Chapter 1: Chapter 1

AN- Disclaimer: Still don't own. I know, it's a crime.

Warning: Rape and general nastiness


Killing Time

God, where am I? Uh, my head is killing me. John finally managed to open his eyes, not that they did any good in the pitch black room. He soon found that he was unable to move, his hands were cuffed to the back of the chair he was sitting on and heavy duty rope wrapped round from his waist to his shoulders. Even his legs were held fast, tied to the chair legs. He rolled his head back and groaned, his shoulder was screaming at him and his leg wasn't too happy either. The soldier tried to struggle out of his bonds, something warm trickled down his wrists into his hands and he stopped. There's no way out. At that moment the room was flooded with white light, making John squint. A door opened behind him and his ears were filled with an Irish voice,

'I knew you'd get there sooner or later, Johnny Boy.' John's blood ran cold. 'Of course I know your name, my dear, you and your partner have been after me for quite some time now.' The pieces suddenly clicked into place in John's mind.

'Moriarty.' He croaked through cracked lips. The Irishman gave a small jump of glee, much the same as a small child would.

'Johnny worked something out! Oh, I bet Sherlock would be so proud. He's so worried about you.' The criminal mastermind drew a phone from his pocket and John's eyes widened when he realised the phone belonged to him. A dark chuckle escaped the psychopaths lips as he started to read the texts.

'John, Where are you? SH

John, don't ignore me. SH

I know you're not at Sarah's. SH

John, come back. SH

What have I done to upset you? SH' The phone buzzed to say another text as been received. This was opened and read aloud like the last ones,

'Moriarty, I know you have my John. If anything happens to him I will kill you. SH' The mastermind held the phone to his chest and looked over at John with dead eyes and a lethal smile.

'Well, Johnny Boy, it seems to me that Sherlock just issued me with a challenge.' The phone was thrown carelessly over his shoulder and the Irishman straddled the doctors lap, much to his struggling and yelling. All noise and movement stopped when John felt the cold of a metal blade pressed to the pulse point in his neck. He leaned his head as far away as it could get to the knife and gulped.

'What's wrong, don't you want to play?' Asked the childish voice. The doctor couldn't keep the others gaze.

'Get off me, Moriarty. Please.' He knew it wouldn't work, being nice never does in these circumstances, but at least you couldn't say he didn't try.

'I think we know each other well enough to skip formalities, Johnny. Call me Jim.' The metal bit into his neck, not enough to cause permanent damage, just enough to draw the dark red liquid to the surface. Then the knife was removed and replaced with a pair of lips. The soldier squirmed and desperately tried to escape. Jim bit down hard then withdrew and grabbed the others chin, forcing him to stare into the eyes of his captor.

'Let's make something absolutely clear, yes? You aren't going anywhere until I say so, carry on like this and you won't be going anywhere ever again. Play nice and you might find you enjoy yourself.' He then let go of the doctors chin and returned to nipping and sucking on his neck, revelling in the noises which came unbidden from the soldiers mouth. Jim untucked the blonds' shirt and slid his hands underneath, everywhere he touched tensed and a shiver ran down his doctors' body when his fingers reached his spine. He ran his tongue up to John's ear and nipped the lope gently. The man whimpered beneath him. Moriarty mouth twitched into a smile.

'My, aren't you being good. Good pets get rewards.' John turned his head to look away when he felt hands slide down his trousers, he noticed his belt had been removed. That bastard must have planned this from the star- His train of thought derailed spectacularly as Jim's fingers ghosted over the bulge in his boxers. What the- when did that happen? His thoughts must have been clearly on display because the Irishman chuckled,

'Oh, I don't know, at least ten minutes now.' John tried to back away, he didn't know why because the whole action was pointless. It was as if his body somehow felt better because he was trying to escape.

This stopped when a single finger was placed squarely on his chest. He stared up at his captor, who was now standing, waiting for whatever was next to come.

'Now, what have I told you about being good, hmmm? I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and just say that you're impatient, Johnny Boy, but make sure you don't mess up again.' The finger pushed into his chest, forcing him to rise from the chair slightly, just as his trousers and boxers were pulled down to his ankles in one swift movement. John gasped and the chilling air rushed to meet him. Moriarty drank in the sight of the bound man. Then he fluently bent down and sliced through the rope tying both of John's legs down with the knife he had used on John before. He smiled crookedly at the confused expression on his captives face then lifted the others legs, resting them on his shoulders. The soldier definitely wasn't confused anymore. No, now he was terrified.

'Wha-what are you doing?' The doctor asked, though it was painfully aware that he knew.'Killing time.' Jim replied back-handed as he removed his own trousers and lined himself up, Of course he hadn't been wearing any underwear. He had planned this you know. Every muscle in John's body screamed at him to move, to get out of the way, but he held fast and did his best to relax. This was going to happen no matter how much he willed it not to so the only thing he could do was try and ease the pain. Just like that, he was in Afghanistan again, only this time he himself was the patient caught in the midst of fire on the battlefield. White hot pain flashed behind the doctors eyes as the Irishman pushed his full length into his body. A rasping hiss escaped his throat as he tried desperately not to scream.

'No, don't do that.' The voice was eerily sweet and almost caressed the struggling man but then turned sinister, 'I want to hear you scream.' Jim pulled out almost fully then pushed back in. This time, the glorious noise of a man in agony thrashed against his ears, the sound only spurred on the psychopath and he moved faster and faster. Revelling in the different noises he extracted from his captives lips, using his teeth and nails-and occasionally the knife-to mark the soldier where ever he could.

After half an hour of torturous pain, Moriarty finally pulled out and pulled his trousers back on. John's throat was sore to the point of almost bleeding. Something warm trickled down the back of John's legs and he winced, knowing the damage that might have been caused.

'Come on, Johnny Boy, you need to get presentable. Sherlock will be here in about ten minutes.' The thought of the detective spurred the flicker of hope in John's chest alive. He dragged the clothes on and stood shakily. As soon as he was on his feet, two thuggish men appeared beside him and roughly shoved a vest with various wires and boxes strapped to it. A long, frankly hideous, coat was put on him. The vest was heavy but it didn't feel right. John knew from that moment that it wasn't a bomb. An ear piece was placed in his ear then Moriarty grabbed him and turned him towards the psychopath. He ran his eyes over the doctor appraisingly then nodded to the thugs and left the room. John estimated that he still had about four minutes before Sherlock arrived, which gave him time to think. Even if he does get here and we get out alive, he won't ever want to see me again. If he knew what had happened, he won't be able to even look at me. The doctor was pushed out of a door onto a poolside, when he looked, he saw Sherlock standing a few metres away from him. His heart leapt in his chest but suddenly dropped again when he heard the Irish accent in his ear. He repeated everything that was said, no point getting killed now just because he wanted to be defiant. The back of his legs were becoming damp with blood and he made sure he was at such an angle that Sherlock couldn't see it. The detective was talking but John couldn't make out a word of what was being said. Then he saw Moriarty. His eyes narrowed, he may not get out of this alive but Sherlock certainly could. He leapt and struggled with the other man. He shouted for Sherlock to run but the man didn't budge. The sniper laser flitted onto the detectives forehead and the doctor stepped back. There was nothing more he could do now. Jim said something and walked out, everything was becoming blurry. Next thing the soldier knew, Sherlock was ridding him of the fake bomb. John let out a shaky breath of relief and said yes to what ever this flatmate had asked him, it was probably 'are you ok?' or something.

The two turned to leave, John making sure he was at least one step behind Sherlock, when the tannoy system kicked in.

'You didn't really think I'd let you both live, did you? I know you both realised the bomb on Johnny Boy was a fake but neither of you bothered to look up, hmm?' The soldier looked up and saw the explosives positioned at every point necessary to send the entire roof crumbling. Using the last of the strength he had, John threw himself at Sherlock and sent them colliding into the pool. The boom seemed to vibrate the water and debris hit the pool with thundering crashes. The soldier saw his flatmate lying on the cold tiles at the bottom of the bed of water, he swam down, dragged the other man up to the surface and placed him on the poolside as carefully as he could. The taller male was unconscious and John knew the walls wouldn't last much longer so he picked up the other-using strength he didn't know he had-and carried him out of the door, into the cool air, just as a second thundering crash echoed behind him. He placed Sherlock on the floor, suddenly aware of the flashing blue lights and the man with the umbrella walking up to them. John lay on the floor, eyes closing.

'Don't-' He gasped to the man standing over him. 'Tell…Sherlock.' Then his body finally gave out and he slipped into unconsciousness.