Maria smiled happily. Her long fingernails drew circles on the cloth of her bed cover. She had been so pleased when the Kurans set her in a room across from Zero. She had been here for about a week and still the suspicious stares Zero had been giving her never stopped. It wasn't long before he came to her seeking a reason for her appearance.

'Things are progressing nicely!' She thought happily as she sensed Zero's suspicious stare on her.

"Did you need something, Zero-kun?" She asked, looking away from the dark purple cover. He blinked.

"What are you playing at?" He demanded as he stepped in.

"Playing? Playing at what?" She asked, tilting her head to the side in what she believed to be a cute manner. The lock clicked into place.

'That's it, Zero-kun, play into my trap,' She thought gleefully as he approached her bed. He probably meant for it to be menacing, but it had the opposite effect. Instead, she found herself rather attracted. She waited until he was right at the edge of her bed.

"Don't act coy. You're here for a reason," he drawled. She rose onto her knees and wrapped her hand around his neck. The clinking of chain alerted her that he had drawn his gun.

"You want to know what I'm hear for, Zero-kun," she teased his earlobe with her tongue. She smiled against his ear as she felt the shudder that ripped through his body. "It's quite simple really." Her hand began to explore the panes of his chest. "You." She enjoyed the ripple of his toned abs underneath her hand. "Are." She lightly kissed his jaw line. "What I'm here for."

Maria pulled away from him with a devious smile. He seemed to be frozen. She pecked his lips lightly with a giggle.

"Shocked, Zero-kun?" She cooed. Her lavender colored eyes widened as she found herself on her back, pressed into the bed.

"I may be a vampire hunter, witch, but I'm a man first." He growled.

"Witch? That's a little cruel don't you think?" She purred. "I'm simply a helpless vampire." She teased his neck with her nails.

"Tell me what you've done to me!" He hissed, pressing her further into the bed. She smirked.

"I have done nothing to you, Zero-kun. All of this," she motioned to their bodies, "is of your own accord."

Below the room Maria and Zero occupied, Kain looked up.

"That Maria…sure is a dangerous one…" He mumbled. Ruka let loose a delighted laugh.

"I believe I just respected her more!" Kain lifted a brow at her. "Come on? Really, you don't see it? She's letting nothing stop her! I envy her boldness." Ruka murmured. Kain smirked and pulled her closer.

"You don't need it. You've got your own magic.." He mumbled against her hair. She snorted and hit him lightly.

"Suck up."


Kaname smiled gently as he watched his wife bath their son. She made goofy faces toward him and delighted in the sound of his giggles. He couldn't help the warmth that spread through him at the sight. He wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled down at his son.

"Dada!" Kaname's eyes widened. Yuki let out an excited laugh.

"His first word, Kaname!" She exclaimed happily, before nibbling her son's toes lightly. "Yes, baby, that's dada!" She cooed. Kaname slowly felt the shock ebb away. He beamed happily.

For the moment, the Kuran family played ignorant to the scene playing out just a few rooms away.

"I find it hard to believe." Zero growled. Maria lifted a silver eyebrow.

"Really? Well, let me enlighten you," she purred. His eyes widened further as she pressed upward with her hips. "Then what's that, Zero-kun?" Her voice was deeper, more alluring to him. He swallowed. "You are attracted to one of the very…monsters…you declared to exterminate." She blinked slowly as the cool tip of his gun pressed to her head. They stared unmoving at one another; both issuing a challenge that neither were willing to back out of.

Her eyes widened as his lips smashed to her own with a frustrated groan.

'Success!' She praised as she responded to him in kind.

Yori sat with her book open on her lap as strong arms slid around her shoulders. She tilted her head back to see Aido smiled down at her. She smiled back happily.

"What do you think is going to happen now?" She asked. He had just returned from his mother's. Needless to say, she had not taken her son's defiance easily. Just as they had predicted, he had been disowned and stripped of the noble name.

"Well," he kissed the top of her head, "I think we'll have an amazing wedding with thousands of friends surrounding us, including Kaname and Yuki. A wonderful honeymoon afterward and then a lot of kids running around." He teased.

"Aido!" Yori exclaimed, blushing brightly. She smacked his arm hard with the book in her hands. "Wait, you mean, Kaname-sama's letting you stay?" She burst. His answering smile was all the confirmation she needed. She beamed brightly and threw herself over the arm chair and into her boyfriend's arms. He laughed and hugged her back.

"You are one dangerous woman, Maria…" Zero stated coolly. Maria smiled.

"Yes, but you can't resist…" Zero looked over at her. Her once tamed silver hair now held tangles from their previous lusty encounter. Her lavender eyes shined slightly.

"You'd been waiting for this, haven't you?" He asked, but didn't wait for an answer. He simply continued, "how long?"

"Since I met you," she confessed as she ran her hand across his bare chest. "Shizuka mocked me for my attraction to you even as I fought against her."

"And my twin?" He asked, his lavender eyes bore accusingly into her.

"He was my best friend when I was conscious and myself," she hoped to soothe his suspicions.

"I can never be him." He snarled.

'Well that was a fail…' She thought unhappily.

"I don't want you to be. I just want you to be mine," she vowed before straddling his bare waist with her own. The cover that had been shielding them from the room fell away from her body. His breath caught.

"As if I could fight you anymore…" He mumbled. She smiled beautifully. Her lips melted to his. He sighed blissfully and kissed her back.

'How quickly we have jumped…' He thought as round two began. 'For some reason, I wouldn't have it any other way.'

"Deny it all you want, I still think you are a witch…" He groaned. Her laughter filled the air before gasps and moans could replace it.