A/n: comment!Fic from CLAMPkink. Completely cracky and nothing makes sense. *laughs* The idea was born from Syaoran passing the Buttmonkey Torch to Chikahito… which would actually make sense /shot

AU? /shot


Chikahito wanders pensively around the meeting area. He remembers bumping into this stranger, wearing an outfit he's sure is for cosplay but doesn't comment on it, who grabbed him so earnestly and told him to meet up here.

He waits. And it's with that same person tapping him on the shoulder that he snaps his head up.

"Chikahito-kun," the other says, and Chikahito wonders how he knows his name. "I don't have much time but I must warn you."

Chikahito panics inside, his eyes widening and what? There are going to be stranger things that will happen to him that hasn't already happened? "What? What's going on?" He asks.

The other one purses his lips, his eyebrows scrunching up in the middle looking so worried. "There are things you might not want to see, but will anyway."

Chikahito stands from his seat, wanting to run away but doesn't. "What do you mean?"

The stranger places a hand on his shoulder, looking straight into his eyes. "Be careful when walking into a room."


The stranger sits down where Chikahito was sitting a while ago. He looks down suddenly, a melancholic aura radiating from him. "I was too careless, I never knocked, and now I have paid for that." He looks up desperately then, his eyes pleading. "I've seen so many... things I shouldn't. I thought- I thought that travelling would erase these memories- but."

Chikahito steps forward, suddenly worried about this stranger. "But what?"

"But I'm still subjected to seeing things I shouldn't. Especially with my travelling companions." He stands up again, pacing around this time, "The High Priest and the King, Kurogane-san and Fai-san, Doumeki and Watanuki, even Yuui-san and my twin brother Syaoron in another world..."

Chikahito doesn't know any of those people, but what could they have done that he found so horrible? He opens his mouth, about to ask, but someone shouts a name from a distance.

"Syaoran-kun! We have to go!" A blond man says, running towards them.

For a moment the stranger- Syaoran, looks so horrified. He touches Chikahito's arm, squeezing it. "Remember, always knock," he whispers.

Syaoran walks to the blond man who is so carelessly clinging to a man with black hair and red eyes. A stuffed toy on the black haired one's shoulder suddenly talks. And it's with a flash of light and feathers do they disappear.

He walks home, contemplating on what just transpired. He doesn't remember to knock, and just heads straight inside. He doesn't see Hana, and he thinks maybe she's in her room sleeping.

He slides open a door, "You won't belie-" he stops short, seeing Sakura and Tachibana. At first, he only stares, his mind going blank.

"Ah, welcome home." Sakura says so casually though he's on top of Tachibana, his hand in a questionable place.

Chikahito's brain snaps into operation then. He turns around, stuttering and his face so red. "Uhm- Yeah I- I'll just go. S-sorry, I d-d-didn't mean-" He runs away.

He never forgets to knock ever again.



A/n: Oh Chikahito, I do feel sorry for you (not really).