"Don't do this" I put my fist down on the table "You're going to ruin everything, Cameron!" The tears were pouring from my eyes as he called my mom. I felt like that little kid that let the babysitter lie on them. I snatched the phone away from him and hung it up. "You will not ruin my relationship because you're jealous you selfish bastard!" I pushed him down and ran for it. He was dangerous and fake, he had pretended to like Alek long enough for Sawyer to to get better. I ran down the sidewalk pulling my jacket over my tank top, man I was cold. This is why I hated running in the dark, wearing barely anything. I still ran though as fast as I could, motive pulsed through me making me run faster. Who's house was closest?Amy's or Paul's? Amy's. I had my phone in my shorts pockets, and I pressed number three on my speed dial. "Amy!" I screamed in the phone as she answered.

"CHLOE!" She yelled back as I dropped my phone running into Cameron. I was sure that I was screwed, I was going to die again because of him- I let him back in despite Valentina's warnings that he wasn't safe. He put his hand around my mouth as I screamed like a helpless human girl. I couldn't hurt him. This was my brother... This was my brother, my best friend... besides Paul and Sawyer. What had happened to all these guys? Oh that's right. ME.

He threw me on the ground looking at his "Prize" or that's what it looked like for a minute. "Why didn't you love me?" He said in a scary voice, like a killer not a friend. Lately, he hadn't looked like a friend. I tried fighting him, and only breaking free for a matter of minutes. Long enough though I ran screaming once more, Begging someone to hear me before Cameron did something he would regret. Where was Alek? Oh... I gave him the day off he needed some sleep, and I thought I was oddly safe. I pulled out his phone this time hitting the buttons that blurred in my watering eyes. I was calling Paul...

"Paul!" I cried into the phone, "Paul call Jasmine or someone now!"

"Chloe, Chloe? Are you O.K.? Where are you!"

"NOW!" I screamed putting the phone back in my other pocket. I didn't look behind me, I just looked forward. Looking behind me wouldn't do me any good. I waited with each heavy beat of my heart for someone to jump down and save me but I didn't hear a foot step besides my own and the ones behind me. I turned quickly looking for a place to jump. I jumped off of a fire hydrant to a roof top. I kept running until I reached a place with hundreds of black windows, Alek's. Truth is, Amy's was closer but I had missed the turn. I ran into the building calming down a little.

"Ms. King? Is something wrong?" The door man said as I dashed to the elevator. He looked at the Cameron following me and hit a button on his desk.

I was in the elevator, only safe for a few seconds as I was alone. I caught my breath and made it to the 18th floor. When I got out I looked both ways and then ran to the third room on the left side. I opened the door, and then locked it. Not that, that would stop a crazed mai from kicking down the door. I backed up "Alek! Jasmine!" I called, I sounded terrified as I heard the kicking against the door begin. Alek ran out of his room, he looked tired still but he was ready to fight.

"What's wrong? Chloe!" He called as the door came down, he pulled me behind him. Cameron's fist hit Alek in the face, and he fell down. Cameron grabbed me, and threw me down.

"I hate you" I cried to him "I hate... you" just in time for his neck to be slashed.