Reborn Founders

Mythology Lover 831

Disclaimer: I in no way and or form own Harry Potter or any of the franchise envoloving Harry Potter. I should get credit for the thinking up and typing of this story. Thank you.

Summary:Harry James Potter, a.k.a The Boy Who Lived, has always known that there is something special about him. From wierd dreams envoloving someone named "Godric", who he somehow always seems to be, to being able to do things that other's can't. When he finally gets introduced into the world he has always felt apart of, he meets three other's who share the same fellings of being different. Read as the story unfolds of Harry and his friends, as he battles with Voldemort and other's, all the while finding and remembering stuff about himself that he never thought was possible...

1. Preface

"Do you, the accused, have anything to say on your behalf before you recieve the appointed punishment? Or, like the rest of those that were found guilty doing the same crime, are you just going to beg or you life?" A short, fattened man asked as he turned towards the good looking young man tied to the tall pine tree in the middle of town.

"Why would I beg for my life to you? I know people who are ten times stronger than you, and yet ath the same time, they are three times younger then you. Unlike most people, I know when I have been beaten, old man, but i certainly WON'T beg of all things, for my life. Know this though, by accusing, and killing me for protecting a woman and her child, my comrades, friends and family if you will, should not and will not take this lightly. You are sealing your own fate by having that man knotch that arrow." The handsom, honey-blond, golden-eyed man stated looking the older man straight in the eyes, sending fear and sudden respect through the heartless being in front of him.

The man quickly recovered and sneered at the chained 20 year old. "Are you threatining me? Do you know who you are speaking to?"

The young man could easily think up some very... mouthy... comebacks, but decided that it would be better if he dosen't press his luck and have himself killed before his companions arrived. Though, he could easily deflect any attack the muggles threw at him, all the while sending some of his own... punches... at the man.

He smirked inwardly as he had a little conversation with himself in his mind.

(Godric, Self)

'Why don't you just apparate out of here, and back to the castle? You can always recruit more students later Godric!

Yes I know, but everyone will be upset, and I'm sure that Drago would pester me to no end! Besides, I know that it is my time to go...

Oh suck it up! Your friends will be more worried about you if you don't come back! In fact, Row would probably have a fit if she finds you dead! Sal, wouldn't make fun of you that much, just poke fun... Which we can get him back for with a few well thought out pranks...

I know your right, but I just feel like this is supposed to happen. I feel like if I don't do this that then, something important won't happen, that will then change the future drastically! Besides, I may be Godric Gryffindor, head and founder of the Gryffindor house at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, but even I know when it is my own time to go.

(End conversation)

"Why yes, I do know who I'm dealing with, and yes I am threatining you. If it really bothers you that much you idiotic, stupid old man, than kill me now and get it over with!" the mighty Gryffindor founder yelled as the older man signaled for the arrow to be released. He knew instantly when it pierced through his heart, and the last he saw before his eyes closed forever, were the scared and pleading looks of his wife and two best friends.

'Foregive me and live happilly...' He thought as he slowly faded into the abbys...

A/N: Okay, this is my first Harry Potter story, but I've had this idea in my head for a long time now! I should have the next chapter typed up today or tommorow, but I shall need at least 2-3 reviews to put it up on here. Thank you for reading!

Please R&R!