A/N: I always wondered what would happen if Fred came back to Washington State. This is my take.

I don't own The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner.

Finally Meeting

I've had enough of Riley's lies and moved on to Vancouver. Like I promised I waited for Bree, but she never showed. I travelled all around Canada feasting on the occasional human when needs be, but I was sure to keep my disgust factor up so I could go by undetected.

My travels and curiosity led me back to Forks, Washington the following spring. Nearing the forest I smelled something atrocious and awful. I wondered what or who could give off such a scent. It made me contemplate if this is what others smelled when I try to repel them. I followed the odor down to a clearing where I saw a young girl with reddish curls and beautiful skin playing about the trees. She wasn't the one emitting the unpleasant smell, but she did have a peculiar scent. Almost like food but not. I came closer, my interest awakened.

"Hello, my dear," I said, approaching her with stealthy care.

"Oh, hello," she answered back. She didn't even seem frightened at all. She started collecting some colorful blossoms and sat down.

I circled around her looking amongst the trees for the adult that cared for this little girl who looked about five. "Are you lost? Why are you alone out here?"

"I'm not alone. I have Jacob. He is still trying to find something to eat." She smiled at me. "What's your name?" She spoke as if strangers were a common occurrence.

"Fred," I said as I sat beside her. She handed me a yellow flower. Her beauty was unlike anything I've seen. I wasn't sure if she was human though with those chocolate eyes and beating heart she couldn't be anything less. My eyes darkened slightly from their usual bright red tint.

"What's yours?"

"Renesmee," she said in a sweet voice.

"Renesmee how long has Jacob been away?" I wondered if this Jacob person might be human. I could feast on him then enjoy the rest of today with this young child.

"Oh, not long, but he never goes far. He loves to try to surprise me, but I always hear him coming. When we go some place new, I could even smell him, but his scent is all over right now," she explained.

So it was this Jacob that smelled so repulsive. He must have a talent like me. Another vampire. No wonder I hadn't frightened her. His vampiric scent must've clung to her so I couldn't establish her human status. Again my eyes darkened.

"You look hungry," she mused. "You can't eat here or you will upset the wolves."

"Wolves?" I laughed. "I'm not afraid of the big bad wolf. I'm more like the hunter in the Red Ridinghood story. Do you know that story?"

"Yes, but I like it better the way Jacob tells it."

Suddenly the terrible scent became increasingly potent and a loud growl sounded the otherwise silent forest. A large and I mean large wolf stepped into view. Its muzzle snarled as sharp teeth dripped drool and some poor animal's blood. The rust-colored fur on its visible shoulders were raised on end and the beast looked like it was about to pounce. I instantly stood up and sent forth my most powerful repellent. My eyes focused and my body tensed for the next move.

"Stay behind me," I told the girl. "The big bad wolf is here!"

"No!" she yelled and her small hand touched mine.

Everything went out of focus and a clear image of her and this wolf replaced it. She was jumping onto the trees and laughing as this creature seemed to play with her. The picture changed and she was riding it, no him, at top speeds. This was Jacob. The image cleared.

The wolf paced side to side trying to find me and Renesmee through my invisible repellent. The snarls grew louder and then he sprang at me. His enormous front paws landed on my chest, his nose directly to my face.

The girl was on top of this massive canine faster than I could ever believe a human could go and her hand was on his snout. "No Jacob," she said. "We were just picking flowers and waiting for you."

His body pulled away from mine as he shook her hand off and sickly whimpered. My noxious abhorrent was finally too much and he moved further away with Renesmee on his back.

"He's a friend of yours?" I asked carefully rising to my feet. She nodded. "What kind of wolf is that anyway?"

"He's a shapeshifter werewolf. Jacob," she pointed at me, "this is my new friend Fred. Fred, this is Jacob."

"And what are you? I've never known a human who could jump like that or put pictures in my head."

"I'm only half human. The other half is vampire from my dad's side," she explained.

"Half?" I questioned in disbelief. How could a vampire stand the scent of a human long enough to breed?

"Do you want to meet my parents? My whole family lives together."

"Family? Like brothers and sisters?"

"More like aunts, uncles, and grandparents. But I'm the only half-breed," she claimed.

She led me to this huge house by the Sol Duc River. She dismounted Jacob and entered alone. While the wolf seemed to stare me down. I put up my repulsive repellent again. I didn't want him coming any closer to me than necessary. I also moved out from my current location so he wouldn't figure out where I was this time. The door opened quickly again as a large clan of vampires walked out, all with yellow eyes. I suddenly realized these were the vampires Riley was training us to fight. They were 8 in number. The battle last spring with Riley and my former coven didn't destroy them. In fact, since there were no signs of my old coven around, it looks like the yellow eyes had won AND gone up in number. Riley had lost and a small smile escaped my face before I felt I was in danger. I remembered one of these vampires was supposed to be a mind reader and now he knows I was among them.

I mean you no harm. I left them. Please don't kill me, too.

Seven of them looked around not being able to focus their glances at me, while a female brunette with orangey eyes looked directly at me.

"Where is he?" one of the blonde males asked Renesmee.

"He was right by Jacob, but I don't see him now."

"I could hear his thoughts. He is still here, but he is frightened," the tall male with the same reddish hair as Renesmee said while holding her hand. He must have been her father. Suddenly a wave of calmness washed over me. The one who could see me came over. He called out to her, "Careful."

"Don't be scared," she said to me. "I'm Bella. Renesmee is my daughter."

"Daughter? But she said her mother is human."

"Was," she corrected. "Childbirth to one such as Renesmee is not something a human can survive."

"Her father changed you?" She nodded. Then something clicked. "You were the pet human."

"Pet human?" she repeated confused.

"He was with Riley and Victoria, but like Bree opted out on the fight," the father explained. "I presume you are Fred." He was looking to the left of me so my repellent was still up.

"How are you able to see through my talent?" I asked Bella.

She smiled. "My head is my own. I can block out false illusions?"

I pulled down my repellent and everyone was able to look at me. "What happened to Bree?"

"She was killed by the Volturi. They police the vampires of the world. Victoria, the one that created you, made an illegal army. We tried to talk the Volturi out of harming Bree, but it was no use. Bree told me about you. She said to be kind to you. We were only defending ourselves from Riley and the rest of the vampires," the mind reader said. "My name is Edward Cullen and this is my family. You were wrongly told to fear us. We live peacefully with humans, feeding only on animal blood."

"You may stay a while, but please don't hunt in the immediate area," the blond male spoke again. "This is our permanent residence and we wouldn't want to have the humans rousing suspicion like in Seattle."

"Thank you for the offer, but I was just passing through."

"Don't worry," the tiny vampire girl said pointing to her head. "I know we all are going to be friends." She literally danced to me. "I'm Alice." She pointed to each of the others. "That is Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, and that adorable blond is Jasper." What a strange thing to be sure of. I didn't even ask it. The whole idea made me nervous. The feeling of calmness washed over me again. One of them must have been doing that. It's no wonder Riley wanted so many of us. This group of vampires was all talented. How many different kinds were there and how are there so many in one place? I was the only one, as far as I could tell, in a group of twenty.

"You needn't worry," Edward said.

"Yeah." Little Renesmee ran over to me. "We want you to stay." There was something magnetic about this little girl, her beauty or her scent. I wasn't sure. Over at the side I could hear the growl of the monstrous wolf.

I kneeled down to her level. "It doesn't sound unanimous. I think Jacob wants me to leave."

"Oh, he's just worried you will attack a human here. He and his wolf pack protect them."

"There are more like him?" my voice squeaked. She nodded smiling. The thought of more like Jacob was utterly terrifying. "He's probably right, so I'm just going to go. It was nice meeting you all. Especially you, Renesme."

I turned to go, but I knew that I would probably see them again someday. If anything, for simple curiosity, I would really love to hear the story of Riley's demise.

A/N: So that's it. Tell me what you think on my take. Was kind of tame?

Let me know by clicking below.

As always,

It is,
