He needed help… now.

"Dean, where the hell are ya boy!" Bobby asked from the other side of the phone, worry was evident in his voice but Dean couldn't do anything but whine into the phone, anger starting to pool in his stomach.

He suddenly wished that Bobby could speak tiger. "Dean put Sam on, I don't understand a word ya saying!" Bobby ordered and Dean glanced at the still pale form of Sam and growled deeply at his surrogate father.

Didn't Bobby think he knew he couldn't understand him? He felt the urge to throttle something as he watched Sam's laboured breathing and suddenly realised that calling Bobby wouldn't help at the moment unless he figured something had gone wrong.

"Son, what's wrong with Sam? Is he hurt?"Bobby asked, worry clearly heard in his voice but Dean had no idea who to communicate with the older hunter.

He settled for whining and growling low in his throat but Bobby didn't seem to understand. "Boy I can't speak animal! Give me some sign, Idjit!" Bobby was growing frustrated and he knew something was wrong.

Dean growled angrily as he looked around the forest and racked his mind for something he could give Bobby but couldn't think.

He looked at Sam and nudged his face again and licked over his nose, needing some sort of response and almost jumped for joy when Sam moaned in pain and cracked open his eyes.

"Dean" he murmured and Dean licked his face in a comforting sense as he nudged at the phone where Bobby was shouting for a response after hearing Sam's voice.

Sam looked up his brother-turned tiger and spoke up quietly as Dean sat next to the phone, nudging it closer so he could talk and hear better.

"Bobby, we need your help" Sam was amazed to feel how weak his voice was and panick when through him as he realised how badly hurt he actually was.

"I gathered that ya Idjit" Bobby said but Dean could hear the relief in his voice along with the ever growing worry. "Where are ya? What's up with Dean?" Bobby asked as he gathered that Sam was injured and something was up with Dean.

Sam clenched his eyes shut as he felt his headache getting worse "We're in the forest where the Wendigo was… don't worry we killed it but it attacked me before Dean could see. Bobby you better hurry up on that cure for Dean" Sam sighed as he could almost Bobby frowning.

"What ya mean boy? Did something else change than just his voice?" Bobby questioned and Sam glanced at Dean who was staring intently at him, his eyes narrowed and Sam felt unnerved at the amount of emotions within there depths that shouldn't be there in a real tigers eyes.

"Try his whole body Bobby" Sam whispered. There was a silence as Dean sniffed and watched the area that was gradually becoming lighter with the rising sun. Sam could tell Bobby was thinking over what he just said before Bobby clicked.

"Y-ya don't mean…" he asked, voice unsteady. Sam nodded to himself as he tried to push the pain he was feeling to the back of his mind.

"Yeah, he's now a fully fledged tiger" he answered and knew they needed to sort out this unbelievable problem of his brother being a tiger.

"Bobby we need to get out of this forest, Dean is hurt too and unfortunately me too. I don't know where about in the forest we are but… can you track this phone or something?" Sam asked weakly, already feeling faint again.

"Sure boy, hang in there" Bobby warned him before hanging up. Sam sighed, dropping the phone onto his chest, completely exhausted and in much pain.

Dean watched as Sam closed his eyes and hoped the boy wouldn't fall asleep again, even though Sam needed rest from his pain Dean was scared out of his mind he wouldn't wake up again so he nuzzled his brothers face, licking his cheek in a comforting manner.

"Dean" Sam whispered, pain evident in his voice and Dean really wanted to get rid out that sound from his baby brothers voice.

He whined lowly, nuzzling him more, showing the younger that he was there for him. "Y-you ok Dean?" Sam murmured weakly, smiling slightly as he looked at the tiger nuzzling him. Dean was shocked at what his brother just asked him.

He was dying and asking him if he was ok? Shouldn't he be more worried about himself dying in a forest? He growled and whined this at his brother but Sam just chuckled, he knew Dean would be shocked he'd ask that in the situation he was in right now.

But Sam thought Dean would realise that the younger worshiped Dean and worried about him just as he worried for him. Dean was his older brother and best friend so he watched as the tiger curled up to his side, licking his face in a comforting way and Sam had to admit it… having Dean licking his face soothingly was calming him down.

But the pain was still there. He groaned in pain again, breaths coming in quickly and he felt Dean tense beside him, his large furry body helping to keep him warm. Dean yipped as he licked Sam's face again. "Dean… we need to get to a hospital… y-your hurt" Sam murmured, panick in his voice.

He knew Dean was hurt, he could see patches of dried blood clinging to his brothers fur and was reminded of the deep gash he had gotten in his stomach.

"L-leave me… go get help" Sam whimpered to his brother, looking at him pleadingly. He didn't want Dean to die of blood loss because of him but he noticed that Dean wasn't going to leave him either… he was stuck on what to do.

Dean watched in horror as Sam passed out yet again and he growled at his brother, willing for him to wake up. Damn it! Fine, I'll carry him if that's what it takes! He knew Bobby wouldn't be there till maybe hours so he wasn't going to wait as he thought on how to carry Sam to safety.

Thanks for reading! Please keep up the reviews (means the world to me) and give me your suggestions and thoughts or if you like the direction the story is headed or how to improve my writing. Thanks to those who have reviewed and I am soooooooo sorry for not updating in ages, i totally forgot to upload my storys . Anyway please review and sorry again!