An: hey guys I added some to this.


I am no ordinary 15 year old. I am a wand waving, broom flying, cauldron brewing 15-year-old wizard. Crazy I know but that is not all I live with my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin, instead of my parents. My aunt Petunia, my uncle Vernon and my cousin Dudley had to take me in when I was 15 months old. After my parents were killed by a dark wizard. Not so good right, I never had a normal childhood add to all that a headmaster who wants to control my life, a potions master who hates my father and transfers that hate to me, a best friend and his sister who lies and steals from me and dangers every school year that try to kill me. And you get one crazy, not so good, mixed-up life of me: Harry James Potter.

That's only part of my problems now. After second year my aunt started feeling sorry for me. So even though I still had to do all the chores and cook, I wasn't starved or locked in my room for days on end. But after trying to keep Voldemort from getting the prophecy I took some spell damage that even madam Pomfrey could not fix. So now I can't speak, I'm what you would term mute. When I came home last week my aunt took me to the muggle doctor to see if they could do anything and also to draw my blood for the Family Reconstruction Act that was passed into law while I was at school this past year. Sadly all they could find was that my throat was still swollen and it would be at least 6 months before they could tell if it would be permanent or not.

Well that was better news than I got from Dumbledore, he told me that until I got my voice back I couldn't go back to school, so he told me that he would take care of my trust vault for me because I would not be needing it. Basically he told me, (TOLD ME) that I would not be back ever so I had no need of the vault. Thankfully the Goblins will not sign a vault over unless the person is dead or your soul is gone. And before you ask; yes someone can still be alive but have no soul – come from being "kissed" by a dementor. But little did I know how much the FRA was going to change my life.

An: please review and tell me what you think: is it good, bad, worth continuing?


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