Title: Wilno

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: Don't own

Rating: T for politics

Word Count: 273

Prompt: Favorite character, 300 words and the sentence, "I should have never trusted you." From Sparklife's Writer Wars. XD

Lithuania's hands shook slightly, gripping the note- no, the ultimatum.

"The Polish Government allows the Lithuanian Government 48 hours from the moment the note is presented for the acceptance of this proposition in making it known that diplomatic-"

A wave of anger snapped through Lithuania and he crumpled it in his fist, trembling.

"Gosh, Liet," Poland snapped, "I just want you to talk to me. Geez. It's just Wilno."

"It's Vilnius," Lithuania said barely reining in his anger. "And it's not 'just Vilnius.' It's my capital, Poland, you took my heart!"

"Wilno is as much mine as it is yours," Poland said, stubbornly crossing his arms. "And you're talking to me now aren't you?"

Lithuania had to turn away, and rested his forehead on the wall. He took a shuddering breath. "Your troops are on my border."

"Liet, you're too stubborn," he could hear Poland say, "I mean, it doesn't even say you have to officially recognize Wilno as mine! Just talk to me again!"

Lithuania whipped around, eyes blazing. "You're threatening me!" he shouted, "I thought you were my friend!"

"I am!" Poland snapped. "You're the one who's not being a good friend! You don't even talk to me!"

The two nations stared at each other, incensed. Then Lithuania turned away.

"I'll send my diplomats," he said quietly. "I can't afford a war right now."

"Great!" Poland exclaimed brightly, relieved. "Will you be coming with them?" he asked hopefully.

"No. Our governments can talk for us," Lithuania said as he glared over his shoulder.

"I should have never trusted you," he said as he walked out of the room.

He didn't look back.

Historical Notes

1938 Polish ultimatum to Lithuania was an ultimatum that demanded Lithuania renew diplomatic relations with Poland. They stopped in the first place because Poland took over the Vilnius region which had Lithuania's capital. It didn't actually ask anything else, but an earlier draft almost demanded the Lithuanian constitution be rewritten to make Vilnius not the capital any more.

"The Polish Government allows the Lithuanian Government 48 hours from the moment the note is presented for the acceptance of this proposition in making it known that diplomatic-" Actual translated text from the ultimatum

Wilno is Vilnius in Polish. Vilnius is Vilnius in Lithuanian.

"Wilno is as much mine as it is yours," - Vilnius was the least Lithuanian city of Lithuania's major cities. It had about a 50% population of Poles, 50% Jews and 2-3% of actual Lithuanians

"I can't afford a war right now." - Germany at this time was making grabby hands at some Lithuanian territories. Make note of the year. Also, international opinion was pretty much like "Lithuania, just talk to him again." It would have looked bad if he refused.

Lithuania accepted the ultimatum, but never acknowledged Vilnius as Poland's. There were a lot of protests against accepting, and they even had a Mourning of Vilnius Day they had every year. He's got it back now, but Polish-Lithuanian relations are still slightly chilly. Over other stuff too of course. This is simplified like heck.

My source is Wikipedia XD.