
Dougie crawled back up from the ground. His chest hurt so much he could barely breathe. His eyes searched for Danny but his vision was blurred by the tears in his eyes.

But he forgot all about his pain when he saw a figure lying on the ground and two figures standing around it. He gasped out of fear that it might already be too late.

He ran as fast as he could and fell down besides Danny who was barely breathing. Danny's chest was covered in blood and you could literally see life was starting to leave him.

'No, no, please don't leave me!' Dougie said hysterical. His hands searched for a safe place to hold Danny but he was too scared to hurt him even more.

'Quick Dougie, kiss him!' Vicky said from behind him. Her voice was broken and shrill. 'It will heal him' She added in tears.

Without thinking Dougie pushed his lips onto Danny's. It was magical. He touched Danny's soft perfectly shaped lips that fitted his lips ideal. The kiss was so powerful that it felt like the world had stopped spinning and they were the only two people in the world. Paradise, it was a paradise.

That vision however was abruptly interrupted when he felt Danny's lips loosen from his and a soft small breath was released against his mouth.

Dougie immediately opened his eyes and saw Danny motionlessly staring at him. His lifeless brown eyes looked directly into him as if he wanted Dougie to be his last image before he went.

'You can't be dead' Dougie whispered. 'WHY IS HE DEAD?' He yelled at Vicky in tears.

Vicky couldn't reply for she was too brokenhearted over Danny's death. She fell down besides the body and closed his staring eyes. She couldn't look at them any longer, it hurt too much to see them without their true colors.

Then she turned to Dougie and slowly took his hand. When he didn't pull away she pulled him into a hug and cried to his shoulder.

'I knew it' Tom said suddenly which made Vicky and Dougie look at him. 'I knew I had to be the one to kiss him. But no one ever wanted to consider me and my love for him. For God's sake I was his human!'

'Tom, you couldn't have saved him either. It was too late' Vicky said

'We'll never know now, won't we?'

'I'm sorry Tom'

'Say that to him!' Tom said pointing at Danny's body. 'He's dead because you were too ignorant to listen!'

'Don't blame Vicky for this' Dougie said taking a crying Vicky in his arms. Tom's words were like a cut in her heart.

'No I shouldn't blame her. I should blame you!'


'He saved you from dad! If he hadn't done that he will still be here right now!'

'Oh so you rather have me dead instead of Danny?' Dougie said getting angry. This was not his fault and he will not take the blame for it.

'A matter of fact, yeah I do'

'Don't listen to him. He's just hurt and angry' Vicky said, stopping Dougie from yelling something hurtful back.

But before Dougie could turn to her suddenly another girl was standing in between them. A young girl maximum 10 years old with long blond curly hair and light freckles covering her nose. She wore the same white flowy dress without shoes like Vicky. But her eyes were so familiar, so bright, and so blue. It were the same eyes Danny used to have.

'Carrie? What are you doing here?' Vicky said between sobs.

'I'm here to undo this evil' She answered with a voice which was so pure and innocent.

'Who is she?' Dougie asked Vicky

'She's God's daughter' Vicky said not believing her eyes that she was actually here. 'She's a semi-God'

'Daughter?' Dougie said frowning. 'Are you serious?'

'Ssh!' Vicky said with a finger before her mouth.

Carrie walked towards Danny and sat down on his knees besides him.

'What are you doing? Don't touch him! Don't you think you've already done enough?' Tom yelled

Carrie looked at Tom but didn't say anything. Her eyes were looking directly into his which was enough to shut him up.

She then returned her attention back to Danny and gave a kiss on the forehead. Her fingers softly went through his hair and she whispered something Tom, Dougie and Vicky couldn't understand.

Finally she stood up and said 'Cherish your time with him, he's an angel in all ways'

Tom, Vicky and Dougie couldn't say anything but nodded with open mouths not believing she brought him back to them

Carrie smiled warmly and tender to them but fixed then her attention on Tom. 'Love will come, sooner than you think' After that she spread out her wings and flew away.

Dougie, Tom and Vicky immediately ran to Danny and checked for a sign of life.

'He's back!' Dougie said relieved and with the biggest smile on his face when he felt a heartbeat. 'He's back!' He said again and laid down his head on Danny's chest and felt him breathing.

'Thank you' He whispered gratefully. Then he whispered to Danny 'I love you so much'

'Look! His hair!' Vicky suddenly said.

Danny's hair was silky brown again and the black bat wings changed back into big feathered ones. Everyone couldn't be any happier.

Dougie smiled widely and placed his lips on Danny's again. It was still as magical and powerful as the first time and he was happy for it.

When he pulled away two abnormally bright blue eyes were looking at him.

'I love you too'

This is the end of the story. But I'm thinking about making a sequel, if there's enough demand for it.

Hope you enjoyed it, I certainly did!