"I have to tell you something," we said simultaneously.

"You first," Bella nodded.

"W-well…" Come on, Alice. Grow some lady balls! "You first…"

"At the same time?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Okay. At the count of three."




"I love you," We both said and our eyes widened.


"You… love me?" I asked, astonished and unbelieving about what I had heard. Alice blushed four shades of red.

"Yes. I do love you." She bit her lip. "And… you love me?"

I nodded. "For a while now. I just… didn't know how to tell you."

She intertwined our fingers and smiled. "So where does that put us?"

"Where ever you want to be. I go where you go."

"…" She surprised me and stood, leaning over me and kissing me. I smiled and kissed her back.

This was a great wakeup call…

Fifteen years later


I sat on the couch with my fifteen year old daughter, Jessie. She was tall like Bella and her hair was a light brown, also like Bella. Other than that, she had ended up looking like me. Knowing that she looked like Bella only added to the reason she called her "Daddy" as a child. Heck, she still did. I heard a giggled down the hall and pounding feet. I looked up to see Lucka, my six year old, running stark naked down the hall with Bella on his heals.

"Lucka Alexander Swan, get back here! Your mother said you need a bath!"

"Don't wanna!" he yelled, diving into the kitchen. I had to hold 'back a giggle at the display. Jessie smiled, then bit her lip and turned to me.

"Hey, Mom?" I saw the concern in her eyes and felt concerned myself.

"What's wrong, Jessie?"

"Well... you see... you know that girl Kayla?"

I furrowed my brow, and then began to get it. "Yes. What about her?"

"Could she come over on Friday for dinner? I want you guys to meet her," she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and blushing.

"It's fine with me. You just need to ask your-"

Lucka ran in, jumping on my lap. This time, however, he was bathed and fully clothed. "Hi, Mommy!" He smiled. I laughed and hugged him as Bella sat between me and Jessie. Jessie smiled and leaned into her side while I did the same on her other side. Jessie bit her lip again and asked Bella the same question she had asked me. Bella smiled and told her it was fine with her. Lucka climbed into her lap and snuggled against her, ready to watch an episode of Scooby-Doo.

Both the kids fell asleep before the show ended and Bella lifted Jessie into her arms while i carried Lucka. we set them in their rooms and closed their doors, careful not to wake them up. Bella sighed in relief and rolled her shoulders.

"I love them. both of them, but it's nice having some time to us." Bella smiled and I leaned into her.

"This was a long day. I can't wait till school starts back up." Bella began to massage my shoulders, relieving some of the tension. I moaned quietly and leaned into her touch. She ghosted her lips over my neck and walked into our bedroom. I followed, having a good feeling about tonight.

There you go, all! The end of You Saved Me! Though, I may do a little short story later of Jessie's memories of Bella. IDK.

Guerrilla Warfare: Yeah, I figured the fluff would get me some love. I hope you liked this chapter. (=

north0314: I hope this was up to your expectations.

Matthias Stormcrow: Thank you!

Crazy Heart 101: Nope! She couldn't miss the baby birth. That would just epically suck monkey spunk.

ShadowCub: *Nape scratch* You don't hate me... right?

lynettecullen: Sorry. I had a plan for the stop, so... =J

Dear: I'm glad you're enjoying the story. (=

mary ali cullen: *chuckle* Well, I know if it had been me it would have likely taken something like that for me to admit my feelings. *smile*

Vampgrl2014: Happy you like it. Yep, hope this last chapter made you guys happy.

xo-j-e-i-j-a-h-xo: *Chuckle* Wow. You were spot on. Yep, I'm pretty much like that in person. *smile* Oh, yeah, she likes to point out she's a lucky girl. Pssh! Of course Bella survived. If I was gonna kill her before, the fact that a bonfire was built in my yard kinda woulda changed my mind. Hope you liked this update. ;)

(): thank you. i thought a bit of fluff was in order here. whatcha think?

there you go. review. tell me your thoughts. i love hearing it. XD