Hi, everyone. This is my first fanfiction so please don't be too harsh. Feel free to give me ideas for the plot. I'm not sure what school Chloe is going to, so I just made it up. This story kind of goes with the show, which I do not own. Enjoy and review.

Summary: Chloe Herondale is half Mai and half shadowhunter, though she doesn't know that she is the former and has spent all of her life being the latter. She is Jace Herondale's biological sister. What will happen when Chloe, Jace, Alec, Isabelle, and Clary get sent to San Francisco and meet the Mai?

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. It's all Cassandra Clare, ABC Family, and Liz Braswell's.

Chapter 1: Chloe POV (Third Person)

"You five are to enroll in Mission Beach High School in San Francisco and find the demon. We have reports that it was sighted near Varese Vintage and at the school," Maryse told Chloe, Jace, Isabelle, Alec, and Clary. "The San Francisco Institute is already informed of your arrival this afternoon. Be wary of your surroundings. This demon is very ancient and powerful. The Clave doesn't want any troubles with it."

"We know, Maryse. You've told us a billion times already. You don't need to worry about a thing," Clary said reassuringly. Chloe tuned out what Maryse was saying after that. There was no point in listening anyway. She had to listen to Maryse talking about the mission 24/7 and practically memorized all the things they were supposed to do in it. It was really a wonder her ears didn't fall off. It wasn't like she, who had been training practically her who life, would fail. Oh great, now I'm acting like Jace: sarcastic and full of himself. She glanced at her older brother by a year. He was playing with Clary's hair while listening to Maryse reminding them again what to do. Chloe really hoped that he wouldn't treat her as a little kid anymore now that she turned 16 a couple days ago.

"The portal to San Francisco is ready." Everyone turned to look at Magnus, who looked very sparkly as usual. Finally! Why couldn't we just use the portal rune Clary made! Then we wouldn't have to sit here and listen to Maryse. Again.

"Good luck and be careful," Maryse said as the said five went through the portal. They all waved and disappeared with a flash.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Chloe woke up to the annoying sound of her alarm. Uggh, she thought as she turned off the alarm. I have to go to school. A mundie school at that. She did not have any prejudice against mundanes like some shadowhunters but couldn't help feeling annoyed at their stupid system of education. Who would want to wake up at 8 in the morning to go to school? She hurriedly dressed in a simple blouse and a pair of jeans after washing her face and brushing her hair. Chloe quickly went downstairs and search of some breakfast and her friends.

"Good morning, Chloe. How was your sleep?" Meredith asked. Meredith and her husband, David Penhallow were in charge of the San Francisco Institute. They had no children, which was why they were so excited about housing five teens from New York.

"It was fine. Thank you for asking." Chloe grabbed some cereal from a cabinet and sat down after grabbing some milk. "Is Jace up? Where is everybody? We're going to be late for scho—"

"If you wanted to see my staggeringly handsome self, all you had to do was ask, Clo." Jace smirked at her as he and Clary came into the kitchen. "Why are you so tense anyway? It's just a mundie school."

She rolled her eyes at him. "I know, but if we're late, we'll only be subject to more attention than we already will have. We have to be inconspicuous."

"Well, of course I'll get more attention than usual. I mean, look at me," Jace said.

"Let's just wake the others up and go to school. I really don't need to listen to your comments today." Clary said before Chloe had a chance to snap at Jace for being so full of himself.

"You know you love it, Clary." Jace kissed her cheek and went with her to wake Alec and Isabelle.

Everyone seemed to stare as Chloe emerged from the main office and quickly made her way to her locker after receiving her schedule. She would have gotten earlier to school, but Isabelle made her change her clothes, saying that they were too simple and not attention grabbing. Chloe reminded her that they weren't supposed to be "attention grabbing" and tried to persuade Isabelle to just let her go to no avail. She was now in a dark blue sundress that "made her eyes pop out," according to Isabelle and was wearing strappy sandals. I can't believe I'm supposed to be here until we catch that demon, Chloe thought. The school wasn't bad really; there were students everywhere, talking and taking books from their locker for class. However, the fact that they were actually going to have to listen to the teacher and do their homework seemed very boring to Chloe compared to kicking some demon butt.

Chloe knew that this demon business wasn't very big. Maryse made it sound like it was some very important mission, but she knew that it really wasn't a big deal if the Clave wanted to send 5 teenagers to take care of it.

"Chloe!" She turnedat the sound of her name. The rest of the group was standing behind her as she collected the books she needed for her first period. Jace was the one who spoke. "Don't forget that we're going by fake last names here. We're supposed to be 'Chloe and Jace King'. You, Isabelle, and Clary have all classes together except your elective. Be careful, okay? The demon could be anywhere."

"Jace, don't worry. I'll be fine. I have Izzy and Clary with me at almost all times anyway. Besides, isn't this about time you said a snarky remark? I think you're overdue." She smirked at him, and he grinned back.

"It's coming, Chloe. I'm just saving it for later because it's just that good. I'll meet you guys for lunch at your locker, since everyone's here." He then waved and disappeared into the crowd with Alec.

"Let's go, Chloe. We don't want to be late," Isabelle said, now tugging on her arm.

"Yeah, ok." She turned around and saw a gorgeous blond boy playing with a basketball and surrounded by his other jock friends. They locked eyes, and Chloe felt a sense of familiarity about the boy.

"Woah, he is hot!" Isabelle exclaimed. He smirked as if he had heard her. Chloe shook her head at her; of course Isabelle wouldn't see anything but that. She really hoped that hot mundane guys won't distract her from the mission.

"Though I admit that he is good looking, we really need to get to class, guys. Besides, Jace would try to kill him if I even thought about him that way," Clary said and started walking to class with Chloe and Izzy trailing behind her.