Summary: Mai did not how it happened but it did. She traveled across time and stopped Gene from getting hit by that car. And the only ones with any memory of what has happened are Gene and herself. NaruXMaiXGene

Author note: Hi all. I hope you enjoy my story. I have been playing along with this idea for a while now. I hope no one is out of character. Well here is the first chapter. Sorry if any of the characters are out of character. I'll try my best to keep them in character with relation to what happens in this story. Please read & review

Chapter 1

Tears trailed down Mai's face as she cried. Her pillow hugged close, her safety net after Naru ripped her heart out. Her covers were scattered about on the floor as she huddled in a ball on her bed. Hair stuck to her face that hid her red swollen eyes from the world. Clenched in her hand was a black handkerchief and a sealed envelope. The pain Naru inflicted on her lay heavily on her heart from only hours ago. It was only hours ago that she confessed her love for him only to have it thrown back in her face. Naru gave her so many things without doing anything. He gave her a family again. And once again her family was torn apart with his departure. Mai knew things will never be that same again. No matter how much she wished it to be.

Flash Back

Chatter filled the busy airport as all of SPR went to bid Naru and Lin off. Gene's body was found and ready to go back to London so his funeral could be held. Heavy atmosphere draped the air as the SPR team split, after spending about a year and a half working together.

"Have a safe trip back," John told them, trying to break the bleak mood.

Everyone else started to wish them a safe trip, but Mai. She was in the back, a little ways off, her hands down at her side. Her head was bent down as she tried to gather her courage together to tell Naru one last thing before he left, for good she believed. The only one who noticed this was Lin. He watched her with concerned eyes before he glanced at Naru. Naru only noticed that she was doing nothing.

Letting out a sigh Naru stepped towards Mai and handed her a letter. "Mai, here is a letter of recommendation. Even with someone of your intelligence should know what to do with this."

"Hey Mai, you could always come work for me. You know help out with the band. I know a few people at a restaurant the band frequently visits that is looking for a new waitress. I could give you there number if you want" Monk joked before he got hit with Ayako's purse of doom.

"Don't say that. Don't listen to that old man. Mai if you every need help just asked." Ayako told her before she hit Monk one more time when he made a comment about her being an old lady under his breath.

"Yes Monk you shouldn't joke about that. I thought you loved me. You can't joke about having an affair," Yasu said. He tsked monk as he sighed dramatically before he exclaimed, "Wait! I know, let's get married."

"Please stop joking around." Monk begged.

Lin watched them with a small smile before he turned back to Mai. His smile slowly turned into a frown. Her hands shook with her knuckles turning white from her clenching hands. The recommendation letter was crumbled in her hand.

"Have a safe trip Oliver," Masako said as she lifted her kimono sleeve to her mouth. "Don't hesitate to call for my assistance. I would be more than happy to help."

Naru and Lin turned around and was about to leave when Mai finally step forward on jelly like legs. She finally lifted her head. Her face invented a new shape of red. "NARU, WAIT!"

"I don't have all day, Mai." Naru said. He looked at her with the same expressionless gaze he had always given her since she met him. But there was something different in his eyes, they seemed a bit softer than usual. Mai stared at him. She tried to figure out what was different. "Mai" he sight before he walked over to her and reached into his pocket to fish out a black handkerchief to wipe her tears away that started to drip down her cinnamon brown eyes. "There is no reason to cry, idiot."

"Naru, I love you," Mai Whispered so low that if Naru wasn't standing right besides her wiping her tears away he would have never have heard her. "Please don't lea-"

"You don't love me." Naru stressed. His eyes harden as he shoved his handkerchief in her hand. He stiffened as he turned around and said, "You love Gene, not me. I am not my brother and won't be some kind of replacement for your misguided love. Come on Lin it is time to go." Naru started to walk off out of site into the busy airport. Lin joined him after sending one last glance at Mai who was crying harder than before. She ran out of the airport shortly after they were out of sight. The others called out for her but Mai wanted to get away from there, from the pain, so she just kept on running disregarding the worry shouts from her friends.

End of Flashback

Mai shut her eyes and try to will herself into a dreamless sleep. She wished that everything was just a dream. That everything that happened never took place. That she never met Naru, never fell in love with him, and never discovered her physic gift which was turning into a curse.

When she opened her eyes Mai found herself in the astral plane. The lights of the will-o-whips floated all around her. She looked around to try and figure out why she was there. She wasn't on a case. Not like that will every happened again, she figured. A solitude was making its way towards her. His tall frame grew clearer as he approach her. Concern displayed on the face of Naru's twin. Gene, who not but a few days ago Mai had called him dream Naru.

"I'm sorry about Noll. He should have never have treated you like that." Gene softly whispered as he hugged her.

"I HATE HIM" Mai shouted as she collapse's into Genes embrace never letting go of the handkerchief or envelope. He tighten his grip around her as he whisper chocolaty sweet words into her ear to calm her heart braking sobs. "I wish I have never met him."

"You don't mean that"

"I know Gene, but he is just so hard to deal with. That narcissistic tea addicted bastard."

As Mai said Gene's name for the first time in the astral planes the area around them started to shift. A long winded road started to materialize. Big oak trees started to sprout out around them. They covered one side of the road near a bus stop. On the other side of the road a cliff stared to form that dropped down into a lake. The full moon shined up high reflected off of the murky lake water. A figure in back started to come together near the road side.

"No" Gene whispered. "I don't want you to see this. His arms fell from her side as he shook his head. He murmured no as the scene came together.

As the figure came together it formed Gene. He walked along the side of the road until he spotted the bus stop. He looked both ways before he started to cross the street. The sound of a car could be heard just as he stepped onto the road. It the red truck swerved all over the place, crossing the line that divided the road once and an awhile. The echo of heavy rock music could barely be heard as it leaked out of the truck's window. The Gene in there never seemed to have noticed the truck race closer towards him as he stepped out on to the road to cross it and get to the bus stop.

"No." Mai Whispered. Gene's head was bent. "You're going to be hit." Mai started to run Towards the Gene in the road.

"No Mai, it already happened. You can't do anything about it!" Gene yelled has he chased after her.

"NO GENE!" Mai yelled as she touched the Gene on the road. As soon as her hand touched that Gene the other one seemed to have disappeared. Mai grabbed a hold of him and pushed him out of the way of the oncoming truck. They both rolled on the road towards the nearby woods. Mud stuck to their clothes as they rolled. Twigs snapped underneath them as they stop on the other side of the street.

Gene coughed as he looked around with shocked eyes. "What happened?" He looked around and has he gazed out into the night, he realized, "I'm alive…MAI!" He looked around frantically. Until he saw Mai on her back barely breathing the handkerchief and envelop nearby.

She had dirt smeared across her face. Her left ankle was bleeding from a small scratch. Gene grabbed the handkerchief and tied it around her ankle to stop the bleeding. As he took a closer look he noticed some difference in Mai. She appeared younger than she did minutes ago and her hair was longer, it now reached just a little bit beyond her shoulders.

"Hold on Mai. I'll get you to a hospital," He told her as her breaths became rapid. "Just please hold on..." He stuffed the enveloped into his pocket thinking that whatever was inside it would be of some use later on. Gene then picked her up and started to walk down the road carrying her piggy back style. "I need to figure out what happened… "

Meanwhile in England Naru held one of Gene shirts in utter shock. He saw his brother cross the road. He saw the truck come close and just as it was about to run his brother over, he saw a petite brown haired teenage girl literally materialized out of thin air and pushed his brother out of the way at the last second. But that was not all. It seemed that his brother knew the girl. He couldn't help but wonder who she was or how she did it, but he was going to find out. He squeezed Gene's shirt as he made that vow. In the back of his mind there was a familiarity about the girl that unsettled him because he has never met her in his life.

To be continued…

Author note: So I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. This basically sets up the story. Mai somehow traveled back in time and prevents Gene's death. I do plan on putting the whole SPR gang into this fic somehow. Well, see you next time in chapter 2.