Chapter Seventeen: PDA

Abby opened the heavy door to interrogation room A. Looking beside her, Gibbs nodded, going into the observation room. Breathlessly walking in, she closed the door and sat at the table.

"Abby! Oh Abby, are you alright? I can't believe you jumped out of the van!"

Abby looked down, confirming that Mikel was handcuffed to the chair.

"You're going to jail for a long time Mikel. Kidnapping isn't a charge taken lightly."

"I didn't kidnap you! I liberated you from NCIS! You're too smart for these people!"

"No, these people rescued me from you. You didn't just endanger me Mikel, what if someone got lost looking for me? That forest I wound up in is notorious for poisonous snakes!"

"That wouldn't have happened if you had just stayed in the car!"

"You kidnapped me! Chloroformed me! I didn't want to go Mikel. YOU'RE the bad guy in all of this."

"No I'm not! You'll see the truth sooner or later and I won't be around to save you!"

"You need help Mikel. I talked with your lawyer and he said you're going with the insanity defense."

"That's what he says will give me the best chance."

"You're going to be in a top medical facility that will keep you there for as long as they want. Maybe that's twice your original sentence. They will make you stay until they no longer think you're a harm to me or anyone else. And I don't think that's going to happen for a very long time."

"I'm not crazy!"

Abby stood up to leave the room with Mikel calling after her. She slammed the door closed and willed herself to stay strong. Gibbs was already waiting out there for her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her forehead.

"You did what you had to do Abs."

"Thanks Gibbs."

They stayed like that in the middle of the hallway, ignoring the passerby's, but only Gibbs noticed Vance at the end of the hallway. The Director looked up and nodded with a smile, approving of them. Not that Gibbs cared or not, but he smiled anyway and kissed Abby.

"Keep it out of the office Gibbs!"

Vance called over his shoulder with a laugh.

Yes, I know this chapter's very late, but every time I wanted to write that chapter seemed blah. This has to be my favorite ending out of all of them! I hope you all liked it.

~The End~