I like the father/son bond that progressed between Mike and Jack during the last few seasons. This is a drabble, so it's short and sweet. Hope y'all like *^_^*

Disclaimer: I do not own Law & Order and its characters.

Office of District Attorney Jack McCoy, Manhattan, NY, Wednesday, 9:40am

Mike rustled his newspaper in annoyance. "Unbelievable!" he said with outrage.

Jack glanced over at Mike inquisitively, his reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. "What is it?"

"Damn reporter spelled my name incorrectly," he angered.


Mike glanced back down at the newspaper, biting his tongue, his eyes almost burning in fury. "Asshole left a t out of my name."

Jack dropped the statute he had been reading on his desk as he got out of his seat. He stood behind Mike and leaned over his shoulder to examine the root of his frustration. He skimmed over the line Mike had pointed to, his lips forming a wry smile.

Michael Cuter,the line had read.

"Well, that is what the female ADAs are referring to you as these days," the District Attorney pointed out with a peeved sigh, sounding amused. "You could be called worse things." He shrugged. "If I were you, I'd take it as a complement."

A/N: Well we all know how particular Michael Cutter can be, don't we? lol

What do you think? Feel free to comment:-D
