaning on the wall.
"Oh and Izzy, you need to get better spy equipment." Cody said.
"As if we're not going to notice an obviously plastic apple with a huge lens-cap on the side." Noah said throwing Izzys apple cam at her.
"You knew we were in there?" Gwen said.
"We heard you all the way at the elevator." Noah said.

"So did you here everything we said in there?" Duncan asked.

"Everything." Cody said glaring at me. It was scary. I had never seen Cody this angry before and I'm pretty sure no one else had either because they were all staring at Cody too. Nobody talked for a while until Cody broke the silence. "You. Me. Talk... Now." He said pointing at Gwen s room.
"Ok." I said reluctantly and walked into Gwen s room. Cody came in shutting the door with a loud bang. He continued to glare at me. Even though I was scared I was still thinking of a way to get Cody back. No one was in the room with us, maybe if I kissed him. Cody knew I was thinking this because he then said, "kiss me and I get a restraining order." I looked down at my feet not saying a word. "Well?" Cody said.
"Well what?"
"You know what!" He said yelling know. "I heard everything you said in there about how you were going to try and get me back! Sierra! I was never yours. Cody yelled.
Cody, I... Can t you get it through your head? I don t like you like that! He yelled interrupting me.
But... But nothing! He yelled interrupting me again. So I stopped talking. Listen. We re friends Sierra. He said. I looked up at him. But we won t be for long if you keep doing this. I really like Noah and if you really did care about me, you wouldn t be doing this. He said. He then turned and left the room, leaving me with my thoughts. I did care about him, a lot. But I also loved him so much. He meant the world to me.
Uhh... Sierra? Gwen had stuck her head through the door after Cody left. Do you mind leaving? I uhh... gotta put on my bathing suit. She said with a nervous smile. I knew she was lying. But I didn t care. So I left and went to my room.

I was lying on my bed crying into my pillow. It had been a week since Cody had yelled at me and since I left my room. I was too depressed to leave. I had been living off my mini-fridge. I m pretty sure I had gained five pounds. I got up to get something from the fridge when someone knocked on my door. Go away! I yelled.
I would but Cody would get mad at me. They replied. I looked through the doors peephole to see who it was. It was Noah.
Why are you here? I asked loudly.
Well we, and by that I mean Cody noticed that you haven't come out of your room since last week so he thought it would be a good idea for me to come and talk to you. He said nervously. Why should I let him in? He was the last person I wanted to see, let alone talk to. But he said Cody sent him, so I reluctantly opened the door. He walked in and it was obvious that he was scared.
Scared? I asked him.
No. Then why do you have Harold s nun-chucks in your pocket? I was aaa... cleaning them for him. He said as he covered them with his shirt. Alright, well, Cody wanted me to talk to you about... us and he wants you to know that he respects that you re giving him space but he doesn t want you to stay in your room all the time. Noah said.
Why couldn t he just tell me that himself? I asked.
He thought you d still be upset with him about your talk last week. I guess I kinda was. You feel heart broken, don t you? Trust me, I know how that feels and I can really see why it s over Cody. He s sweet, has beautiful eyes, and the cute gap in his teeth. The gap was cute and I was heart broken. But...
This isn t like you Noah. You never show emotion or open up. Especially to people you don t even like. I said out load. Love does crazy things. He said. We stared at each other for a while.
Wow. You must really like him if you d say something that cheesy. I said breaking the silence. Noah laughed, a bit.
Well, that s all I have to say. He walked up to the door to leave but stopped. Why don t you come outside. The sun misses you. He said with a grin and left. Now there s something Noah would say. The way he talked about Cody was exactly the way I do. He was someone that would love and care for Cody as much as I do. But I don t like that Cody had to ask Noah to come up here. If it was the other way around, I would of came up here without him asking. But I guess you can t have everything. I looked at the mirror on my wall and I was very pale, even for my dark skin. Noah was right. I need some sun. The sun blinded me as soon as I walked outside. so much that I didn t see Cody walking up to me. Hey Sierra. How are you? He said.
Hi Cody. I guess I m ok. Thanks for sending Noah to talk to me. i really needed that. I replied.
What? I didn t send Noah to talk to you. But he said... We both looked over at Noah lying on a lounge chair, reading his book. So he didn t come to talk to me because Cody told him to. He came up there because he saw that Cody was worried and wanted to help him. That put a smile on my face. Cody saw it too, which put a smile on his face.
So, are we cool? He asked.
We still friends? I asked.
Best friends. We re cool. Cody smiled and gave me a quick hug and ran off to Noah. I was thirsty so I went over to the bar. A ginger ale please. I asked the bartender.
Everything cool Sierra? Someone asked me. It was Gwen. She was sitting one seat from me. Alejandro was next to her.
Yeah. I replied.
That s awesome. Owen said who was floating on his back in the pool with Izzy lying on his chest. I looked up at Noah and Cody who were snuggling. I ll probably never get over Cody but... I thought as I took a sip from my drink and looked out into the lake. There are other fish in the sea.