Okay so this is the finale of Somewhere Only We Know.. Sad I know... But GUESS WHAT! I'm writing a sequel! I have it worked out to when I post this chapter the first chapter of the sequel, It Will Rain, will be up too! Excited face! And I recently posted the first chapter of a new Fanfic about Renesmee and Jacob post-Breaking Dawn so if you're interested in that, read it! Hehe! Love you guys! Leave reviews! 3

Chapter Eighteen: Hit the Lights (Selena Gomez)

"Hi, Hugo."

The tall boy on the other side of the door ran a hand over his five o'clock shadow, not sure whether this was as good of an idea as he had originally thought. With the help of a 12-pack of beer, Roland's confidence had shot through the roof. He had even gone as far as borrowing the brand new Aston Martin that had recently been added to his older brother's collection.

Hugo couldn't believe his eyes and for a split second he thought he had passed out on the floor of the living room and was now having some fucked up dream that would only mess with his brain even more. But he soon realized that it wasn't a dream, the boy of his dreams was standing on the porch of his house so drunk he probably couldn't even see straight.

"I just wanted you to know that I'm gay." Roland's words were slurred, his hot breath washing over Hugo's face. "Like I'm probably the biggest cock sucker ever. Well next to you, I guess. Anyway, I just needed to tell you that I want you. You have no idea how much."

He giggled at his own ridiculous realization, not aware of the huge family of wizards watching him act like a total ass. The thinner of the two boys stood with his mouth hanging open, not sure whether it was from the insults indirectly being thrown at him or that his entire family could hear once and for all that he was gay. There was no way of denying it now.

Suddenly there was a presence at his side and Scorpius grabbed his best friend by the arm, looking towards Ron as if asking what he should do. The older redhead pointed towards stairs, his mouth set in a straight line.

Hugo finally jumped into action, helping Scorpius tow Roland up the stairs and into the guest room they rarely used. The drunk boy kept giggling and spouting out all the things he loved about Hugo, some extremely vulgar.

Roland crawled across the bed to stand before Hugo, "Babe, don't leave. Isn't this what you wanted? I just came out. We can do whatever you want now. Anything you want."

"You need to sleep. We'll talk in the morning." Hugo said, pushing the boy back on the bed. Never in his life had he been so embarrassed or so afraid of someone, though he wasn't quite sure why the boy had him so terrified.

The second the boy his the bed for the second time he was asleep, snoring loudly much to Hugo's relief. He leaned back against the closed door, sliding down to sit on the hardwood floor.

"Are you okay?" Scorpius squatted down in front of what he now considered to be like his brother. "He only gets like this when he's drunk but if I need to beat the shit out of him I will."

Hugo shook his head vigorously, "It's okay. I guess I'm just being a diva. I imagined him asking me out a bit more- memorable. Or at least he might remember anything about it." A thin giggle got choked in his throat but he was determined to not cry.

Reaching under the thin boy's arm, Scorpius lifted Hugo to his feet by his elbow. In an attempt to show him the affection he hadn't gotten from his new "boyfriend", if that really was the title that would fit Roland at this moment, Scorpius pulled Hugo into an awkward hug.

It was strange for Hugo to be hugged by her cousin's boyfriend, but for once he didn't care. He basked in the physical contact with someone that cared for him in a brotherly way.

They both pulled away at the same instant when the sound of feet ascending the stairs reached their ears. Hugo met his parents in the hallway and immediately his heartbeat sped up to a million beats a second.

Hermione smiled meekly at her son in order for him to know that she supported him no matter what, if only the same could be said for her husband. The larger form of Hugo stood with his fists shoved in his pockets, his brow furrowed as he looked at his son like he was attempting to turn him to dust.

"We need to talk. Now."

Those five words scared Hugo more than anything he had experienced in his short life. Chills flowed up and down his spine as he walked towards his bedroom like it was the last walk he would ever make. For all he knew, he wouldn't come out of this "talk" alive and he wasn't even sure if that was as bad of a thing as one would imagine.

His mother guided him to sit on the futon he had set up as his bed in the corner of the room. Her thin hands twined with his, tears forming in her brown eyes. It surprised the boy to see his mother crying over anything, but to know that it was a life choice of his that had his mother bawling in a few short seconds was heartbreaking.

"When did you plan on telling us about the little- relationship you had going on?" The older redhead could barely choke out the words for he was violently shaking with anger and for a moment Hugo thought he might hit him.

Tears streamed down Hugo's pale cheeks, dripping off his chin to land on his black skinny jeans in small wet patches. He couldn't find the words to express how many times he had wondered about his own sexuality, how up until the kiss with Roland he just wasn't completely sure, but he simply nodded instead.

This only seemed to infuriate his father even more, "Did you just plan on lying to us forever? Answer me, damn it!" A quick swipe of his hand sent the lava lamp and stack of books Hugo had received for Christmas flying into the wall across the room.

Shattering into a million pieces, the lamp seeped its liquid into the carpet on the floor. The force of the slap had caused the books to land at all different angles, bending and tearing quite a few of the pages.

Everyone in the room froze, the crying stopped and there was no sound in the little bedroom for a few moments. Ron stood in the middle of the room, too stunned to move, before snapping back to reality and rushing out of the door without another word.

That's when Hugo lost it, crumpling into his mother like he had when he was a child. Only this time it didn't make him feel any better. He had done this to himself, to his family, and he didn't know if he could ever forgive himself.

Roland opened his eyes to a bright light shining in through a bay window, immediately regretting the decision as his head throbbed from the worst hangover he had ever had. Had he been alone in the room he would have rolled over to go back to sleep, but Scorpius was lounging in an armchair beside the door.

"Get up. We're going for a walk."

Normally Roland would have blown off his friend for ordering him to do anything, but the way the blonde was looking at him made him think twice about that decision. He stumbled to his feet, ignoring the entire percussion section that was going off in his brain, and followed Scorpius out into the winter wonderland outside of the Weasley's cottage home.

He eyed the Aston Martin sitting in the driveway, extremely out of place, as if contemplating his escape. Remembering the disappointed and enraged look on Scorpius' face in the bedroom the dark haired boy followed him down the deserted road instead.

There wasn't much movement here, but then again there probably never was seeing as they were miles away from any type of civilization. The footfall of the two boys sounded like thunder under these circumstances and it started to make Roland become even more uncomfortable than he had been before.

It was Scorpius that broke the silence, "I'm only going to warn you once, so for once you need to just shut up and listen to me. You better not break that kids heart or I will have to break your face."

Roland opened his mouth to defend himself but was immediately shot down, "I said shut the hell up. He is too in love with you to see what a piece of shit you've been lately and since no one has to the guts to say anything, I will. I don't care if you're gay, maybe I like it better because you finally have someone that's worth something to you, but you were a total jackass last night.

"You managed to make a fool out of yourself and get Hugo in a fight with his dad in the process. I don't know nor care how, but you have to fix this. Or so help me god I will end you."

He stopped walking in order to look at his best friend dead in the face. He hated the words he was speaking because he knew he was choosing sides and it wasn't the side he would have chosen before he dated Lily. But something inside of him made him believe that he was doing this because it was what was right. And for once that was all that mattered to him.

Roland's face was set in a determined expression as a fire burned inside of him but not in fury. "I may have been drunk last night but I meant everything I said. I'd do anything to be with him.

"It's time I grew up."

Hugo clambered down the stairs, his stomach doing a somersault with every step. He had been told that he was wanted outside and he knew it would be Roland waiting to talk to him.

Sure enough, the older boy was leaning against the hood of his Aston Martin with his arms crossed and determination set into his features. Neither boy said anything as they slid into the cold interior of the car.

The road was all but swallowed whole by the speeding sports car, going everywhere but yet no where in particular. It soon occurred to Hugo that Roland was simply driving in order to collect his thoughts. His large hands were turning paler as his grip on the steering wheel became tighter and tighter.

Finally pulling off onto the shoulder of the dirt road he had been using as his personal race track, Roland let his forehead drop to the steering wheel. He didn't know what to say that would even come close to making up for what had happened the night prior.

Hugo rubbed his back lightly, not sure how much physical contact he was allowed at this point. To his surprise, Roland turned to bury his face in the crook of his neck and Hugo pulled him closer, his thin arms wrapping around the older boy's shoulders.

They had been sitting like that for what seemed like hours when Roland finally spoke, "This is going to be difficult."

"I know, but with you I can do anything." Hugo mumbled into his messy hair.

It was such a simple and short conversation, but yet it said everything. Nothing would hold them back from happiness ever again.


"I'm so fucking nervous."

Roland stood outside of the Great Hall with his boyfriend, running his hand through his scruffy hair. Students in his year were flowing into the newly transformed Testing Room and he almost hurled at every single passing teenager.

It was time for the finals that would determine whether they would be expected to attend the next school year and to call Roland nervous would be an understatement. His future with the boy beside him depended on being able to take care of him forever and he wasn't going to be able to do that if he couldn't even get through his schooling.

Warm hands pulled his face down to be met by soft lips. Hugo kissed the boy with a power that forced confidence into him. "You'll be fine. I believe in you."

A few other stragglers turned up their noses at the couple but didn't say anything about their public display of affection. No one in the school was particularly fond of the couple so they got a lot of cold shoulders. Yet no one had the balls to say anything out loud so Roland let it go, just happy to be left alone.

The sixth year nodded quickly, "Okay. I'll find you when I'm done. I love you."

"I love you too. Break a leg." And then he was standing alone in the corridor, staring at the thick wooden doors to the Great Hall.

With a deep breath, he pushed through the one thing between him and his future.

The grounds of Hogwarts swarmed with students and parents settling into the seats that had been placed out on the bright green grass. Hogwarts had adopted the tradition of an outside graduation for the seventh years almost a decade prior but it was still an exciting event for everyone involved.

Percy Weasley floated from family to family, getting to know everyone he wasn't already familiar with. He had announced at dinner the night before that he would be the Headmaster of Hogwarts the next year and he hoped to continue for quite some time.

Lily stood in a white, summer dress with Scorpius' arms around her as their picture was taken by Ginny. Close by, Hugo and Roland were laying on the grass, enjoying the beautiful weather. Ron was on the other side of the grounds, trying to ignore his son and the rotten boy he lay with.

The amazing news that Roland had passed his finals with flying colors had his head stuck high in the clouds and there was no way to bring him down. Hugo couldn't be prouder of his boyfriend and even though it made him feel a bit selfish, he couldn't help but think that Roland had done it for him.

Even more surprising was the fact that James had managed to get a high enough score on his N.E.W.T's to graduate Hogwarts, explaining why the entire Potter/Weasley clan was present at the ceremony.

The beginning of the ceremony was announced and wizards and muggles alike filed into the long rows of white, plastic chairs facing a stage that had been placed in front of the lake. The line of students waiting to graduate got shorter and shorter before James' eyes.

Butterflies swarmed him as he climbed the stairs to the stage where his uncle stood waiting for him with a giant grin on his face. Looking out into the crowd he saw his entire family on their feet, cheering for what they had once assumed was impossible.

With a sweeping bow to the audience, James welcomed the hoots and hollers from his class. Lily caught eyes with her older brother, grinning from ear to ear.

This was how life was supposed to be.

"Jeez, Elle! There's no need to cry!"

Lily embraced the smaller girl, smiling at Scorpius who stood talking to James. He winked at her before grabbing Elle in a bear hug. The thin girl squealed, her tears disappearing and laughter taking its place.

Scorpius sat her back on her feet, grabbing her face in his large hands. "If you think this is goodbye until next term, you're crazy. We'll come steal you every weekend."

"That feels like more of a threat than a promise." Elle laughed, stepping back from her best friend's boyfriend. "Well I guess I'll see you soon then."

She started towards her parents who stood conversing with the Potters, but was suddenly pulled into an earth-shattering kiss. Opening her eyes in shock as she realized it was James that was holding her in his arms.

As he pulled away he grinned, "It's strange that I waited until it wasn't legal to do that."

This caused the entire group of teenagers to burst out in laughter. Soon both Elle and 'Manda had disappeared into the night with their families and it was now the two couples that walked through Hogwarts' empty corridors the last evening of the term.

Lily and Hugo caught eyes, silently telling each other the same thing. The group veered towards the Astronomy Towers and were soon sitting on the sloped roof, overlooking their home away from home.

"This isn't ever going to change, is it?" Hugo curled up against his boyfriend, asking the question to the night.

Scorpius shook his head, "God I hope not. This is too perfect to mess up."

If only that mindset never left him.

The End.

Continued in "It Will Rain" by WolfGirl131313

OH SNAP! I'm going to be honest, I cried while writing this. But the first chapter of It Will Rain is up RIGHT NOW! And don't forget to check out Rumour Has It: Renesmee and Jacob Love Story. Leave reviews! Love you guys! (If the sequel isn't up whenever you check, it's because I uploading both of these chapters together and it takes a bit for a new story to be uploaded. So check back later! Don't be discouraged!)