This is the last chapter for this part of the story. Sorry it's so short :(

I will be continuing Kat's story into Chronicles of Riddick. I still haven't decided if I want to use flashbacks to tell the story of Kat and Riddick or just write another fic that takes place before Pitch Black. Let me know what you think :) I'll hopefully have the next story started tomorrow.

"Kat you can't go out there. You'll die!" Fry tried to grab onto Kat's arm to stop her from walking out of the ship. Hissing at the captain Kat spun around grabbing Fry by both arms. The momentum caused both women to fall to the ground sliding through the hatch of the ship. Kat pinned Fry to the ground growling at her fiercely as the rain drenched them both within seconds.

"It was me who begged him to go back for you guys. I won't leave him on this fucking planet to die!" Kat pulled herself to her feet and started walking back in the direction that the group had come in. A gurgling sound caught her attention but she didn't turn around to find out what had happened. She already knew, Fry was dead and it would be up to her and Riddick to fly the ship.

"Kat. Please come back." Jack stuck her head out of the hatch and looked at Kat hopefully. Without another word she ventured into the darkness in hopes of finding him alive.

Riddick's POV

The creature had caught him off guard because he had let himself think about her again. Aligning himself with the creatures face, Riddick was able to hide inside the creatures blind spot. However he hadn't anticipated another one coming up behind him. There was no way Riddick could hide from both monsters. It was fight or die. Lunging forward he dug his shiv into the creatures stomach causing it to scream out. It's guts flew out of is stomach before it fell to the ground dead. He spun around to attack the other creature but it had already moved in to attack. The creature dug its claws into Riddicks side causing him to grunt in pain. During the attack Riddick had dropped his shiv and he was quickly crawling forward to grab it. With another grunt escaping his lips, Riddick collapsed to the ground as the creature dug it's claws in deeper.

Kat's POV

After walking for several minutes the sounds of grunting filled her ears. Kat rushed towards the sound but stopped as she rounded the corner. The smell of blood filled Kat's senses and she knew that Riddick was about to die. Running forward Kat grabbed the shiv she was keeping in her back pocket.

"Kat! No, go back!" Ignoring his orders Kat dug her weapon into the creature causing it to scream out just as the one Riddick had killed did. As a last attempt to kill something before it died, the creature struck forward catching Kat across the chest. She flew backward, hitting her head against the wall and didn't move.

Riddick's POV

Riddick watched in horror as Kat smacked into the wall behind her. Ignoring the pain in his side, he ran to her limp body. He could smell the blood seeping from the wound on Kat's chest. Grabbing her shoulders, Riddick started shaking her furiously trying to wake her.

"Don't you dare die on my Katherine. Don't you are die for me." A feeling of dread started to erupt inside Riddick when Kat didn't wake up. Resting his head in the crook of her neck, Riddick started humming a song that used to be Kat's favorite when he had first met her.

"Please wake up."

Kat's POV

Kat could faintly hear humming coming from somewhere far away. She knew that she should wake up, she wanted to wake up but for some reason her body wouldn't let her. Fighting the feeling of wanting to stay asleep forever, the humming started to grow. Finally she was able to open her eyes and realized that it was Riddick humming a song that was her favorite when she was younger. A grunt escaped her lips causing the convict holding her to snap his head up.

"Riddick what're you doing?" Grabbing both sides of her face, Riddick covered her lips with his. The kiss caught Kat off guard for a moment before she returned the kiss. It was anything but gentle, the kiss was forceful and filled with every emotion that Riddick had ever held back from Kat. After several minutes the convicts separated both of them breathing heavily from lack of air.

"I thought you said you'd never come back for me Katherine…"

"Shut up Riddick, let's get off this planet." The pair helped each other walk towards the ship. After walking for several minutes the light filled ship came into view. Kat could feel Jacks eyes on them as they limped onto the ship. Positioning herself next to the young girl, Kat let Jack hold on to her in a tight hug.

"I knew you guys would come back." Riddick sat in the pilots seat and started up the ship. He paused for a second before turning all the lights off.

"Riddick what are you doing?" Jack gripped onto Kat tighter causing the convict to laugh softly. The creatures started landing on the ship in hopes of clawing their way inside to kill the remaining humans. After another seconds hesitation, Riddick turned all the lights on full blast causing many of the creatures to burst into flames. With a jolt the ship took off and was soon in orbit as Riddick pushed the ship farther away from the planet. He set their destination for Helion Prime before turning to face the three survivors.

"Riddick what do we do if we come across any Mercs?"

"You tell them we died somewhere on that planet."

Kat stretched and sat up giving up on any kind of sleep, cryo or not. Soon after take off, they had bandaged their wounds but her chest was still irritating her. Kat could feel that Riddick was also still awake. Walking over to where he was sitting she leaned against his seat.

"What's going to happen now Riddick?"

"We'll figure it out." She could feel Riddick's eyes on her causing her to shift uncomfortably. His arms snaked around Kat's waist pulling her down to lay with him in his seat.

"Why'd you come back for me?"

"The same reason you came back for me. I love you."