
'This is Dougie' Mrs Bognal said as she laid her hand on his shoulder. He looked through the classroom getting more and more awkward with the staring faces. He was glad his blond hair fell in his face, he could easily hide behind it. Dougie's gaze stopped on a kid all the way in the back. Compared to the other faces his was friendly and warm. He smiled at him and that confused Dougie for a moment. He knew he had to make an effort here if he wishes to make a friend and tried to raise his mouth corners into a smile. The kid responded with a nod.

'Take your seat Dougie' Mrs Bognal said but when Dougie didn't move, she gave him a slight push in the right direction. Dougie walked towards his seat and his actions were followed by staring, angry faces. They were looking at him as if they had never seen another human being in their life. As Dougie sat down Mrs Bognal continued and the kids' attention returned to her to his relief.

'And this is Tom' She said and repeated the same action as with Dougie and laid her hand on his shoulder.

'Hey' Tom said, compared to Dougie he was more open and social. Before Mrs Bognal had to say anything he took his seat next to Dougie.

'Tom and Dougie are a twin' Mrs Bognal then said, weirdly enough, proud and gave the twin a warm smile. 'Welcome'

'Can I add something miss?' Tom said raising his hand.

'Of course'

'I'm sure it's obvious but just to be clear Dougie and I are not identical and completely different. We like to think of ourselves as two individuals instead of one'

Dougie wished he could disappear, maybe just die in that very moment. While Tom explained himself he felt every single eye on him and he was positive that he heard whispers which held his name.

'It sure is clear now Tom' Mrs Bognal said a bit uncomfortable but Tom nodded with a smile, glad that was of his chest. He has to make this new life work and if they thought him and Dougie were close his chances of making friends were down to zero.

The rest of class was peaceful and Dougie finally relaxed but remained silent while Tom made himself heard. On his first day, in his first class he was determined to start trouble. It was the only way in his eyes to let them see the difference between the two of them.

Just before the bell was about to ring. Tom whispered to Dougie. 'Don't you dare follow me around, understood?'

Dougie nodded and slowly collected his books while the other kids practically ran out of the classroom like it was a race of who could be the fastest.


Dougie looked up, it was the kid that smiled at him earlier. 'Hey' He answered shyly. His voice was hoarse, he hadn't spoken all day.

'The name is Harry, I know yours' Harry said 'Can I sit with you during lunch?'

Dougie was surprised by the invitation. He looked through the door to Tom but he was busy being a jerk to a nerd and besides Tom warned him not to follow him around. He had to make his own friends and learn not to be depended on his brother.

Dougie cleared his throat. 'Sure' He said friendly with a smile. He and Harry continued their way to the canteen. Harry walked a bit before Dougie. He noticed that his brown hair was being highlighted with blonde peeks, it suits him though. He was wearing posh clothes and that made Dougie look to his own. Those were just cheap and some were secondhand.

'This is the table where I usually sit' Harry said bringing Dougie back to reality. 'It's… the loser table' Harry added quietly and embarrassed.

Dougie sat down with confidence but didn't know where he had found it. Maybe it's because Harry isn't such a popular guy as he thought. 'Feels like coming home' He said. At his last school he always sat at the losers table and he was fine with it.

Harry lost his embarrassment and sat down beside his new made friend. Something inside him told him Dougie just might be the best friend he'll ever have.

Dougie and Harry talked and got to know each other, soon the conversation was set on mocking the popular kids. It's a game all losers like to play, it makes them feel better about their selves and besides it's not like they aren't the topic of mocking with them.

Dougie loosened up and laughed, something he hasn't done in quite a while. He was relaxed around Harry, he made him feel like they knew each other for years and not minutes.

'Looks like you're not the only new guy' Harry said and gestured with his head to a guy sitting alone at a table. Dougie stared at him. His brown straight hair fell just above the kid's eyes. He was playing with his food when he suddenly met Dougie's gaze. The kid's blue eyes pierced into his. Dougie wanted to break contact but couldn't.

'Someone still there?' Harry asked and waved his hand before Dougie's sight. He blinked his eyes and looked confused at Harry.

'I asked what class you have next?' Harry repeated himself

'Oh, err math' Dougie said and looked at the kid again but he was playing with his food again. 'You?'

'Biology' Harry moaned. He hates biology. It's boring and he will never use it ever again he knew that for sure.