A/N: Here it is: the sequel to That '80s Beginning. This story is mainly going to revolve around Eric and Donna as they prepare for their wedding with a chapter or a mention here or there about Hyde, Jackie, Fez etc. I'm going to try and stick to a tight schedule when posting chapters, so you guys don't have to wait a month for a new one. Another thing you need to know is all chapters are going to be Billy Joel songs before 1981(keeping with the time frame) and the story title is Our Life (instead of My Life). With that said, let us begin...

Madison, Wisconsin

September 7th, 1980

6:03 PM

Location: Eric and Donna's Apartment

Eric and Donna were sittin' in a tree

First came love

Then came Charlotte

Now comes marriageā€¦

Join us,

Eric Albert Forman


Donna Marie Pinciotti,

Along with our parents,

On our wedding day

May 20th, 1981

11:15 AM

1539 North Michigan Avenue

Donna smiled as she folded the flap of the last invitation for her wedding. So much had happened in the past two weeks that it had been hard for her to find time to get any little thing done. It had been exactly two weeks since her daughter Charlotte was born and a week since college had started-it seemed that there wasn't enough time for anything else. Luckily, she her boyfriend Eric had opposite schedules that allowed someone to always be there for Charlotte.

Like clock-work, Eric arrived just as Charlotte started to cry. Knowing that Donna wouldn't want to get up, Eric ducked into the nursery, and emerged with the baby.

"The princess, my queen." Eric set Charlotte in Donna's arms and placed a kiss on both of their foreheads. "So what's the update on everything that is the craziness of Point Place?" Eric took a seat across from Donna at the small card table and started placing stamps on the envelopes.

"Hyde and Jackie are still together; your mom is going crazy buying stuff for Charlotte; and Fez is starting to put the moves on my sister." Donna shivered at the thought, causing a stir from her sleeping baby.

"Anything else?" Eric made his way toward the small kitchen and searched through the cabinets to try and find something to eat.

"Oh, yeah, Laurie called right before you came home," Donna said nonchalantly.

Eric immediately turned around, finding Donna standing right in front of him. "Laurie? As in Laurie Forman?"

Donna nodded.

"My sister, the child sent from Hell, called you?" Eric pointed at Donna.

"Yeah, she called me after she found out from your parent's that we had a baby. I thought you told her about Charlotte."

Eric rolled his eyes. "Like I would tell her." Eric groaned and leaned back in his seat. "That's all she said."

Donna fidgeted a little. "Well, no. She said she got married yesterday to somebody she actually loved.

Eric's mouth dropped. "Who did she get married to? A male whore already married to four people?"

"No, some guy named Casey she met in Canada last year."

This stunned Eric even more. "Wait, Casey? Was his last name Kelso?"

Donna hit her hand on her forehead. "How could I be so stupid?"

"Donna, you're not-"

Donna rolled her eyes and set Charlotte in a baby-bouncer. "Shut it, Eric." Donna sighed, "They are a good couple, aren't they?"

"Considering we have the most messed up family in Wisconsin, then yes." Eric returned to the card table with a microwave dinner. "And Laurie Kelso does have a nice ring to it."

"No really, Eric. Your dad loves Casey. At least this time Laurie's husband won't give him a heart attack," Donna pointed out.

"How do you know? My dad loved Casey when he was with you. Maybe now that he's with his own little girl he won't like it."

"Oh shut up." Donna laughed as she saw Eric's pouty face and sighed. "Fine." She leaned in to give him a kiss. As she pulled away, Eric pulled her back. "Eric," Donna started, turning toward the door. "The doctor says we have to wait six weeks after I gave birth."

Eric ran toward the door and threw his arms in front of it. "We haven't had sex in nine months and now you're making me wait,"-Eric took time to think-"another four weeks?"

"Actually I was thinking about making you wait until our wedding." Donna tried to push by Eric, but he wouldn't budge.

"That's nine months from now! We could have another kid by then!"

"That's why we're not going to have sex until then. I may have cracked last time, but it's not happening again. Now, unless you want to go register for wedding gifts with me, move out of the way."

Eric dashed out of the way. "You don't have to tell me twice."