Until I See You Again

Zero Kiryu POV


AN- Here are the basics. This is set 10 years in the future after volumes 11-12-13 etc, so Zero is 28 and Yuki would be 27 if she were in it really xD. You'll find out WHERE Zero is later on, and how exactly he got there, the flashback sequence is him remembering 10 years ago when he was 18 and still went to Cross Academy, it's when Yuki has restarted the night class, and he's remembering the night he was taken to the place he's talking about at the beginning...good luck trying to follow THAT haha. Why do all of my stories involve so much memory hopping? =P I was ORIGINALLY gonna have Kaname being trapped with him has well but it didn't work.

P.S-As the story is a little confusing, please feel free to ask questions =). Sorry for the long author's bit at the beginning….I'll shut up and let you read now haha, enjoy =).

I leant against the icy wall of the cold, dank cell. A cell that had been my 'home' for the past ten years. I was occasionally moved around for periods of time for one reason or another. For testing purposes, or for 'interviews'. Whatever happened though, I always ended up back in this hell hole once more. I had grown used to such circumstances, and rarely resisted them anymore.

I would sit for hours on end staring at the wall parallel to me, not really aware of my surroundings. No. At one point I had been all too aware of it all, but over those painful and trying years I had eventually learned to block everything out. To become the 'still doll' they wanted me to be. Why should I care what they did to me anymore? What more could they possibly do.

"0015369Z…." I didn't react as they called out my 'name' in this place. We were all given codes, numbers that represented some meaning in a database, but had no significance alone. I had no significance. I heard the electronic high pitched bleeping that indicated to me they were unlocking the door to my cell. When I had first been brought here everything had been pretty low tech. Computers monitored us yes, giving us our codes and cells, but the cell had been pretty predictable, a row of metal bars, and a guard carrying a set of keys would be the only one who could let us in or out. Not now. Over time the entire place had been changed, as computers seemed to engulf society, the metal bars that had once been the entrance to my prison had been replaced with a solid white door, one that seemed to be lined with a heavy metal or maybe even concrete. I wasn't entirely sure, I'm not an architect. The only way I knew the door was so heavy and dense was due to my many escape attempts in my youth.

"0015369Z!" They repeated in a clearly exasperated tone. A small smile crept to my lips. A cynical smile that represented no real happiness, only the small pleasure gained in knowing that the man calling my name was new to his job, and clearly didn't know a thing about me. Clearly he hadn't taken the time to read up on each of us individually, or else he would've known I never spoke a word.
"Don't bother James, this one never says a thing. Just throw his meal in there and leave, you needn't even bother with the safety line, he won't try to cross it." Another more familiar voice informed the newer man, James supposedly. I allowed myself a small glance in their direction. I watched the red beam of light, one they called 'the safety line' as it flickered and disappeared. There wasn't much to the safety lines really, they were beams similar to that which might surround a precious gem in one of those adventure movies, only instead of triggering an alarm it was a laser, it could sear through skin at an alarming rate and cause immense pain. Another thing I had fallen victim to many years ago.

"You sure about that Tony? I mean it says in his files he's a vampire…" 'James' sounded cautious and wary. He was right to be. I heard the rustle of paper as the younger man flicked through my file. I shook my head, flicking some silver strands away from my eyes in irritation.

"Trust me, this guy hasn't tried anything in years, just give him his tablets." The more experienced guard, Tony, instructed. I heard the trainee sigh, before sliding a circular tray into my cell. I didn't even bother glancing at it, I already knew what to expect. Porridge, a dark shade of gray, followed by a tall glass of lukewarm water. A couple of tablets sitting ominously beside the glass. I listened as the door slid shut again, making a loud thumping sound as it hit the wall.

My eyes flicked towards the tray, and a terrible hunger shot through my body. Damn it. My hand rose to my throat, as if to comfort the thirst that had suddenly struck me. How I'd survived one year living this appalled me, let alone ten…With a sigh I stood up, stretching my weary limbs. Funny how sitting doing nothing took a toll on my body. I staggered towards the 'food' they had left for me, completely ignoring the gruel like substance that had been slung into the bowl. My hand trembled a little as I retrieved the glass, taking the tablets in my other hand.

I glared down at these things my body was entirely dependant on. BLIXXXV06έ I read silently, resenting these tablets loathing the fact that every fibre of my being longed for them. I begrudgingly dropped one into the glass, watching as it fizzed, releasing a crimson trail that bled into the clear water, polluting it. The trembling of my body sickened me as I felt my veins throbbing, pulsating, urging me to drink the mixture that was created to resemble blood. I looked at myself in the mirror across from me, disgusted by the eerie scarlet glow that my eyes cast, watching as my tattoo throbbed the same putrid shade of red. I brought the glass to my lips, hesitating a moment before finally downing the mixture in one gulp. My body seemed to cry out for more, even though the one tablet alone should have been enough to satisfy the craving for now. I slipped the one remaining tablet into my pocket before placing the glass back down on the tray, and returning to my place on the floor.

I wanted to vomit. Everything about this place made me sick. They had taken everything from me, when I had thought there was nothing else they could possibly take. I hated being this way, this existence was the very reason I was trapped in this place. I had once been human before that woman had bitten me and ruined it all. I couldn't even bear to remember her name, though it was on the tip of my tongue. It tasted like poison to me.

Shizuka Hio

I growled remembering that name I hadn't dared to remember in years. Still, it wasn't me who had brought it to memory; it had been my twin who was imprisoned within me.

My twin….a state of recognition. I hadn't always been here. Even after having my fate twisted and destroyed by that despicable woman. I had once had a name, a life, no matter how miserable an existence it had been, it was paradise compared to this. I had been in love…I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. No, remembering that only did me harm. I shut my eyes and rested my head against the wall behind me. Conflict raged within me. Though part of me wanted to remember before I had come to this place, how I had been brought here….another part of me only found pain soon followed these memories….

No, too late now. I had started to remember and now the wheels of my mind seemed to be turning, slowly at first, but suddenly memories began to cascade through my mind, images, fragments, pouring like water…

A face. Her face. It was filled with concern as she confronted me. I felt my pulse quicken, the memory of her beauty seemed to overwhelm me, and that day played out like a movie. I was powerless against it…