Disclaimer: Don't own any characters from Harry Potter, only the ones that I make up in my own fantasy land :D

Note: Harry has a brother about a year older born called Richard Marvin in the same month hence the prophecy could be about both of them. Don't hate me if this is not your taste cause if it is not then stop reading after the note or when ever. This kinda follows what JK wrote.


The night that Lord Voldemort heard of the dreaded prophecy "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies" was the night he made his decision. He needed the pain to stop, to acquire what he always needed.

The night he went to Godric's Hollow to kill the prophesied child, he was faced with a choice, one which he had been unprepared to make- who to kill Harry or Richard, the younger or the older? Time was against him, the decision needed to be made, drawing his wand he yelled out "AVADA KADAVRA". The spell bounced back killing him as the Potter's thought. Looking in the crib seeing both children crying, Richard having a magical sphere around him made Dumbledore believe he was the chosen child to vanquish Lord Voldemort.

That was the night Dumbledore made the second biggest mistake of his life but as fate would have it, he would not know of this mistake until too late in the game of gods. This is the story of Harry Potter the forgotten child to both worlds, Muggle and Magical. I give you the life of a shadow that lives through his brother, and those who remember him.

Chapter 1 Starting school

"Richard have you got everything together and ready so you can go back to school? If you forget anything like last time your mother and I will not send it to you." James was getting impatient Richard, had gotten lazy during the holidays. "Richard don't make me tell your mother to get up there and help." James heard a thud and a quick reply of "No I'm almost done, don't send mum," then foot steps down the stairs.

"I'm here I'm ready, how about Harry?"

"Harry, oh Harry yes um... I think he's ready." Richard looked from his father to the door. Neither of his parents had notice Harry standing there with his trunk already and packed until then. But Richard knew, he always knew where his brother was, after all he was the eldest.

Richard knew his parents always forgot Harry, he started noticing when they focused more on him and his needs, they left Harry out of things many times.

"Come along then getting ready for another year of school, ay."

"And its Harry's first year,"

"What? ... Oh… Yes of course, now you be a good boy don't get up to too much mischief and play nice. Oh yes and stay away from that Malfoy kid, he seemed to have given you a hard time last year. You know his father was a Deatheater so stay away." And on and on went the rules what you can and can't do, what was expected of him for being 'The chosen one'. Richard had most of the speech down pat memorised.

"Yes dad I know I know, don't affiliate with the Slytherin's, behave and do what Dumbledore says yes, I'll be good ok dad and mum." He turned to Harry, "Come on Uncle Sirius is probably waiting for us outside seething cause I made him wait. Why didn't you wait outside Harry?"

"I wanted to wait for you Rich," Harry looked down at his feet- who could argue at an adorable blushing younger brother.

"Alright then come on, bye mum and dad"

"Bye mum and dad," Harry almost whispered the farewell but they still caught it.

"Bye Richard have a good year, oh and you to Harry," Lilly almost forgot her youngest child for a moment until laying eye upon the child.

"Ah there you are Harry, Richard what took you so long." Harry was about to say something then Sirius said "wait no let me guess Richard was lazy and didn't pack until today yes," a nod from both Harry and Richard. Sirius and Remus were the only other people who remembered the sweet adorable Harry.

"Well before Remus kills me Harry, I have to give you your present for starting school," Sirius pulled out a cage with a beautiful white owl. "Don't you dare forget to write to us or you're going to get a howler from Remus, I swear he is like mother wolf ahahahha, don't tell him I said that though boys, I'm sure he'll have my head." Dumping the trunks into his car Sirius drove the Potter boys to the train station.

Sirius helped the two boys with their trunks and packages needed for the coming year at Hogwarts. Standing at the train station Sirius saw Richard run off towards his friends, introducing Harry and jumping on the train. But what he missed was Harry's face of absolute fear. Harry feared school and what would happen to him, especially since he was 'The chosen one's' brother. He was afraid of tarnishing his brother's name.

Following his brother and his friends to find a compartment Harry got separated by the mass of students finding a place on the train. That was when he stumbled straight into a taller boy, a good four inches taller. Looking up he saw a scowl on the pale boys face, quickly Harry bowed his head and mumbled "Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going, sorry." He tried to push past but the taller boy grabbed his arm pulling him around.

"What's your name?"

"Hey Malfoy what are you doing scaring new kids, go bully someone you already know," Richard took Harry's other arm.

"Oh looky here, it's the goody two shoes Potter- why don't you mind your own business while I talk to whomever I like."

Pulling Harry to him Richard looked at his brother seeing if he was hurt in anyway, getting the look from Harry that he was fine. "Well not with him, you leave him alone," with that Richard took Harry to the compartment all his friends were sitting in. They left behind them a slightly dazed and confused Draco. He was wondering who the kid was with the large green eyes was. Never had he seen eyes so green. Turning around with his cronies Crab and Goyle they left to the compartment Pansy had found.

The train trip had been exciting for Harry he made friends with a boy named Neville and Dean, and one girl called Hermione. They were all talking animatedly about what they thought Hogwarts would be like, well mainly the other Harry just listened in. Until Hermione started quoting the book 'Hogwarts a History', Harry joined in as he had read that book from cover to cover many times. Hermione was happy someone else was just as excited about learning and had a keen interest in reading.

When they had gotten into their school robes by the time the train stopped, everyone filed out quickly. First years like Harry, Hermione, Neville and Dean were taken to the boats lead by Hagrid. Harry and his friends got a boat to themselves and watched in awe as the vast castle came into view. Their awe though at the castle was quickly turned to disgust at the abrupt appearance of Argus Filtch who arrived to take them to the dining room so they could be sorted.

Slowly the names were called, Neville and Hermione, Harry's new friends, went to Ravenclaw. It seemed all too soon when McGonagall called the name "Harry Potter." Everybody paused at that name, "who was this other Potter?". But none more so than Draco Malfoy, it was then that the boy Draco ran into on the train stepped forwards, the boy with those green eyes. He made his way slowly with ever pair of eyes following him. Harry sat on the stool and the sorting hat was placed on his head.

"So you've finally come to have me on your head hmmm Harry Potter. Though my question is where should I put you? Where should I put you? hmmmm. We all know your brothers in Gryffindor, should I put you there, or how about Slytherin. You would be safer there from my guesses no?"

"Don't put me in Slytherin please, I want to be with my brother and friends," Harry begged the hat with his eyes closed.

"Well I shouldn't put you where you are not needed well then I think I made my mind up Harry Potter I shall place you in" the hat paused a bit "Ravenclaw!" The room was still in dead silence until the table of Ravenclaw exploded with cheers and claps for their newest member.