Well, I started a new story, go ahead shoot me. I'm interested in this one though, so, it might make it past 5 chapters. This is going to be the another, very cliche, Johnny Storm/OC story. Only it most likely won't be like anyone else. I hope. Anyways, it is kinda angsty but since fanfiction only lets you chose two genres it's not up there. Just to warn anyone ahead of time. Though it won't be like the depression/ gruesome kind of angst, it'll be different. Anyways, they both have a lot of problems to get over, secrets to be uncovered, all that good stuff. This chapter is angsty and slightly irritating to me but I needed to get their meeting in somehow and set up for other things that'll come. But alas, disclamer time:

I own absolutely nothing. Marvel owns all except my OCs. Those came out of the depths of my "imagination" though personally, I think it's the sleep deprevation. It's 1:20 A.M right now so...

"Now we go to Amy Bents who has an interesting new story."

The sound came out of the TV. The light from it was flickering around the room. The couple on the couch wasn't watching it.

" Thanks Jess. Right now I'm outside a hot new club called the Pulse, where just minutes ago the Human Torch was seen with an under age girl. The 17-year-old girl, Veronica Yates, happens to be the younger sister of Cecilia Yates, a rising star in the business world and newest CEO partner of Trenton Biggs at Biggs' company. Cecilia left the building after fetching her younger sister. She refused to comment and it is unknown whether the club will press charges on Veronica for being under aged and if charges will be pressed against the Human Torch as well. However, an interesting clip was sent to us from a club goer letting us see what happened inside the building." The newswoman said.

At the mention of the Human Torch the couple started to listen to the newscast. The clip being shown was blurry and dark. The beat of whatever song had been playing at the time. It was clearly some VIP lounge. In the corner sat a man surrounded by several girls. He had his arm around a young girl who was shouting at a woman in front of them all. While the other females there were dressed in more than revealing outfits, the woman seemed to be straight of the red carpet with her long dark hair in a simple up-do and wearing an elegant blue dress.

" What the hell do you think you doing Veronica?" she asked her voice filled with quiet fury.

" Having fun, Sis. You should try it." The girl slurred.

It was obvious she was more then a little drunk. The other women laughed at her statement.

" Fun. Oh yes, well, I was having a great time at my promotion dinner, meeting with future clients when I got picture on my phone, from one of my friends, of my little 17-year-old sister fondling the Human Torch." The woman shouted.

" You're just jealous." Veronica said spitefully. " You and Simon broke up and since then you haven't wanted me to be with any guys."

The other woman jeered.

" That's right jealous bitch." One of them called out.

Her eyes narrowed and she ignored the rest of them glaring at her sister.

" Do you know why Simon and I broke up? Simon asked me to marry him, Ronnie, and his condition was that I'd send you to a foster home. So I gave up Simon for you. Just like I left the dinner in my honor. And just like I gave up every other goddamn thing in my life, that had a chance of making me happy, for you!" she said her voice quiet and shaking now.

Her sister was quiet now, her mouth opening and closing. The man was focusing more clearly on the woman now.

" Cel. I'm sorry." The younger finally said.

A sigh let out the woman and she visibly seemed tired.

" Let's just go Veronica." She said.

At that point the Human Torch stood up and led the girl over to her sister.

" Let's not be hasty." He said, " Why don't you two stay and have a good time, huh?"

The woman's eyes snapped towards him.

" Are you serious right now?" she asked seething.

" No? Well, how about you give me your number in exchange for taking Ronnie away from me and we'll call it even?"

The woman on the couch sighed as she watched this.

" Johnny would do something like that." She muttered.

The man next to her frowned.

" That is a bit tactless even for Johnny." He said.

They turned their attention back to the TV.

" You were all over my underage sister and now you want my number." She stated.

" Well, when you put it like that…" Johnny trailed off.

" You may save lives on a daily basis, Johnny Storm, but you certainly don't know how to have one. Do you really think anyone here gives a shit about you? You're nothing to them but money. Let's face it, you don't matter." She said.

His eyebrows furrowed and he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. She grabbed her sister's wrist and started pulling her to the door.

" You can't talk to the Human Torch like that, bitch!" one of the women shouted.

" Yeah, slut, he's way more important then you'll ever be!" another said.

The women started to all yell obscenities and one attempted to get up and chase the woman and finally it seemed that Johnny had gotten his cool back.

" Now, now ladies. Let's not call names." He said with a final tone in his voice.

" But Johhhhnnnnnny," one of the women whined, " you heard how that horrible woman spoke to you."

While he was speaking he hadn't taken his eyes of the woman's retreating back as she led her sister out.

" Well, it will take a lot more than a petty insult to bring me down. In fact it'd take one of you, if you catch my drift." He said waggling his eyebrows.

The video ended as he sat back down staring hard at the wall, the women contently stroking his body.

" Well, there we have it. It looks like Cecilia Yates' life isn't as perfect as it seems, hmm? Our hero isn't as heroic as he seems though and what about that comment directed towards Johnny Storm, the Human Torch. He seemed to react pretty badly don't you think? He left the club soon after and he left alone. We'll try to find out more of the situation concerning Veronica Yates and her being underage at the club as well as any charges that might be made against the Human Torch. But for now, back to Jess." The newscaster said.

The couple turned off the TV after that. The woman turned to the man.

" I've never seen Johnny act like that before, Reed." The woman said worriedly.

" I know Sue, but Johnny will be fine. He's probably letting off steam somewhere flying around or he's at some girl's house." Said Reed, " But we should get to bed."

" Yeah, you're right." She finally said.

Cecilia Yates closed the door to her condo quickly. It had been two days since she went to get Veronica from The Pulse and since then reporters, cameramen, and Johnny Storm's many fan clubs had dogged her. She dropped a large stack of letters on her kitchen table and went to pour herself a cup of coffee.

" What's that?" a voice said from behind her. She jumped and almost spilled the coffee in her hand. Her sister let out a small laugh. She had been on her best behavior since that night.

" More hate mail, I suspect." Cecilia said with a sigh.

Her sister grabbed a letter from the top of the pile.

" How did they even get our address?" she asked.

" I have no idea. This is getting out of control."

Her sister looked up from opening the letter.

" Cel," she said quietly, " I'm sorry…"

" I know."

" You don't deserve this. It's my fault anyways."

" Ronnie, it's no one's fault. It- it just happened."

" It didn't just happen! You told me again and again and I still did it! I fucked up big time and it's screwing things up for both of us. I can't walk down the hallways at school without being called a whore 20 times. You're getting hate mail and screamed at in the streets. How is it not my fault?"

" You made a mistake Ronnie. As for me, I insulted their hero. None of them even care that their "hero" was charged with possible statutory rape."

" I told you I didn't do anything with him!" Veronica said shrilly.

" I know and that's why the charges were dropped. Not that they wouldn't have found a way out of it anyways. Who could convict a hero?"

" Cecilia…."

Cecilia let out a sigh.

" Ronnie. Stop apologizing."

" You had to pay my bail!"

" Ronnie. Enough. You messed up. You've been grounded. You're obviously sorry. You were a complete idiot and I thought I had taught you better. It's over though."

" You know, some people say that you should do more than just ground me."

" You've already been put on social probation and sentenced to community service. What more can I do? You broke my trust Ronnie, but I still trust you enough to believe you won't do it again. Just… Don't break what little faith I have left in you Ronnie."

Veronica didn't say anything. Cecilia had closed her eyes and was leaning back into her chair.

" I'm just glad today is Saturday." Cecilia said finally.

" Did… did anything happen to you at work?" Veronica asked meekly.

" Trenton made an announcement. All employees are to keep their personal views to themselves and act professional."

" So, no one said anything to you?"

" Oh no, people did. I just never told Trenton."

" What? Why not."

" Ronnie, I can see why people are doing this. I insulted their hero. Even if he isn't that great of a person he still does save lives." Cecilia said softly.

" How do you do that? You just brush everything off like it's nothing. You don't think this is my fault, when it is! You don't blame people for attacking you verbally! What will it take for you to care? Anyone else would be breaking down right now; you know it's true! And here you are acting like it's fine. Anyone else would do a lot more than ground me. Anyone else would be doing something!" Veronica exploded.

" Ronnie, I'm not anyone else. Just leave it ok? It happened. I- I just don't want to push you away." She said trailing off quietly.

" You know Cel, the more you pick up the pieces of everyone else, the more you lose the pieces of yourself and when you finally notice you're not happy there won't be enough pieces for you to put back together." Veronica said her voice hard.

" You said you gave up everything for me, maybe you should do something for yourself for a change, then you might be happy."

Cecilia opened her mouth angrily and thought better of it. She grabbed her purse and keys and stormed out the door she had came in from.

I almost feel like the interactions between Cecilia and Veronica are a bit much especially for the first chapter and seeing as you don't even know the characters that well yet. Hmmm. Oh well. Let me know what you think by hitting that lovely little button right below this. You know, the blue one, that says review? It should turn purple after you click it though. And who doesn't love purple? So come on people click that button instead of reading this long drawn out paragraph that is essentially me begging you for reviews because I thrive off of them. Seriously I THRIVE off of them. Ok, I'm done. Heads up I'll probably have the next chapter up within the next three days, so don't forget to check back!