A/N: Anon on Tumblr prompted "Finn walking in on Klaine, doesn't have to be smutty can be just kissing" so naturally, I had to make it smutty. Enjoy!
Finn tossed his keys onto the table and shuffled into the kitchen. He opened up the fridge, standing in front of it for a minute before deciding that everything inside it would be too hard to put together for a snack and pulling out a carton of orange juice instead. He opened it and took a long gulp, reaching for an open bag of Doritos on the counter and and grabbing a handful. Just as he was about the settle down at the kitchen table and enjoy his snack, he heard some noises from upstairs.
No big deal, though. He had seen Kurt's car in the driveway when he got home, so he knew he was there. He took another swig of orange juice and crunched on another handful of Doritos. And then he heard the thumping.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Finn looked up at the ceiling. Maybe Kurt was rearranging his furniture again. He did that sometimes.
Thump. Thump.
"Oh God, Kurt!"
Finn choked on his next sip of orange juice. Last time he checked, furniture didn't talk. He set his snack on the kitchen table and got up, walking towards the stairs. He crept up them slowly, looking up at Kurt's door. It wasn't closed, so how could they be doing anything? Anyone intelligent would close the door while they were having sex.
Wouldn't they?
Finn paused on the landing, listening. The thumping had stopped, so maybe they were done? With whatever it was they were doing, because Finn wasn't exactly sure. Maybe he should knock and let them know he was here? Or like, ask if they wanted to order pizza for dinner? Maybe Kurt would let him order pizza if Blaine was over. He was always in a better mood when Blaine was over.
"Mm, come on Kurt, quit teasing. More, please, come on!"
"Don't be so pushy, geez. Do keep begging though, I like it."
"Just come on, I- Oh, yeah, just like that."
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Finn turned and fled down the stairs, flying out the door, his snack forgotten on the table.