DICLAIMER: scince my hit-man failed I do not own Naruto(dammit….)
AN- This will be a next generation fic. This is not a chapter but a reference page for the character descriptions and term definitions. This will be my first fic ever on this site so wish me luck flamers are welcome but ONLY if they help. Useless crap will be ignored.
SHIN- the planet the story takes place on.
Celestia- A continent to the far east of the elemental nations. This continent was destroyed by a great evil which is making its way towards the elemental nations. This is the home of the Knights; the continent can be best described as one kingdom with one absolute ruler.
Xexes- A continent to the west of celestia. This continent was the home of the Mage. The darkness was formed here and engulfed the land 100 years ago. There were NO survivors.
SOULS- the physical form of the life force of a once-living being it is seen as a white orb most of the time and can be converted into VOID to perform devastating techniques called soul arts.
VOID - A raw form of power that can be used to form Chakra, Mana, and Ki. When attempted to be used in this form it produces unstable but powerful results. Energy is composed of an unknown amount of spiritual and physical energies combined.
Mage- a class of warriors that were destroyed by the darkness 100 years ago along with the continent of Xexes.
Knight-This class was the military of celestia they were brave and fierce but once the darkness reached celestia all that was left was a single warrior bathed in blood.
Chakra= 50% spiritual energy + 50% physical energy. This is the energy Shinobi use to perform jutsu it has various results from spiting fire to summoning the dead.
MANA=70% spiritual energy + 30% physical energy. This is the energy used by the now extinct mage, it requires a high level of understanding to control. It has results the vary from controlling time its self to making meteor showers from the heavens above.
KI= 70% physical energy + 30% spiritual energy. This is the energy that the now endangered Knight is known for. Its main usage is powering up bodies surpassed human capabilities 1000%. A beginner knight was known to be able to shatter boulders with a single slash of their sword.
~CHARCTERS (FINALLY the part we've been waiting for. I WILL NOT name all the characters I have planner OR the characters you already know. If you don't know who NARUTO is go look him up on Google.)
Chaos- a being created by mages who were trying to make a demon stronger than the Juubi so that they could rule the world. Chaos rules the darkness and spreads it by sealing itself in the heart of a pure hearted human then awakening that person's evil temptation by promising them to fulfill their desires and giving them the power to destroy anything that stands in their path. Chaos was badly wounded by a knight named Alice. Chaos has retreated to the elemental nations by sealing itself in a young female ninja of village hidden in the leaves. Appearance: 8-foot suit of pure black armor.(Age unknown)
Alice- the ruler and head knight of celestia. She has the ability to steal souls via her bloodline. As an act of desperation she has sealed the thousands of souls of her dying nation insider of her in order to defeat Chaos. Although her power was great she could not finish chaos off before he fled. She was badly injured but valiantly chased him down to a village in the center of the fire nation where she was too late to stop him from resealing himself in a young kunoichi. Seeing as she was too weak to continue fighting she sealed herself and her souls into a young shinobi in training with the hope that his pure heart and her teachings would be enough to stop chaos once in for all. She appears to be 18 has a white suit of armor that shows her midriff, dark skin, shoulder length red hair and bright red slitted eyes .(Age 150)
Kuro Megami- sisterof the Rikuddou Sennin. There is no knowledge of her existence except for the select few she reveals herself to. Apearance: Two pitch black wings, pale skin, knee length straight black hair. She is always seen with her eyes closed.(Age unknown)
Sasuki Uchiha- eldest daughter of Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha. She is in love with Arashi Uzumaki but knows that as long as her family is hated because of the events in the 4th great ninja war there is no hope of having a peaceful life with him so she shuts herself off by training relentlessly. She is the current vassal of chaos, and after he was sealed she went on a berserk rampage killing many innocent civilians before she left Konoha for good. It has been 3 years since then and currently she is an S-class missing nin. She has long jet black hair which reaches to her mid back and pitch black eyes. (Age 15)
Hanako Namikaze- Daughter of Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze and Hinata Hyuuga Uzumaki-Namikaze. She is the older sibling of Arashi and the teammate/best friend of Sasuki Uchiha. She is very protective of her little brother after a kidnapping attempt on him when he was 7 years old. She is still to this day oblivious to the feelings her brother and best friend had for each other. She has long dark blue hair which is kept in two long pig-tails, and she has white eyes along with 4 whisker marks on her face. Hanako can be seen wearing normal ANBU gear with a fox mask on the side of her head. She had master Jyuuken at the age of 13 and has since then been adding new katas to the taijutsu style. She is currently head ANBU captain.
Kirei Hatake- Daughter of Shizune and Kakashi Hatake. She is best friends and teammate of Sasuki and Hanako. Due to her being corrupted when training with her father she picked up his perverted habits and can always be seen reading and ero manga. She is also aware of the feelings between Arashi and Sasuki, but she did not say anything because she was sure Hanako would overreact. She too has a sharingan in her right eye like her father via heredity seals from Naruto so that the future generations could have the sharingan if something happened to the Uchiha again. She has master over 10 kenjutsu styles by age 13 and has been known to use over 1000 blades via storage scrolls. She along with her teammates has gotten the name "Konoha's Three Angels of Death". She was approached by the Werewolf tribe to be their next summoned because "prophecies" said that with their help she will train three legends whose names will bring more awe and respect than the rikuddou sennin himself. She is currently being assigned as a Jounin-sensei for this year's graduates. She has long gray hair which is normally in a waist-length pony tail, and she has a black tank top/cargo pants. Kirei can be seen wearing a black Jounin vest over her shirt along with a black face mask covering half of her face, and black ninja sandles.(Age 16)
Arashi Uzumaki- Son of Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze and Kyuubi Uzumaki-Namikaze and younger half brother to Hanako Namikaze. He was born to be the heir of the Uzumaki clan, and he has managed to perform Kage Bunshin at the age of ten. He was very aware Sasuki's feelings for him and loved her back as well but he too knew it was impossible. He was badly injured and close to death after trying to stop a berserk Sasuki, but before he died Alice sealed herself in him using his pre-existing youki as a medium. Together they hope to put an end to Chaos and save Sasuki. He can be best described as younger Minato with 4 whisker marks on his face. He is able to transform into a Hanyou via the "Soul trigger" technique giving him a great increase in power, but afterwards he is exhausted and all his bones will be cracked making him vulnerable until his Uzumaki healing factor kicks in. After his training he has achieved Jounin level skills and will continue a battle even after having his armed ripped off and being impaled through the chest. When asked why he continues to fight he would answer "I'm intoxicated with victory", a habit he picked up from hearing Alice's battle stories. His skill with a blade is only rivaled by Kirei Hatake's and his fuinjutsu is unparalleled. His armor: (think final fantasy vii advent children clouds outfit BUT with the other sleeve gone and a silver fox head emblem on the shoulder pad.) Arashi wears a black trench coat off of his shoulders when he is not in combat and he has black ninja sandles.(age 13)
Ryu Uchiha- Arashi's best friend and younger brother of Sasuki. He is aware of what really happened to his sister via Arashi telling him with Alice's permission. He was approached by the dragon clan in order to be their new summoner because they believed that they would give him the power to help Arashi destroy Chaos. 1-week before team placements he was able to perform the Dragon-sage mode technique and is currently learning more dragon clan techniques in order make sure he can help bring his sister back home. His hair looks like Izuna Uchihas and he has two red lines(think ulquiorra) from both eyes to his cheeks. He wears a black hoodie over black T-shirt, both have the Uchiha emblem on back and black cargo pants with black ninja sandles.(age 13)
Sakuya Uchiha- twin sister of Ryu. She is best friends with Arashi and Ryu ,and like her big brother she was approached by the Phoenix contract in order to heal Arashi and Ryu with the phoenix techniques so that all three of them can defeat chaos once and for all. She is very intelligent and was able to come up with a plan where Arashi would be dead-last, Ryu would be rookie of the year, and she would be the highest scoring kunoichi in order for all three of them to be on the same team. She has also decided that in public the three would pretend to hate each other until graduation so that nobody will be suspicious of their real power. She like her elder sister loves Arashi but decided not to do anything until her sister was back home and safe. She has finally managed to perform the Phoenix-sage tech which replaces her chakra system with VOID doing this allows her healing abilities to be so great she can bring back the dead if she reaches them fast enough. She has short bright pink hair that has two long side bangs the reach just above her waist, also she has green eyes andseh was born without the sharingan genes. Her outfit ( think tifa from Final Fantasy VII advent children) with a black trench coat over itand black ninja sandles. (age 13)
Will Chaos be defeated… nobody knows but one thing id for certain the adventure will start in the next chapter of Naruto: Arashi's chronicles: The birth of legends.
BONUS CHARACTER: Fluffy the flamer killing bear-if someone flames and it is not helpful they will die.
AN: okay this is my first fic meaning I have NO beta but besides that my dream is to make a great epic length next gen fic that will make kishimoto bow in respect muahahahahahahahhahahaha… err nvm warning this is going to be rated M and I suggest that people enjoy humorus scenes while they can because some arcs will be dark, gloomy, and depressing event after event… hell im goin emo just thinking about what I have planned -_-. Some missions the new team 7 will undergo will have investigation in it and youll be challenged to figure out who did the deed before the team does because ill place clues in the story. Ill mark each clue with a (!) so good luck.
Ps. I REALLLLY hate script dialogue so ill try my best not to be a hypocrite but itll take me awhile to get doing dialogue down correctly so im warning you now the next chap will take awhile because ill be reading other fics to figure out how to do it. Then after that im going to go for a new chap every 2 weeks because each chap is going to be 10k words. PLEASE bare with me im am not a :SageOfSeals, Thirdfang, kyuubi16, or a Kenchi618 etc…
ALSO! Before you say the chars are overpowered… NO they aren't compared to there future enemies during 15 years PLUS of peace ninjas weren't just chillin outside with there homies they were getting STRONGER hell when you see naruto fight again the collateral damage will be insane!.
IM not gonna put this in the story so read this now this will explain A LOT of shyt before I get flamed.
After the fourth shinobi war kyuubi had fallen in love with Naruto but so did Hinata… so ima use a realistic author tool called the CRA but mine is more realistic he got 1 wife per clan he inherited he gave Senju title to Yamato because he actually had the genes of the 1st hokage. Kyuubi got a body via seals and a blood clone to to imitate a female body. If Naruto needs to go kyuubi chakra form he can take her chakra over distances through a link, and if her body is destroyed shell just go bak to the seal until a new one is made.
JUTSU- I don't kno Japanese so besides the jap names I kno the rest will be in english
And the FINAL THING(please don't kill me flamers PLEASE) but because of tsunades jutsu taking her life force back when she fought hebi-teme she is DEAD. That's right I said it she got to see Kirei and Arashis births before she died so its not completely sad.
SPOILER TIME! (Every chapter will have a spoiler for a future event but YOU have to figure it out so here's the first 1) _ _ U_ A_ _ _ _ ll _E _ _ _ K