Authors Note- Please enjoy this story. I plan on making it pretty epic. This is the one story I have going that I'm excited about writing and finishing. I have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to write and I hope you all enjoy it! Warning, there will be violence, swearing, possible death. So just keep that in mind. This is only the first chapter, things will start picking up pretty quick, and I will be adding the second chapter very soon! (It's done, I'm just revising it a bit, and I always like to finish the following chapter before posting the previous one...if that makes sense? lol) Anywhoo, please, enjoy!

Chapter 1. Home Coming

The car pulled up the curb of the driveway. James opened the passenger side door, closing it softly behind him. He looked up at his house and smiled with a sigh.

"It's good to be home." Kendall's mom asked James if he needed any help bringing his bags into his house, he smiled sweetly and thanked her for her offer but denied.

"No thanks Mrs. Knight! I can handle them, I appreciate it though!" He called from the trunk area of the car, grabbing his luggage out of it.

"Alright," she called. "You still coming over tomorrow in the morning?" She asked.

"Yup, I'll see you and Kendall then!" James grabbed his final bag out of the trunk and slammed it close. He knew how tricky Mrs. Knights trunk could be. Sometimes it took a good two to three slams for it to finally latch, but he got it on his first try.

"You're good to go Mrs. Knight, thanks for dropping me off!" James waved goodbye to Kendall's mother and she smiled and waved back, shifting her car into drive and pulling out of the driveway.

James threw his jansport pack onto his back. He grabbed his two suitcases off the driveway and began his walk to his front door. He was nervous. He called his parents and informed them he would be coming home for the summer, he just didn't tell them how soon he would be returning. He knew his mother would be thrilled to see him, his father was another story. James reached the door, took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A few moments went by. 'Maybe they didn't hear me?' He thought to himself. Finally he rang the doorbell. A moment went by.

"Coming!" He finally heard his mothers voice call. A smile crept across James' face. He was so excited to see his mom. She was the one person who made James feel so loved and so comfortable. James had never been away from his mother for more than a week or two at a time, but it had been over a year since he last saw her beautiful face and he truly missed her. The front door opened, his mothers face greeting him. She looked at James' face and her eyes were beaming. Her jaw dropped and she immediately thrust her arms around her son.

"James, my baby! You're home!" James returned his mothers embrace. It had been so long, too long.

"Mom, I missed you so much!" He kissed her cheek and stifled a tear. He was overwhelmed with joy, but he refused to cry, he was a man now, after all.

"Steve!" His mother, Brooke, called to his father. "Steve, James is home!" Doctor Steven Bradley Diamond, James' father walked to his front porch with a warm smile on his face.

"Welcome home son!" He wrapped his arms around his wife and son for a long mutual hug. James loved his family, no matter what, he always would. But he was surprised by his fathers response. His father was always a critical man. Being a doctor, he was well liked in the community and had a reputation to hold. He loved his family, and James knew that. It's just sometimes his love was...tough. James' father suffers from Bipolar disorder. His moods were known to change from being fine, happy even, to twisting into anger in an instant. He never harmed James or his mother, but it was always scary to James when his father's mood swings would occur. He often times thought back to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, as that seemed pretty close to his father.

His father released his family and took a step back, still smiling.

"Well, come in son! Let me help you with your things." James' father grabbed his two suitcases and his mother pulled him by his hand inside the house, closing the door behind them. James eyes wondered around his living room, everything was exactly as he had remembered. Clean and organized. They made their way through the living room, entering the dining room. His mother walked into the kitchen.

"James, sweetie, would you like something to eat or drink?" She asked kindly. He smiled back lovingly. He missed his moms cooking, he always told her she should be a chef.

"Thank you mom, but I'm fine." His father set James' bags down against the wall in the dining room.

"Well, son," He started. "Make yourself at home, it's good to have you back kiddo!" Steven Diamond smiled at his son once more, gently patting him on the shoulder before returning to his office to finish up some paperwork for the hospital.

James sat down at the dining room table and let out a light yawn.

"Tired, baby?" His mom asked lovingly. James wiped his eye lightly and nodded.

"A little," he started letting out another yawn. "All this traveling I guess, it was a three hour flight. I'm a little jet lagged." He gave his mother a half smile. She brought him a glass of water even though he said he didn't want one, his mother knew him better.

"Honey, I need to tell you something," She started, sitting across from him at the dining room table. James looked at his mothers face. She didn't look upset, so that was good, but whenever the 'we need to talk' line or anything similar was used, it usually meant trouble.

"What is it mom? Is something wrong?" He asked, a light hint of worry in his voice. His mother let out a small reassuring giggle.

"No sweetie," She began, pulling a loose strand of her brown hair behind her ear. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm going out of town. I know, you just got back, but, I didn't know you were coming home so soon." James took a sip of the water, at least he knew nothing bad happened.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow morning. I'm going to be gone for a couple of weeks, we have a new branch for the cosmetics line opening in Florida, and being a founder I have to go. I hope you don't mind, I would have rescheduled had I known you would be home." James set the glass of water down on one of the empty coasters on the glass table. He smiled warmly at his mother.

"It's okay mom, have fun on your trip, I'll miss you, but I'll still be here when you get back!" His mothers face grinned from ear to ear.

"Aw, alright sweetie." She kissed the top of his head. "Now go to bed, I'll be sure to wake you up to say goodbye before I leave in the morning, alright?" She gently brushed James' hair out of his face, he smiled.

"Alright, please do. Good night, mom. Love you." James stood up and kissed his mom on the cheek.

He grabbed his suitcases off the dining room floor and headed towards the stairs. He started up the steps when he heard his fathers voice behind him.

"You going to bed already? It's only 8 o'clock, son." James' father stood at the base of the stairs.

"Yeah, all this traveling really sucks any energy from me, I promise to get up early tomorrow for breakfast, alright?" James smiled weakly at his father, who in return smiled back.

"Alright, see you in the morning. G'night son." He finished before walking back into his office.

"Goodnight dad." James finished his trek up the stairs and walked into his room. He kicked his shoes off, set his suitcases and his backpack on the floor and pulled his shirt and pants off. Only wearing boxers, he sat on his bed and reached to the floor, grabbing his cellphone out of his pants pocket. He set an alarm for 7AM and made sure it wasn't set on Silence or Vibrate. He then texted Kendall, Carlos and Logan to let them know he was going to sleep. He set his phone down on the nightstand, laid down in his bed, pulling his warm comforter tightly around him. He closed his eyes and immediately drifted to sleep.

Ending authors note- See, it started pretty slow, but I thought it gave needed details and gave good insight into the characters and storyline. Please R&R, and please be nice! K, thanks, bye! 3