They say most of your brain shuts down in cryo-sleep. All but the primitive side, the animal side. No wonder we're still awake. Transporting us with civilians. Sounded like 40, 40-plus. Heard an Arab voice. Some hoodoo holy man, probably on his way to New Mecca. But what route? What route? I smelt a woman. Sweat, boots, tool belt, leather. Prospector type. Free settlers. And they only take the back roads. And here's my real problem. Mr. Johns... the blue-eyed devil. Planning on taking us back to the slam... only this time he picked a ghost lane. A long time between stops. A long time for something to go wrong.

The chains stung against Kat's wrists but the pain didn't affect her, it never did. She could faintly hear him moving in his tank, cryo-sleep didn't affect either of them. Which in Kat's case, irritated the hell out of her. The trip back to which ever slam Johns chose was going to be a long one and she would have rather slept for the whole trip. But as fate would have, she wouldn't be sleeping much.

The ship jerk roughly throwing Kat into the glass door of her tank with a soft grunt. She could sense that something was wrong, another jerk confirmed that they were going to crash. Voices filled her ears, two people were arguing with each other.

"Don't you touch that handle!" A scream filled the air as the ship smashed into something hard and skidded several feet. Kat could smell the blood, she could feel the death around her. Chances were most if not all of the passengers where dead.

Heavy books started their way towards Kat's tank, she could hear two people talking. The blue-eyed devil himself and a woman, who she assumed was the captain.

"What the hell happened up there?" Johns voice was shaking slightly and she knew that he was itching for something to take that edge off.

"I don't know. We hit something hard. It happened all so fast and we couldn't gain control …"

"Shit!" The woman was cut off abruptly as Kat heard John's stop in front of the tank across from her.

"Who was in there?"

"Just the most wanted murder in all of the universe, Riddick. Looks like he forgot his little mate though." Johns walked over to Kat's tank and pulled the door open. She grunted in pain as he yanked her onto her feet. The cover that was over Kat's eyes fell to the ground revealing a set of the brightest blue eyes anyone had ever seen, the brightest non-seeing eyes.

"Do you mean she's partnered with this Riddick? She's…"

"..Blind? Yea, don't let that fool you. This one has a kick of her own and she'll kill you in your sleep. Isn't that right Katherine?"

Kat smirked in Johns direction but she didn't say anything. She could feel Riddick's gaze from somewhere in the ship. The devil wouldn't be smiling much longer. Kat felt a tug on her arm as Johns led her out of the ship through a gaping hole in the back. Before anyone said a word, she had already assessed who was left. Two prospectors, a holy man and three kids, no four kids, Johns, the captain, a rich man, Riddick and herself.

"Why do you have her tied up like that?" One of the children, called Jack, was a very curious one and kept pestering Johns with questions about the blind woman he had bound.

"Stay away from her kid. She's bad news." Kat found herself leaning against the edge of the damaged ship while the rest of the survivors talked about what they were going to do next. Johns was dead set on finding his missing convict first, but no one wanted to stay with Kat. If what he said about her was true they didn't want to take the risk of being on the wrong side of her fury.

A loud thud from inside the ship caused Johns to run into the darkness. Kat could feel the stares from everyone only making her laugh loudly. This in return brought fear into the air and she relished at the smell.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you…. Yet." She actually had no intention of killing them, but she loved making them fear her more than what they already did. Another thud brought the attention to the entrance of the ship. Johns had come out dragging a bound and unconscious Riddick making Kat laugh again.

"What you laughing at Katherine?"

"You should've just let him roam around this empty planet. Bringing him so close to everyone.. Why you've only put them in more danger." A sharp needle-like pain erupted under her skin indicating that Johns had slapped her. Instead of shutting her up as he had hoped, this only caused Kat to laugh louder.

"We're going to have some fun on this planet Johns, aren't we?" Johns grunted as he made contact with Kat's face with his left boot. The world went black and she fell to her side on the dust covered ground.