"I-I can't do it Sam. I'm sorry… I have to turn the other cheek." Carly dropped the gun and Steven brought it to him with his foot. Sam let go of her headlock and stormed out of the room. Carly followed. They left a breathless Steven gasping for air.

"Why Carly? Both of your cheeks are red anyway. You've turned the other cheek plenty of times obviously!" Sam looked down hiding her face with her hair.

"I can't take someone's life like that. It's not up to me when someone dies!" Sam let out a dry laugh and stepped towards Carly.

"It is up to you when you have a gun." Carly let out a sigh. "And you had a gun. Would you rather he took your life?" Carly shook her head. "Exactly. You had a chance to kill him and you didn't. In case you didn't notice he hates you." Sam chuckled again while shaking her head. "He wants you dead, or at least hurt." Sam walked back into Carly's room and went in her "underwear drawer". She took out a few things and went to the studio.

Steven allowed the trio to do iCarly, though he was still in the bathroom. Sometime during the show Sam handed Carly a shock pin.

"Remember when I used this on Freddie?" Sam asked during while iCarly flashed pictures from Kenan's party. Carly and Freddie nodded their heads. "Use it on…" Carly nodded her head.

"I don't think I-"

"Sam didn't kill me did she?" Sam chuckled. "So Steven won't die. He'll just be out long enough for us to call 911." The pictures ended and the girls put on a fake smile.

"And that's it for this iCarly!" They yelled in unison.

"Until next time floss your fish!" Sam suggested.

"Bathe in soda." Carly added.

"And we're clear." Freddie put down the camera. "Good show." Carly grabbed a bottle of water.

"We know."

"Thanks, you're sure he won't die?"

"76.3% positive." Sam sat on Freddie's lap leaving Carly to decide 'Steven's final fate.'

"76.3? Really?" Freddie questioned.

"Took the question right out of my mouth."

"He could die." Sam studied her hands. "But he most likely won't. Plus I don't like saying 99.9 because it usually is a lower percentage."

"Using big fancy words now?" Carly asked amused.

"Hey guys." Steven walked in and the atmosphere changed.

"You can feel theawkward." Sam whispered while grabbing the air. Steven glared at Sam and she laughed.

"Miss Shay, what's wrong?" Steven wiped the makeup off Carly's face.

"Nothing Steven." She secretly pulled out the pen and gripped it with her life.

"I told you not to address me and you agreed to it." Carly found an unknown confidence.

"I say a lot of things!" Steven grabbed her hand. Thankfully not the one that had the pen in it. Carly turned his hand upside down and shocked him on his pulse line. His eyes went blank for a second only to snap back into reality.

"Carly, Carly, Carly." He laughed stepping closer to her. Sam yelled at Carly.

"Now! The neck! Now!" Carly immediately shocked him in the neck and he fell to the floor.

"My phone's dead." Freddie offered. "Anyone else have their phone?" The girls shook their head.

"SPENCER!" Sam screamed and Spencer was in the room a second later.

"Call 911." Carly ordered him. His eyes widened at the passed out Steven on the floor. "Go!" She shrieked. Spencer ran out the room. The trio was stuck in their positions holding their breath. They all let out a breath when they heard the sirens outside.

Steven woke up as the police were handcuffing him.

"I'm seventeen!" The officer smiled.

"Then we can trial you as an adult." Carly turned to her friends.

"Thanks you guys. Thanks Sam." Carly hugged Sam and Carly started crying.

"Ah, It was nothing."

"I never knew all that fighting and Freddie abuse would ever come in handy for me."

"Well it will never come in handy for me." Freddie complained and Sam slapped him. Freddie brought his hand up to his cheek.


"You big wuss. Move your hand!" She ordered and Freddie slowly pulled his hand down. Sam stood on her tippy toes and pecked him on the cheek.

"I think it came in handy." Carly said while laughing.

"Wasn't worth it." Freddie grumbled. Sam slapped his other cheek.

"Hope you're not expecting a kiss." She crossed her arms and sat on the couch.

"Aw." Freddie poked out his bottom lip.

"Mr. Shay, do you have a lawyer?" A female officer, Officer Dana asked.

"No ." Spencer pressed his lips together. Officer Dana came and asked to see Carly's bruises.

"The ones on your face are visible, do you have any anywhere elso on your body." Carly nodded her head. "Do you mind showing me? It will be evidence." Carly led Officer Dana and Sam to the bathroom where she also saw the gun."They are all over her upper body. I don't think Steven hurt her under her waist."

"At least he didn't rape you." Sam said, relived that this would soon be over.

"Did he hurt you?" She turned to question Sam.

"Uh, he cut me with his knife, but I'm oka-" Sam was interrupted by the officer examining her.

"I'll take this gun and be gone." And with that she left.

"Okay then." Sam pursed her lips after Dana left.

"It's over. Finally." Carly smiled and the room lit up.

"Well you still have to see him in cour-"

"Sam." Freddie warned sternly. Her eyes got big and she shut-up.

"I love you guys." Carly hugged both of her friends. Spencer came in the all ready too cramped bathroom.

"Group hug!" He clapped his hands and joined in the hug.

"Uh Spencer.

"Yeah Caaarly?"

"We need to breath."

"Just go like this. Ehh-hoo ehh-hoo." Freddie groaned. "What a Kodak moment!" Spencer yelled.

I'm done with this story now. How was it? Thanks for reading too!