Annabeth POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing next to me. I was feeling sluggish when I remembered it was my first day of school at Goode Highschool. Since I just moved here from San Francisco I only knew two places in New York and that was the Empire State Building and my favorite place in this world, Camp Half-Blood. you see this camp is for 'special' people, the camp is for demi-gods which is when your one of your parents are god and and one of them is mortal. I Annabeth Chase am a daughter of Athena, Goddess of wisdom and battle stratagies.

I decided to get up anyway so I took a shower and got dressed, I wore a shirt that said 'Daughter of Athena' on it which my mom gave me on my birthday with a pair of gray shorts. I gave up on my hair so I just left it down. I got all my books on mythology in my bookbag and headed down stairs. I was going to have breakfast but i realized if i did i was going to be late. I went out side and hoped on my motercycle and drove to school. when I got there nobody noticed me, which I was happy about, so I went to the office and got my schedule and I had English/Homeroon first so headed down the hall. as I entered the room I noticed a guy with sea green eyes and jet black hair staring at me, then I heard someone say "As I live and breathe ,is that Annabeth Chase." and I turned around to see Grover Underwood a satyr at camp so I samiled and said " No that can't be, Grover Underwood." I walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"What are you doing here I thought you were in San Francisco?" Grover asked

" I was until my dad got a job here. So why weren't you at camp this summer, I know someone missed you." I said then he said to me dumbfound,

"who?" I couldnt help but laugh while I said,

"Lets just say you've had a crush on her for a while."

then I saw his eyes widen and he blushed and said

"Juniper?" I couldn't help but smile as I said

"Yes, she was worried when you didn't come to camp. She got annoying because she asked me everyday if I had heard from you." as I said, that just made him blush more then I heard a boy say

"Grover has a crush?" when I looked it was the boy I saw starring at me I herd Grover say

"Annabeth meet Percy Jackson." I shook his hand and smiled and then percy said

"I've been trying to get rover a girlfriend for years and I find out he has a crush." all I could do is smile then just to change the subject I said "Grover did you sign up for Greek Mythology?" he shook his head and Percy said

"Why do you ask?" he said even though I wasnt talking to him I was talking to Grover.

"He knows a lot about it, so do I." he looked like he was shocked but I didnt know why. As I was about say something the bell ran so I took my seat in the back. English was boring so I didn't pay much attention, the only thing I was consintrating on was how Percy's sea green eyes looked at me. Well I must have zoned out the whole class period because the bell woke me from my I remembered I wanted to tell Grover about my motorcycle so I went up to him and said

" Guess what I got for my birthday!"

"I don't know what?" he said so I decided to give him a hint so I said

"I've wanted this forever and now i have it" the schock on Grovers face was priceless as I said

" Yes my mom, dad and my step-mom all chipped in and bought it for me." smirking at him then I looked at Percy and he looked confused so he asked

"What are you talking about" so I said

"Meet me and Grover after school and I'll show you." and walked away and headed to Math.