Hello, hello! Edit Number 1! Enjoy!

"Bye! See you guys later!" Louis Maylon shouted after her friends as she waved at them. She stood there for a few moments, smiling to herself before she turned on her heels and walked down the snowy streets of London. She gripped the collar of her mahogany coat and pulled it slightly over her lips as she ventured on.

Maybe I should have worn a scarf and a hat...she thought to herself as a cold wind ran right through her chest and her ginger hair.

The snow on the ground had begun to melt and was now leaving trails of ice in various spots. Louis still hadn't gotten used to the cold although she had been in London for a few months now. She was originally from Florida which was either really hot or raining. She wasn't exactly prepared when she moved to London. All she had were a few light jackets and rain coats, but once she experienced her first London winter, she realized that going out in a hoodie wouldn't exactly help her survive.

Louis paused in front of a dark alley, her body shivering all over. She was well aware that going down alleys at this time of night was a definite 'No-No' but she was WAY too lazy to walk all around the block to get to the store. And besides, she really wanted to get out of the cold.

Well, it's 8:07 now, so if I don't go through this alley, the store will close...she managed to convince herself.

She nodded her head, stood up straight with confidence, and walked into the alley. Her heeled boots clicked loudly against the stone pavement, the sound echoing off the walls around her.

Suddenly her foot slid forward and her body lurched along with it. She quickly caught herself against on the brick walls, breathing heavily from the sudden fright.

"Oh...My...God…" she breathed, looking down at the patch of ice. Louis stayed near the wall as she exited the alley.

Cars hustled and bustled down the streets, most of them exiting the highway. Her hazel eyes scanned the street with a hint of annoyance. This was the busiest intersection and people would be killed while crossing all the time. Sadly, the convenience store across the street was the only one near her house. Louis sighed to herself.

I should really get a car...she thought to herself.

Louis pushed the cross-walk button and waited for her turn to cross. A few minutes had passed already and cars were still whipping down the street. Her foot began to tap in annoyance as she crossed her arms. She pressed the button again.

Cars still continued to pass up and down the street. Louis's eyebrow began to twitch as she pressed the button again.

Still no change.

Louis groaned in frustration as she physically assaulted the cross-walk button, pressing it over and over again. "Come on, come on~!" she complained, pressing the button over and over with force. A cold wind blew, coating her in chills. She held herself close and shivered as she looked back at traffic.

The light finally changed and all the cars came to a screeching halt, finally allowing her to pass. Louis pulled her purse strap up on her arm and held her body, shuffling across the street.


Louis was about to open the door of the convenience store when she made a strange squeaking noise in fright. She thought that the black bundle by the door was a garbage bag or something but then it started to move. Some blueish black hair poked out of the black...coat(?) before a face appeared, looking up at her. Louis studied his face for a while, her head tilting in confusion.

The black jacket he was using to cover himself was heavy with snow and his body was shivering hard. He had an adorable face, almost like a young girl. He was probably...13-14 years old? He had very beautiful eyes. They were a rich blue, almost an azure color. However, his right eye had more of a dull purple tint to it, which was odd.

"Y-You want anything in the store?" Louis asked the boy awkwardly, pointing at the door. The boy blinked slowly at her before resting his head on his knees and pulling the coat around him, transforming back into the black bundle.

Louis's brow raised slowly.

Oooookayyy…she thought as she pushed open the door and walked inside.

She walked up and down the aisles, digging through her purse for her shopping list. She pushed her hair back with her gloved hand as she finally found it at the bottom her purse. Her eyes slowly went back to the window as she looked at the boy. The boy lifted his coat off his head and shook the snow off before becoming the black bundle once more. She went back to her list and read it over in her head.

Let's see...Chicken, red & green peppers, ramen noodles, cat food, tomato sauce, rice, and some Weight Watcher meals...She glanced back at the boy and then back to her list.

I should get him something...she thought before grabbing a basket and walking up and down the aisles, picking up her groceries. She stopped at the refrigerated foods aisle and pulled out two salami sandwiches and a Gatorade. Louis made her way to the counter and paid for everything before exiting the store.


The boy was shivering to the point where every breath he took quaked a little. Louis looked down at him for a while before lowering her bags to the floor and squatting next to the boy. She searched her bags, trying to find the one that held the two sandwiches and the Gatorade. She finally found it and placed it next to him.

The boy's head slowly rose and he looked at her with a slightly bored look. She smiled shyly.

"I-I got you some food," she said. The boy slowly looked down at the bag and then his eyes went back to her face. He blinked at her before resting his head on his knees again and pulling his jacket over his head.

"Right…" Louis said, pursing her lips as she held onto her grocery bags and stood. She nodded a 'Goodbye' at the boy and walked to her apartment.


Louis pushed her apartment door shut with her foot and walked on in, shedding her heeled boots as quickly as she could. She put her groceries down on the counter and pulled off her gloves and coat, laying them over the back of one of the chairs at her dining table. She shook her head from side to side, hoping to get most of the snowflakes out.

A small black kitten with white paws came trotting over to her, rubbing her body against Louis's ankle as she purred in greeting. Louis looked down at her and smiled.

"Hey Celestial baby!" she said back, rubbing Celestial's body with her foot. Louis giggled slightly before going to unpack her groceries.

When she was all done, she sat at her dining table in some shorts and a baggy Celtics jersey with her hair up in a messy bun while she sipped on some coffee and worked away at her laptop. Celestial was fast asleep in her lap.

"I wonder who that boy was…" she thought aloud.


Louis found herself in the convenience store again, leaning against a counter as she sipped on her caramel latte as she watched the boy. She noticed that he had eaten the food he left her but she was still so worried. The jacket he used as a blanket was so thin. She sighed to herself as she lowered her cup away from her lips.

The owner, a scruffy middle-aged man, nodded at her sigh. "Sad huh?" he said, leaning on the counter. Louis looked back at him before her eyes returned to the boy. "Yeah…" she said, sipping on her latte.

"You know anything about him?" she asked, looking back at him again. He shook his head.

"Nah...A few months ago, he just randomly popped up here. Didn't even come in the store. He just plopped right there and that was that…" he explained, nodding. Louis's eyes widened. "A few months?" she asked.

"Yeah! I'll bring him food and things like that but...that's a tough son-of-a-bitch," he complimented.

Louis looked at the boy again, finishing off her latte and throwing it in the garbage. "Whelp, I better get going…" she said, smiling at him before pulling her purse strap up on her arm. She paused and turned to him.

"Uh, actually, can I get a large hot chocolate and a blueberry muffin please?" she asked, smiling awkwardly. The owner smiled and went to go get her order.

"You're a good kid, ya know?" he said, putting her things in a paper bag. She took it and nodded her head.



Louis squatted next to the boy, holding the hot chocolate for him tightly.

"Hello?" she called.

No response.

She gently nudged his shoulder with her finger. "Hello?"

The boy flinched and slowly raised his head, looking at her.

"I-I have some hot chocolate for you…" she said, putting it next to him. His eyes followed her hand before going back to her eyes.

Louis pulled the blueberry muffin out of the paper bag. "A-And a muffin!" she showed, holding out the muffin to him. The boy slowly looked down at the muffin before looking back at her face. He carefully took the muffin out of her hand and nodded his head in slight gratitude. Louis smiled brightly as she nodded back. The boy took a small bite of the muffin and chewed slowly. She watched him for a while.

The boy got halfway through the muffin before he paused and looked at her, raising his brow. Louis blushed and quickly stood up, realizing that she was disturbing him. She waved awkwardly and went back to her apartment.


The same pattern occurred again and again for a few weeks. Louis would buy him food from the convenience store and he would awkwardly accept it. Soon she started sitting outside with him for a bit, talking to him-well-more like talking AT him. He never really responded to her. He would occasionally nod or grant her a small smile, but other than that it was her speaking. She would tell him about her day at work or about some TV shows she was watching or her thoughts on the world. Louis would sometimes mention some books she was reading and that was usually when he would really perk up. She even brought him some blankets. They were baby blankets she had leftover from when she was a child so they were covered in pink seahorses or hearts but that didn't really matter. He took them anyway.

It was that time again and she was sitting on the curb next to him outside the convenience store. They both had hot chocolates in their hands. Louis looked up at the stars, smiling to herself while the boy sat wrapped in the blankets she had given him, sipping on his hot chocolate. Color had returned to his face and he had gained back some weight which made Louis very happy.

"...So what's your name?" she asked, bringing her hot chocolate to her lips. The boy glanced over at her before his eyes went back to watching cars pass by.

"...Ciel...Ciel Phantomhive…" he answered, pulling the blankets around himself more.

Louis nodded. "Cool name," she complimented. She turned slightly and threw her empty cup away. It bounced against the rim of the trashcan before falling in. "Nice~" she said under her breath before she turned back to him.

"So...what's your story?" she asked, tucking a few hairs behind her ears before she yanked her beanie down more.

"I'd rather not talk about it…" he answered. Louis nodded slowly, understanding.

"Would you like...to get out of the cold and stay with me?" she asked, wearing an awkward smile. Ciel turned to her and blinked. He nodded his head. Louis squealed and clapped her hands before she got up. She dusted the snow that had collected on her skirt before she offered him her hand. "Come on, let's go!" she said.

Ciel gave her a small smile before he took her hand and stood up.


Louis dug around in her purse for quite some time as she looked for her house keys. Ciel stood behind her, holding her groceries bag for her.

"Oh, God. No, no, no, no, no, no, no…" she said to herself over and over, setting her purse down and digging her hands into each coat pocket. Ciel put the grocery bags on the floor and looked through them. He tugged on Louis's coat and placed the keys in her hand. "Oh…Thank you," she said, surprised. She giggled awkwardly, realizing how stupid she must have looked before she opened the door to her apartment.

Ciel stood there, frozen. One of his nostrils began to twitch as he leaned back slightly, his mouth opening over and over as if he were about to sneeze or something. A deep blush spread across his cheeks. Louis paused and raised her brow at him.

"You okay?" she asked. Ciel leaned back really far before his body shot forward as a powerful/violent sneeze erupted from his body. Louis literally jumped out of her skin from the sound. Ciel kept sneezing while Louis panicked. Her eyes landed on Celestial who was watching the scene unfold from her cat-bed, her tail swaying from side to side. A light bulb went off in her head.

"Are you allergic to cats?"

Ciel responded with another powerful sneeze.

Louis quickly pushed him out of the apartment, slamming the door shut before she pressed her back against it. Her head snapped to Celestial and she narrowed her eyes at her. Celestial meowed in response.

"Come here, you!" Louis yelled, going after her. Celestial hissed and ran off, hiding under the couch. Louis stomped her foot in frustration before she kneeled on the floor and attempted to reach under the couch to get her. Celestial hissed and shot her arm out, trying to scratch Louis. Everytime Louis tried to reach for her, she would hiss and claw at her.

"Stop it!" Louis yelled back as she continued to grab at her. After a few minutes of struggling, she managed to finally grab her by her collar and pull her out from under the coach. Celestial wrapped around her hand and bit on her thumb, trying to escape. Sadly she was just a kitten and her teeth weren't really sharp just yet. Louis picked up her cat-bed and a few toys all while she pushed her food & water bowl with her foot. She put the cat bed down in a closet and tossed the cat toys in. Louis pushed the bowls into a good spot with her foot before she put Celestial down in the closet.

"Sorry," she said before she shut the door. Celestial cried.

Louis turned to her apartment and put her hands on her hips, looking around at all the cat hair. "Time to get to work," she said as she pulled out some lint rollers.


Louis slowly opened her front door, peeking her head out. "You can come in now…" she said in an apologetic tone. Ciel's eyes were red and puffy along with his cheeks from sneezing so hard. Louis pouted.

"Sorry…" she said as she moved out of the way so he could walk inside. "Um...the bathroom is over there," she informed, pointing down the hallway. "I already set out some clothes for you. And if you need anything else, just let me know okay?" Ciel rubbed his eyes before he walked to the bathroom. She rubbed the back of her neck before she went into her room and changed into another baggy jersey and some black boy-shorts. She sat on her bed cross-legged and clacked away on her laptop.

After a while of the hot water running, Ciel emerged from the bathroom. A large amount of steam poured out of the bathroom and spilled all throughout her apartment. He walked over to the other side of her bed and got in, not even waiting for permission. He hugged one of her body pillows and closed his eyes. Louis reached up and turned off the lights before she continued to work.

"...What's your name?" he asked. Louis closed her laptop and slide it under her bed. She then got under the covers and wrapped herself in them. Ciel rolled over to look at her, still hugging the pillow. She reached her hand over and stroked his head slowly.

"I'm Louis Maylon," she answered. Ciel smiled and snuggled more into the pillow before he closed his eyes.

"Thank you, Louis," he said before he fell asleep. Louis smiled and kissed his forehead lightly and then she rolled over, closing her eyes.

A few hours later, she was awoken by his blood-curdling screams.

Hope you enjoyed this edit!