A.N. I love you guys, you guys are totally awesome! I realy do hope you can forgive me for the short chapters. They're the reasons why I can update quickly. OH! Another thing. I own them. Fred George and Harry. Absolutely. *sarcasm, aint it the greatest?*

I placed my head in my hands and didn't move. Ginny and Mum tried to get me to leave via Portkey with them, but Dad came to my rescue. I had a wand, I could apparate. I only rose from my seat when everyone was gone. I walked over to Fred's tombstone and sat down right beside it. I summoned the plans I had written up for the shop a week ago. I read them off to him, knowing he hadn't seen them before.

The shop was mostly under my control. I was a businessman, he was in charge of managing what was being made and how. After I read them off, I sat there for a while, reminiscing. I could feel him, feel his presence here. I could feel that he thought my plans were good, but I can't hear his thoughts on how to make them better. This thought started the tears again.

When I composed myself, I stood up and backed away before disapparating home. I took one look at the large group of people standing there and panicked, apparating to the little pond that was on the edge of our property. It was far enough away that no one would look for me here. I heard a snap. Well almost nobody. I stayed in my position on the ground and didn't even have to look over to know it was Harry. No one else in the family was good at confrontation like this. He sat next to me and just sat there, for quite some time too.

Until I spoke up.

"This was where we used to hang out, all of the time. He was the one person who didn't think I was crazy,"

"Why would anyone think you're crazy?" he asked, looking sideways at me.

"Oh, you don't know do you? I'm gay,"

To my great pleasure and surprise, Harry didn't even flinch.

"Your point?"

"In the Wizarding World, being gay is worse than being a squib or a muggleborn,"

"So that's why you made it clear that he was your brother and you loved him as such," Harry said quietly, yet with a tone of realization.

"Yeah, I knew that people would take it the wrong way. They always do,"

That's when Harry just wrapped his arm around my shoulders and hugged me. While it was intensely awkward because we were sitting down, the physical contact made me break. Before I knew it, I was spilling everything to Harry, even the things I swore I'd never tell anyone.

Geeze, how many times can I break down in twenty-four hours? But he took it all in stride and let my tears soak his shoulder. The best part? He never said any of that crap that people say to try and make you feel better. Like "It's all gunna be okay," or "I'm sorry,". He just sat there and let me be vulnerable.

When I had cried myself out, I wiped my tears and we went walking back to Burrow, swapping happy stories about him, even though I did most of the talking and Harry just laughed. His presence was… encouraging. I didn't want him to go away.

A.N. Does the whole love thing make more sense now? I hope it does. Any comments, concerns, ideas, or testimonies? Please share. If something doesn't make sense in the future, let me know. PLEASE REVIEW! xD Another thing: POLL: Longer chapters and longer spaces between updates? OR Short (this length) chapters and quick updates? I'm trying to update daily or every other day on this one. LEMME KNOW!