AN: This is a...glimpse into a new story idea. Imagine the glee club being split up, half are the protection, half are the protected. The TOA member are listed, but Quinn's friends are: Santana, Brittany, Mercedes, and Tina. Rachel is a bit of a badass in this, and as always, I'll have a tiny bit of Puckleberry, and other couples are yet to be thought about.

Disclaimer: I don't own glee, or the American government...


Meet the T.O.A.-Team,

a professional trained group of spies,

who all happen to be only sixteen.

Position: Team Leader

Name: Rachel Berry

Code Name: Superstar

"Berry. Rachel Berry."

"How very…" He seemed to pause, "James Bond…of you"

Position: Assistant Chief

Name: Noah "Puck" Puckerman

Code Name: BAMF

"I can kill you, easily. Actually, I can kill you forty six ways easily. With just a pen."

He seemed very proud of this.

Position: Technology Consultant

Name: Mike Chang

Code Name: Situasian

"Nerd? We prefer intellectual badass."

Position: Guard

Name: Finn Hudson

Code Name: Gigantor

"Aren't you a little bit too injudiciously fatuous to be in a secret agent?"

Position: Scout

Name: Sam Evans

Code Name: Biebster

"I'm going in!"

"Don't sounds so serious about it man, you're checking out fucking janitor's closet."

Position: Tracker

Name: Artie Abrams

Code Name: Wheels

"It's a wheelchair…""It's a wheelchair…that is rocket powered…"

Position: Social Engineer

Name: Kurt Hummel

Code Name: Porcelain

"Disguises are a type of art. And thank god I'm an excellent artist."

They're mission? Protect the at least the President's daughter.

And the President's daughter's friends as well.

Quinn Fabray knows who is she, what she is worth. That's why she has a group of friends, people she can trust. But when an evil mastermind suddenly starts threatening her father, the president, backup is called in.

Truth is though, she didn't notice anyone new. Just except an odd group of new students that join her and her friends at their private school, McKinley Prep.

Bring on the mayhem,

as the T.O.A. team do there best to control the daughter of America.

Romance, friendship, hilarity and, of course, adventure.

And in the end,

they might end up just saving America.

better yet,

the world.

AN: so, review, and check out my other story. if I get enough interest in this one, I will continue. If not, well, :/