OK , please don't be mad at me . I've had SO much going on in my life . So much stress and my writing became really crappy . Either that or I had MAJOR writer's block . Anyways , I'm trying to start my writing back up , and this is what I came up with . I'm sorry that I couldn't update , but I'm going to try again . Oh , and another sorry for telling you guys I was gonna continue Our Teenage Lives when , at the moment , I'm not . That story is too difficult to manage at the moment . Maybe later tho ? Also , for any of you guys who have read the book Hearts At Stake by Alyxandra Harvey , I'm going to be starting a fanfiction on that . I hope to be able to manage the two stories , and I probably can . As long as nothing else happens . ANYWAYS , here you guys are . Hope ya like it (:

Tears start to form in my eyes as I look at my mother. She is beautiful. Nothing changed since she died, she looks exactly the same. "Mom!" I scream in happiness. I would go to hug her but she is transparent, so I don't think that will work out.

"Musa, darling. Congradulations!" my mom said smiling at me.

"About what?" I ask her, a look of confusion on my face and the sound of confusion in my voice.

You don't know?" she asks me and I shake my head. "Oh, well then I'll leave that for you to find out! Anyways, I'm here to tell you about your destiny," my mother says a smile still on her face. How could someone that is dead, be so happy?

"What?" I ask her, everyone else listening closely.

"You see Musa, the magical world was once, very different. There were no bad guys. No polution. Everything was one day, a fairy decided that everything was too peaceful. She didn't like it. She willed herself to turn bad, thereby becoming the first witch. She then forcefully made her family witches and warlocks. Then she moved to her friends and her friends family and their friends and their family and so on. The world was filled with witches. There was no good in the universe. The amount of negative energy was so overpowering that it led to the realms falling apart until there was no more. Then, there was a large peice of the sun that fell and created a new magical universe. One that had both good and evil that was constantly batteling each other, good always getting the upper hand. But now things have changed. Somehow, the first witch has come back and is planning on making everyone evil again. It is you who must stop her! Musa, darling, you must save the universe!" I look at her with wide eyes, not knowing exactly how to take in this information.

"Why me? And what's wrong with my powers?" I ask, looking at her in shock.

"Because, you are her decendent. The only fairy that was from evil decent. As for your powers, they were removed so that your new ones can take place but you won't get them until you are worthy. Until then, I'm sorry. Anyways, I must go," she says, and I can see the sadness in her eyes. She must not want to leave me again.

"But wait! How am I suppose to find and defeat her? And what was I suppose to be carrying?" I ask her quickly so I don't take up all the time she has.

"Don't worry, you'll know. Just look in the book. And," my mom says and then get's close to me and whispers in my ear, "let's just say, don't eat too much watermelon like I did." It takes me a second to figure out what she is talking about and a second for her to leave.

"What did she say?" Stella asks immediatley, seeing that my eyes are wide from the shock. I close them and then put them back to normal.

"Nothing," I say, shaking my head. "Just that I'd find out soon." They all nod their head. "How about we do this in the morning? I'm sure it can wait," I say pointing towards the book and yawning. They all agree and we go to the living room and set up sleeping bags and everything.

Once I think everyone is asleep, I tap Riven, who is laying right next to me, on the shoulder. "I need to talk to you," I whisper and he nods his head. We get up and go into my bedroom.

"What's up?" he asks.

"I know what I was carrying. What I am carrying," I tell him, sitting on my bed.

"What is it?" he asks, sitting beside me.

"My mom said to me 'Don't eat too much watermelon like I did' and that's when I knew what she was talking about!" I say, leaving Riven still confused. "You see, when my mom was pregnant with me, she ate a lot of watermelon," I tell Riven.

"What the fuck!" he screams as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Look, Riven, I know..." I say quietly.

"Musa..." he starts quietly. "I just, I can't do this," Riven says and leaves the room while tears are running down my face. He slams the door shut and I can hear the voices of the others asking questions which Riven just ignores and leaves the dorm.

The door to my room opens and in comes everyone. "What happened?" Blooms asks. I look at them wiping the tears off my face.

"Nothing," I say chasing after Riven. I see him leaning against the wall of the hallway. "Riven, you can't be like this," I say putting my hand on his shoulder.

"What am I suppose to be like? We're still in fucking school!" he yells, not caring that the others are probably right by the door, listening. I take Riven's hand and drag him up to the tower that my mom once showed me. It's been my favorite place ever since.

"Riven, it's not like I asked for this," I tell him and he just looks at the ground.

"Well it happened... We're too young," he says like he's not talking to me. It's like I'm not here and he's yelling at the wind.

"Riven!" I say holding his head up so he's looking at me. "If you love me like you say you do then you will stay here with me and we can raise this kid together," I say and he pulls me into a hug. We stand there, hugging. We are holding on to each other like we'll die if we let go.

I can hear the breathing of 10 people so there is no doubt that the others are there watching us. I look at the others and give them a death glare. They have on their normal faces so they must not have heard. "What?" I ask them.

"Well, Riven yelled and ran off and you were crying, so it's only in our nature to follow you and see what's up," Helia tells me.

"Well leave!" Riven says forcefully.

"No, you hurt her now I want to know how and why she still went back to you," Brandon says. Of course. The one that can't leave good enough alone.

"Brandon, please just leave. It is really none of your business," I tell him holding onto Riven even tighter.

"Please, Musa, stop pushing us away," Sky says.

"I know you guys heard that song I sang to Riven. Why can't you just leave us be? This love is ours," I say to them.

"Guys, let's just go," Flora says and starts to pull them away.

"Musa, I believe in us, and I know we can do it," Riven says leaning down and kissing me.

"You're such a softie," I say laughing. Riven squeezes my but with his hand and my face turns bright red.

"You know for a fact I'm not a softie," he whispers in my ear.

"I know," I say and jump on him. He's carries me while making out down to the room. We make our way to the bedroom and just as we get to the door Riven trips and lands on his back with me on him.

"What the fuck?" Riven yells. I look back and see that there is a vine across the door way that magically dissapears.

"Flora!" I scream, getting off of Riven and going to her.

"I'm sorry! I just didn't want to hear you guys do anything," she says sincerely. I roll my eyes. She knows that I made it to where no one can hear anything if the door is closed. I lay down in my sleeping bag, knowing that I'm never going to go to sleep if this keeps up. I lay my head down on my pillow and quickly drift off to sleep.

When I wake up, I find that I'm in Riven's arms. I turn over to Riven who is already awake. I smile up at him and bring my lips to his. We start making out and, like every other time, it starts to get intense. Riven get's on top of me and starts to pull my shirt up, his fingers gently grazing my skin. Before he get's it above my chest, he quickly puts it back and pulls away, a look of worry on his face.

"What?" I ask him, my voice filled with curiousity, as I look at him, getting lost in his violet orbs. He doesn't answer me. He picks me up and takes me to my bed room. I'm getting worried now. What would make him do this? He puts me down in front of my mirror and makes me look. What I see makes me gasp and get worried as well. I have a baby bump already.

"How far am I in?" I ask trying to puff my shirt out so it doesn't show as much, but I'm failing miserably.

"I don't know, but what are we gonna do? They can see it!" Riven says sitting down on my bed. I sit down next to him, putting my hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him.

"It's not that big, I can wear bigger shirts to hide it," I tell him soothingly.

"But that will only buy us a little time," he says in a frustrated tone while running his fingers through his magenta locks.

"Well, I mean, the adventure we're about to go on will give us more time to figure things out," I say, laying back on the bed.

"Do we have to tell them?" Riven asks in a childlike manner. Of course. He's always like this when we're alone.

"Riven, they're gonna notice my stomach getting bigger and a baby popping out in a few months," I tell him and pull him down next to me.

"Yeah, but until then, can we keep it on the down low? I mean, unless they ask," Riven says. His motto: 'Never tell unless asked'. I laugh at him and nod my head, kissing him again. Before it's get's intense, I get up and go to my closet. I open the doors and get out some baggy jeans and a big t-shirt that says 'Riven's baby girl'. Riven got that for me on my birthday last year. I look in the mirror. You can tell there's something there, but only if you're looking for it.

The door opens and in comes Brandon. "We wanna start," he says, glaring at Riven who is on my bed.

"Fine," I say and walk out of the room, pushing past Brandon on the way out.

"What are you wearing dawling?" Stella asks me with a look of disgust on her face. I roll my eyes at her. She's awlays obsessing over my clothes and now that I'm going to have to wear bigger clothes, it's going to be even worse.

"Clothes. Now let's get started," I tell her, picking up the book in front of me. I undo the binding on it, feeling everyone's confused stares. I haven't worn this type of clothing for a long time, so it's understandable. Questions are soon going to be piling up. Questions that I can't answer without being frowned upon. Questions that wouldn't do me and Riven any good.

I open up the book, dust puffing up in my face. I cough, while fanning it out of my face. Once it's cleared, I look at the first page. There is a picture of a dark figure. I'm guessing that's the first witch. I turn the page.

There is a bunch of fancy writing and I start to read aloud. "The first witch, Katerina, is very powerful. She has come back and is ready to take action. The only way to defeat her is by getting her last decendent and battleing each other! There is no need in finding the witch. Everything will fall into place when the time comes." They all look at me with wide eyes while my expression doesn't change.

"Why don't you look surprised?" Stella asks me. I look at her with an amused expression.

"It's the same thing everytime. Someone has to fight great evil in order to save the universe. Only this time, it's not Bloom," I say and everyone suddenly turns understanding.

"Hey, it's not-" Bloom starts but get's cut off.

"Yes, it is. So, how do we do this?" Flora asks everyone.

"Like the book said, she'll come to us so I say we just relax and enjoy life," Layla says, putting her feet up on the coffee table.

"I'm with Layla," I say, doing the same thing as her.

"What about your powers?" Bloom asks frantically. I roll my eyes at her.

"Did you not pay attention this whole time? I won't get them until I'm worthy. So, I guess things will play out and I'll be worthy when I'm suppose to be," I tell her, explaining it like one would to a child.

"So ... what can we do to pass time?" Tecna asks and Layla and I cover our faces knowing what's going to happen.




"Shopping!" Stella and Bloom scream.

And that was it ! I know it wasn't that good so please don't waste your time writing a review to criticize . Not sure when the next chappy will be up , but hopefully it will be soon .