Hey. I came up with this in a dream last night! :) I actually like the idea.. well here it is. Have fun reading!
Olivia's POV
Wen's dad drove Wen and I to the airport. We were going to LA to start a recording contract. We would be going to this proforming arts high school called Hollywood Arts.
"So are you kids excited about going to Hollywood Arts?" Wen's dad, Jeffrey, asked.
"Kinda, dad, but we are gonna be the new kids in school.. I hope we fit in.." Wen said.
"Oh, bud, I'm sure you will. So Olivia, are you excited?" He asked me. He thought of me as a second daughter. Which was nice, considering I don't have a dad...
"Kinda. Like Wen said, we are going to be the new kids.." I started playing with my hair nervously..
"Well, I'm sure you will be just fine, dear."
I smiled, "Thank you, Mr. Gifford."
"Now, sweetheart, you can call me Jeffrey. Or Jeff. Whichever you prefer."
"Alright, Jeff." I said, it was kinda akward considering he was my best friends dad.
"We're here, daddy!" Wen's little sister, Georgie, cried out.
"Yes we are, princess!" Jeff said, it's going to take awhile to get used to that..
When we got out, we were attacked by the most scary monster in the universe... Stella on caffine. Save me!
"There you are! I was getting worried that you were killed! Or in a car crash, or kidnapped or-" She started.
"SHUT UP!" We all yelled, she just muttered, "Ok, ok."
"We should get on the plane.. it takes off in 10 minutes." Mo stated.
"She's right. LETS GO!" Scott said.
We all got on the plane. I sat by Wen, Scott sat by Mo, and Charlie and Stella sat by eachother.
A few hours later, we touched down and went to find our manager. It wasn't that hard. He held up a big sign that said 'LEMONADE MOUTH!'
"I think that's him.." Charlie said, pointing to him.
"Yeah, no crap, dumbalina." Stella said.
We all laughed and went over there.
"You all must be Lemonade Mouth? Am I correct?" He asked.
"Well, last I checked we were." Wen said. I smiled at him.
"Well, hello then! I'm Aaron James. Your manager." He held out his hand.
"Hey." We all shook his hand. "You know all of us." I said.
"Yes I do. My daughter is a big fan of you all. She has all of your posters."
"Aw. Thats sweet. Tell her we said hi." I said.
"I will. Well we better get to the hotel." He said, and we left the airport and saw a black lemo.
"Woah." We all said.
We all got in and went to the hotel. It was super nice. It had a hot tub, spa, pool(indoor and outdoor), and everything.
"Well, you all can spend all day doing whatever you want, but tommorow is your first day at Hollywood Arts. Have fun." Aaron left.
Today we all just watched TV and movies, went and explored the hotel and Hollywoods. It was awesome.
The next we all went to hollywood arts high school. Some girl with brown hair walked up to us.
"Hey, I'm Tori Vega. You all must be Lemonade Mouth?" She asked.
"Yeah thats-" Stella started to say.
"LEMONADE MOUTH!" Some other brown haired girl in a mini skirt and tee screamed and ran up to us jibber-jabbing.
"Oh my god! Your Lemonade Mouth! The Lemonade Mouth! Ahh this is soooo amazing! I love your music! Do you want to come hear me sing? Alright lets go! Oh btw, I'm Trina Vega. The cooler and hotter of the Vega sisters!" She said, dang she was annoying.. She then grabbed all our arms and dragged us to this recording studio place. She started to sing, kill me now!
"She's AWFUL!" Stella said, a discusted look on her face.
"You can say that again." Scott said.
I looked at Wen, and it looked like he was about to squash his head he was holding his ears so hard.
"Wen?" I asked.
"What! I can't hear you! I've gone deff listening to this! Hey, are my ears bleeding?" He removed one of his hands.
"No. Their fine. I think.."
Trina came out. "So what did you think? I know amazing right!"
Then a weird looking guy with a puppet came up. The kids in this school are weird. I would rather deal with Ray than this. And that says a lot..
"Hey, I'm Robbie and-"
"Enough! It's Rex's time to shine!" The puppet said, it looked at Mo, Stella and I. "Hey hot stuff, 1, 2, and 3. I'm Rex. Pay no attention to the weird guy with the affro and chick who can't sing."
"Hey!" Trina and Robbie said at the same time.
Well. There the first one. Well, the Lemonade Mouth gang met part of the Victorious gang. And so far, Olivia isn't liking it too much. Well, can you blam her? If you were dragged to your possible doom by Trina you wouldn't like it too much either. Well next one either later today or tommorow. Well, review and request to people. See ya. :) Pairs are, Tori/Beck, Beck/Olivia (but not for long), Mo/Charlie, Cat/Robbie, Olivia/Wen. Jade, Scott, and Stella are single. Sorry for you Jeck, or Scohini lovers, but I'm mor of a Bori and Marlie lover.