Hey, yall. I know I haven't updated this in a VERY long time and I'm going to update it now. I recently read a fic that was actually a Kames fic and I got this wild hair and decided, "hey, why not giving a shot at one of your old fics?" So I did, and I hope you all like this. Again, I know it's been forever.

You may want to go back and read the last chapter again, or maybe a few chapters again. I know I had to.

Warning: OOC (Out of Character) Characters.

Once again, this is a fan fiction, it is Fiction, none of this happened and this was written purely for enjoyment. If you don't like this, you don't have to read it. Reviews are welcome, anon is enabled, don't be shy.

Your input would be great, let me know what you think.

Thank you so much.

Josh arrived to pick up Jesse at 5:30pm the next day. Jesse stressed to her parents time and time again that this was not a date and Josh was only her friend. Of course they asked about Kendall and if she was till just 'friends' with him and she would tell them, "Yeah, I am." Her parents knew Josh however, and would let her go out with him as friends, because he wasn't just some strange boy.

"Jesse, Josh is here!" Mrs. Chrishund announced from the front door.

Jesse jogged up the stairs from her bedroom, having been ready more than half an hour before hand. She didn't dress up for the occasion. Why should she? It was not a date. She just wore casual jeans and a tee with sneakers. No big deal.

"Hey, you ready?" Josh asked for the sake of making conversation, although Jesse was obviously ready.

"Where are you two going?" Mrs. Chrishund asked looking over her daughter's attire covertly.

"Olive Garden," Josh said as Jesse moved past her mother and stepped out onto the porch signaling that they should really get going and cut the chatter. Josh looked to her and then back at her mother, "We…should get going, don't want to be out to late."

That did the trick, her mother's expression changed entirely. "Oh, well, alright. Have fun, I guess."

"Bye, Mrs. Chrishund."

Jesse forced a smile and a curt wave, "Later, Mom."

The restaurant was beautiful. It was as if they had just stepped into an Italian garden. There were hanging wide leaf plants and marble floors and stone walls. Everything looked warm and inviting and there was mouth watering aroma of baking bread wafting through out the entire space. Jesse looked to Josh with a worried expression, "This is really nice, are you sure you can afford this?"

Josh smiled, "Yeah, my Mom works here on Tuesdays and Thursdays as a waitress. I get a discount since she works tonight."

"Hi, welcome to Olive Garden. Just the two of you tonight?" the server asked in an overly bubbly tone of voice. Josh nodded and she showed them to a table beside the windows. "Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"Just water," Jesse said.

"Water is fine," Josh said as well.

"I've never been her before," Jesse admitted, lifting her menu and scanning over the various Italian dishes offered. "What's good?"

"Everything is good. But I recommend the fettuccine alfredo with shrimp, or chicken if you don't like shrimp. Oh, and we get salad and bread sticks before the meal."

Jesse smiled and nodded. Alfredo sounded good and safe. It was something she was familiar with.

Their water came, followed by salad and breadsticks like Josh had said. The salad was dressed with some sort of Italian and Caesar dressing mixed together and the was a handful of vegetables in the bowl as well. Jesse thought the salad was so good she might never stop eating it, that was until their food came. Josh had ordered some kind of pasta with red sauce and sausage, she of course ordered the alfredo with chicken.

"So, how has things been living here?" Josh asked half way through the meal.

"Good I guess. I kind of got mixed up with the wrong crowd when I first started school. But it's okay now. I'm happy."

"That's good. What do you mean wrong crowd? Like, drugs and stuff, or something worse?"

Jesse laughed, "Well, I guess Ashley could be worse than drugs, depending on how you look at things. But, no, not drugs. I tried to be friends with some 'popular' girls and it didn't work out. I guess the only good thing was that I met Kendall because of them."

"Isn't Kendall older than you?" Josh stabbed at a piece of his circular pasta and gave Jesse a concerned look.

"I know what you're thinking, but it's not like that. He's not just using me or something. Yeah, he's older, but not much older. He's a junior."

"Oh, so he's what, like, 17?"

"Yeah. Just don't assume things, okay?"

"No, I'm not."

Jesse set her fork down and wiped her mouth, "Yeah, you are Josh. I can see it written all across your face. You think he's bad news or something. Newsflash, he's not that much older than me and he's a nice guy. Hell, you're 16."

"Jesse, I don't think that because he's older he's taking advantage of you. I mean, I think maybe he's a little rough around the edges is all."

"See? You are judging him and you don't even know him. Josh, I really like him but our 'relationship' is complicated because my parents found him sleeping over a few nights ago."

Josh finished off his last bite and took a drink of water before speaking, "Slept over?"

Jesse pulled at her ponytail, "Not like that! He needed a place to stay because he got locked out and his parents wouldn't be home because his dad was at the hospital. Stop making everything I say sound really bad, you sound like my mother!"

Josh's eyes went wide as Jesse tone increased, "Jesse, calm down. You're being really loud."

Jesse pushed her chair back and said, "I need some air," before walking out of the restaurant leaving Josh to sit there alone looking kind of like an asshole or something.

Josh flagged the waitress down and paid for their meal, leaving a generous tip and hurrying outside to find Jesse. She wasn't outside. The car was still there and she wasn't inside it. Josh searched around the building and asked a few employees standing outside on their break if they'd seen her.

"I saw a girl like that getting on the bus a minute ago."

Josh growled under his breath, mentally kicking himself. He got into his car and pulled out his phone to text Jesse.

To Jesse:

Where r u?

A minute later his phone vibrated and he looked down at it.

From Jesse:


To Jesse:

Y did u leave? I could have taken u home.

From Jesse:

See u at school

To Jesse:

Come on. Don't ignore me.

Josh started the car and headed for his house. He was pissed Jesse was ignoring him and he felt like a complete ass for letting her leave the way she did. He was acting like a child and he knew it. Once he was home he sent another message to her.

To Jesse:

Plz answer ur phone

When a reply never came, he sent two more texts to her.

To Jesse:

Did u get home ok?

To Jesse:

Jesse? Did u get home ok? Plz answer.

Ten minutes after the his last text he got one back finally. Accept, it obviously wasn't Jesse sending it.

From Jesse:

She's fine. Leave her alone. She'll see you at school.

Josh didn't know who sent the text, but immediately assumed it was Kendall. Though eh shouldn't have, because it very well could have been her mother or father sending it. He tossed his phone across his bed and flopped back. Nothing seemed to be going his way tonight.

Anon is enabled. Feel free to review. I cannot promise that I will update this regularly.