A/N:I do not own Glee or The Glee Project, everything used (songs, characters) belong to their rightful owners. Anyway, this is my first fanfic ever and it took a lot of work so it would really mean a lot if you would please Read and Review! The Original Characters are still in, will include ALL contenders from The Glee Project, includes two OC's, one OC will be introduced in this chapter, to get an idea of what he looks like, Search Kim Hye Seong on Google and Look at his pics with short hair:

CHAPTER 1: Recruits

A very flustered Will Schuester sat down in the leather chair inside the McKinley High's counselor Emma Pillsbury's office. "Hey, what's up?" Emma asked a very confused looking Will.

"Well, the kids are graduating in the next few months and I'm worried that no one would continue the Glee Club they would leave behind" Will trailed off with a sigh.

Emma looked at him with concern "Then you should hold auditions right now, I'm sure some of the freshmen would love to join." Emma suggested. Will brightened up a bit, thanked Emma, hugged her and then left. Emma was left blushing alone in her office.


"I have decided that we should start to find new people to fill your shoes once you graduate." Will explained to the faces in the choir room.

"We haven't even graduated yet and you're planning to replace us already?" Mercedes questioned him with Sass.

"No it's nothing like that. You see, the Glee club might be cut out of the budget if we don't have members for the first half of the semester next school year. You guys are already graduates by that time, you know how hard it is to recruit new members so I think it is best if we start early." Mr. Schue explained.

"Mr. Schuester's right, we need new talents to continue our glorious legacy once we leave to pursue our own callings" Rachel said dramatically.

"So I would like for all of you to try and scout willing students. They would all audition tomorrow." Mr. Schuester instructed.

And with that, the New Directions went out of their choir room unenthusiastically. Only Rachel Berry is excited in finding new blood to succeed what they have accomplished.

A sassy swimsuit model looking Latina strutted flirtatiously along McKinley High's corridors in her Cheerios uniform winking at random guys and flipping her hair. She is none other than Emily Lopez, Santana's little sister. A guy with a Mohawk called out to her.

"Well, he's hot enough" Emily thought to herself. Upon coming near, he realized it was Noah Puckerman, the biggest man whore in all of McKinley High School. She knew about him from her big sis, who was "sexting" with him all the time.

"What's up?" Emily said with a subtle flip of her hair.

"Nothing, I just thought you were….." Puck started before Emily interrupted him.

"You thought I was Santana right? God, why does everyone think I'm her? One, I am hotter, Two, I have a natural, "unenhanced" breast and three, I sing better than her and four, I will top everything that she had done at this school." Emily exploded with her usual Latina sass.

"Wait…. You sing?" Puck asked.

"Heck yeah." Emily responded.

"You should join The Glee Club" Puck announced absent mindedly while checking out Emily's behind.

The gears in Emily's head started to turn, she knew her sister sang solos in the Glee Club while being a top Cheerios member, she silently vowed that she'll do that and MORE.

"Sure, chico, when's the audition?" Emily asked, back to her flirty mood.

Puck gave her the instructions and Emily broke into a grin.


"Mr. Mesino, you already are a member of 3 different clubs, not to mention you are an officer in all three of them" Principal Figgins said exasperatedly.

"Yep, I know, but I need more extracurricular activities to up my cred to be able to go to a good university" Warren explained, smiling.

"For crying out loud, you are just a freshman" Figgins said, clearly tired of the conversation.

"The earlier the better" Warren shrugged. "So are there any more clubs I can join?"

"Seriously?" Figgins said with an exasperated look.

Just then, the bell rang and Warren grabbed his stuff and scrambled out of the door only to find himself face-to-face with the most beautiful girl in McKinley High, Quinn Fabray.

"I heard you're finding another club to join" Quinn said with a smile.

Warren found himself staring into the ex-cheerleader's beautiful eyes. "Um, ah…. You heard?" Warren stuttered, clearly absorbed by the other girl's beauty.

"Yeah, the walls are thin around here and Figgins was practically screaming so, yeah, do you wanna join the Glee Club?" Quinn asked.

Warren took notice of the word Glee. He knew it was a social suicide in these parts and he's already at the bottom of the social food chain by being in the Student Council. But he has a secret passion and talent for singing.

"I'll think about it" Warren said with a forced nervous smile.

"Sure, Auditions start at 1 pm tomorrow at the auditorium. I really hope you'll come." Quinn said smiling. Then she sid goodbye and walked away.

Warren was left stunned that he just had a conversation with the Quinn Fabray. He only moved when he realized he still has a class to go to.


Marissa paced around the Cheerios locker room, trying to find her purity ring while singing Adele's Someone Like You (well, it's almost a whisper, but it is still audible). Marissa is pegged to be the next captain due to her amazing potential noticed by Sue Sylvester. She then bumped into one Santana Lopez, who was reinstated as the Cheerio's captain after the Acting Captain broke both her ankles after she suspiciously fell down the stairs. Marissa knew Santana is as gentle as a lioness when provoked, so she tried her best to avoid her. So when she bumped into the Latina, she quickly mumbled sorry and turned to escape the girl's fiery wrath.

"Hey wait up!" Santana said, obviously faking a smile.

"Uh oh, I am in trouble now" Marissa thought to herself.

Santana heard Marissa sing a couple of times now and she knew Marissa could be a potential Glee Club member.

"I wanna talk to you about the Glee Club" Santana mused.

Marissa gulped.

"We are recruiting new members and I know you love singing and you are good at it." Santana said.

"I don't know, I mean, won't that make me lose the rep I have now?" Marissa said trying to sound firm but she knew she sounded as firm as a puppy.

"Look, I have to recruit at least one person for the Glee Club, so if you don't want to get kicked ou of the Cheerios, you're gonna listen to me." Santana said in her signature Latina accent.

The color in Marissa's face drained: "You can't do that, ….. can you?" she asked.

Santana grinned evilly. "I have a master's degree in revenge, blackmail and destroying people's relationships and credibility. You don't want to be my new thesis subject, do you?"

Marissa wasn't able to respond.

"So tomorrow 1 pm, the auditorium, See you there!" Santana said then smiled and walked away.

Marissa processed what just happened. She was not expecting to be blackmailed to join a show choir, but she loved singing and she wouldn't wanna risk her safety at the hands of Satan, uhm, Santana.

-1:00pm- McKinley High Auditorium (the Next Day)-

"Alright everyone, let's start this. Who's up first?" Mr. Schue asked out loud.

"Look out Quinn and Santana, my recruit's gonna kick your recruits' butt" Puck said, looking excited.

Quinn rolled her eyes and Santana quipped: "Don't count on it"

Emily walked up the stage in her Cheerios uniform. "Hi I'm Emily Lopez and I'm gonna be singing Grenade by Bruno Mars" Emily introduced herself while grinning to Santana evilly. Santana has a look of fury and confusion combined.

Easy come, easy go

That's just how you live, oh

Take, take, take it all,

But you never give

Should of known you was trouble from the first kiss,

Had your eyes wide open,

Why were they open?

Emily sang with power then shook her finger sassily.

I would go through all this pain,

Take a bullet straight through my brain,

Yes, I would die for ya baby;

But you won't do the same.

No, you won't do the same,

You wouldn't do the same,

Ooh, you'll never do the same,

No, no, no, no

Emily finished her song with a wink and the auditorium exploded with cheers, mostly from the guys. Rachel went on how Emily has vocal stamina that rivals hers but Santana wasn't impressed. She climbed up the stage and slapped Emily in the face.

"What part of my life won't you try to get into? Why are you always imitating me?" Santana asked, hysterical.

Emily remained calm through the entire ordeal. "Oh sis I'm not trying to imitate you, I'm gonna exceed you." Emily said and smiled at her sister and walked towards Mr. Schue.

"So I'm in?" She asked.

Mr. Schue was still looking at Santana who was shouting hysterically. "Yeah of course." He finally responded.

"Awesome" Emily said then walked off and high fived Puck.

"Told ya she was kick ass" Puck told Quinn.

"Wait till you hear my recruit" Quinn said slightly hesitant because she hasn't even heard Warren sing yet. "Plus, you just recruited her because she's hot" Quinn added for good measure.

Brittany calmed Santana down and led her down one of the seats. "Do you want cat food? It always calms me down when I'm worried" Brittany offered Santana a piece and Santana just looked at her with a big question mark on her face.

"Alright, that was uh something, so who's next?" Mr. Schue asked.

Quinn waited impatiently for Warren to step into that stage and at last he did. Warren thought a lot about going to the audition or not, on one hand, the bullying might worsen but on the other hand, he was waiting for an opportunity to release all the musical tension he's feeling.

"My name is Warren Mesino, and I'm gonna be singing Viva la Vida by Coldplay"

"Isn't that Sunshine's cousin?" Tina asked Mike.

"Yeah. I recognize him." Mike answered.

"You better not send him to a crack house Rachel" Tina said, warning Rachel.

Rachel just looked plain guilty.

Warren grabbed the microphone. He closed his eyes and sang the first few lyrics.

I used to rule the world

Seas would rise when I gave the word

Now in the morning I sleep alone

Sweep the streets that I used to own

Quinn smiled like a proud mother and smirked at Puck. Warren has the voice of Boyce Avenue and Coldplay combined. When Warren reached the chorus, everyone was smiling and bobbing their heads to the beat.

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing

Roman Cavalry choirs are singing

Be my mirror my sword and shield

My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain

Once you go there was never , never an honest word

That was when I ruled the world


Warren finished his song and there were cheers in the auditorium. Even Santana was clapping.

"That was great! Welcome to the New Directions!" Mr. Schue said.

"Thanks" Warren said. He blushed when everyone started cheering for him. He blushed even more when he saw Quinn give him a thumbs up.

"Your recruit has her work cut out for her" Puck said, taunting Santana.

"Oh please, your recruits have nothing on mine" Santana quipped.

"When did this become a competition?" Mr. Schue thought. "Alright. Moving on, Who's Next?"

After a few minutes have passed and no one was stepping up the stage, everyone was feeling restless.

Outside the auditorium, Marissa was hesitant to come in because she was afraid her rep would be ruined if she auditioned for the Glee Club.

"She coming?" Puck asked Santana with a taunting smile.

Santana got her phone out and dialed Marissa's number. Marissa's phone ringed loudly from the auditorium door.

"Oh shit" Marissa cursed under her breath, trying to reject the incoming call.

Santana got up from her seat and opened the auditorium doors, revealing Marissa.

"Why are you so late? Now go up the stage" Santana hissed with steely eyes fixed at Marissa.

"Hey guys, she's here!" Santana said with her expression automatically turned to a smile.

Marissa hesitantly got up the stage. "I'm M-marissa Von Bleicken and I'm g-gonna be singing Thinking of You by Katy Perry" Marissa can't get why she was so nervous. She never got this nervous for cheerleading competitions before. Maybe it is because this is the first time she will be singing in front of people and not just to herself.

Comparisons are easily done

Once you've had a taste of perfection

Like an apple hanging from a tree

I picked the ripest one

I still got the seed

Marissa started shakily but she blacked everything out and belted the song.

Cause when I'm with him

I am thinking of you

Thinking of you

What you would do if

You were the one

Who was spending the night

Oh I wish that I

Was looking into your eyes

Looking into your eyes

Looking into your eyes

Oh won't you walk through

And bust in the door

And take me away

Oh no more mistakes

Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay.

Marissa finished her song and opened her eyes and saw everyone applauding. Santana clapped and cheered hysterically like a stage mom.

"Well, what can I say? Welcome to the Glee Club!" Mr. Schue said.

Marissa thanked him and went down the stage, receiving a hug from Emily. Emily and Marissa were best friends ever since the Cheerios tryout, even though they were polar opposites.

"Alright everyone. Rehearsals are at the same time and place tomorrow. Practice your group number." Mr. Schue said then dismissed the class.


"I'm home!" Warren exclaimed when he reached the house he was staying in.

"Oh hey" His housemate, Cameron greeted him.

"Damo's not here yet?" Warren asked Cameron while taking off his socks.

As if on cue, Damian, their Irish housemate entered the house. He was soaked with a green slushy.

"The jocks again?" Cameron asked.

Damian nodded and Cameron raced upstairs to grab a clean shirt.

"What happened?" Warren asked him.

"You know Bryce Johnson, right? " Damian asked. Warren nodded. "He poured a slushy on me when he saw his girlfriend talking to me, he thought I was flirting with her."

"What a jerk" Warren replied. He knew Damian is being targeted by the jocks because almost all the jocks' girlfriends have fallen for Damian and his accent.

"They're just jealous" Cameron said as he went down the stairs and tossed Damian a clean shirt.

Damian thanked him and changed immediately. "Let's just change the topic 'kay? I don't wanna talk about it anymore." Damian said.

"Okay, so how's school?" Cameron asked.

"You sound like my father" Warren joked then laughed.

The three of them have been best friends since the 4th grade when Damian and Warren moved to the house next to Cameron's. Damian and Warren's parents are touring musicians so they aren't home a lot. Now that they're in high school, their parents had to do a 2 year long trip around the world so that's why Warren and Damian ended up being in Cameron's house. Cameron was a closed off kid then until Damian and Warren loosened him up.

"Listen to this, I just talked with Quinn Fabray" Warren said enthusiastically.

"No way, dude" Cameron said.

The three of them had a crush on Quinn ever since they saw her on their first day of their freshman year.

"I'm not kidding, really" Warren said.

"What did she have to talk with you about?" Damian said skeptically.

"She asked me to join the Glee Club" Warren said. Damian and Cameron exchanged looks of shock. "I know it's crazy, she hasn't even heard me sing yet."

"So….?" Cameron said, waiting for an answer.

"I joined." Warren responded.

Damian shook his head. "That is equivalent to volunteering yourself to get slushied everyday"

"I know, but how could I say no to those eyes" Warren said then smiled. Cameron and Damian had question marks on their faces. "And you know I love singing" Warren added.

"You should try out too!" Warren blurted out. He knew both of his friends loves singing as much as he does and Cameron has an almost perfect voice and Damian has a rare deep beautiful voice.

"It was fun singing on the stage, maybe it's even worth it to get slushied every day." Warren said trying to sneak some more pleading.

"I'll think about it" Cameron said. He was deep in thought.

"Well you can count me out, I already have all the bullying I can take, plus, I have soccer too." Damian said.

"Well just think about it" Warren said.

Later that day….

The three of them would always eat their dinner in front of the TV or while playing video games in Cameron's room.

"You know anyone else who are also new members?" Cameron asked between bites. They were watching an episode of Wipeout.

"Well, the only two I saw auditioning are Cheerios, Emily and Marissa" Warren replied.

Cameron almost spit his food upon hearing Marissa's name.

"You okay man?" Damian asked him.

"Yeah, I'm okay, I must've just choked" Cameron said, badly covering up for himself.

Damian and Warren exchanged a look while Cameron laughed at contestants falling on the water.

Warren knew very well to pack an extra outfit in case he'd get slushied and he was right as bullies Azimio and Karofsky drenched him in a blue slushy. Someplace else at the school, Marissa and Emily are heading to class when two cheerleaders gave them a pink slushy facial. "Sorry, Coach Sue's orders" they said and walked off. Marissa and Emily stared at each other in shock.

-At Glee Club-

"Alright everyone, I hope you have practiced our group number and by the way, I would like to apologize to our three new members for experiencing slushy attacks this morning." Mr. Schuester said.

"Well, welcome to the Glee Club" Artie said and shook Warren's hand.

"Alright, everyone! Let's hit it!" Mr. Schue said.

All the members got up the stage and Rachel sang

You know that I'm a crazy chick,

I do what I want when I feel like it,

All I wanna do is loose control,

But you don't really give a shit,

You go with go with go with it,

Cause you're freaking crazy rock-n-roll

The other members danced behind her. Marissa, Emily and Warren had the time of their lives.

And that's why... I smile,

It's been a while,

Since everyday and everything has felt this right...

And now,

You turn it all around,

And suddenly you're all I need,

The reason why-I-I-I,

I smi-I-ile.

Rachel finished the song and all the members cheered.

"Welcome you guys to the Glee Club again!" Mercedes said.

A/N: So that's it! Tell me what you think and pitch in some ideas. All Glee project contenders are gonna appear at some point. They would replace the original Glee Club members once they graduate through the course of the story together with my Two OC's

Next on The Glee Project Show: It's gonna be Damian centered and Cameron centered next chapter, hope you're ready for that!

Please Read and Review! Thankyou!