Dunno when the idea hit me. Maybe it's just my twisted mind? Anyway, so here comes my Fem!Harry Story. The main couple will be Draco x Harry, and then there will also be Ron x Hermione and a few others...

I hope you enjoy it! :)

"Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken."

Wormtail dropped the boys blood into the cauldron. The boy, who was being held by a statue, screamed.

The liquid in the cauldron turned from a milky grey-white to a dreadful blood red. The cauldron burst into flames. Wormtail scurried away while the boy could do nothing but stare as the flames turned into a form. The dark mist that surrounded the figure formed into clothes.

The next thing he knew, Harry Potter found himself staring into the eyes of a teenage Voltemort. A cruel smile found his lips as he examined his body through crimson eyes.

"This is unexpected," Voldemort hissed.

"My Lord! It is a miracle!" Wormtail exclaimed, approaching Voldemort. He handed Voltemort his wand. "Please, My Lord?"

Voldemort sighed in annoyance, and waved his wand. A second later, Wormtail had a silver hand. "You have been very useful, Wormtail."

"Thank you master!" Wormtail cried falling back. Harry whimpered in pain. Voldemort turned to him.

"It must be thanks to your blood, Potter."

Harry glared at him through the pain. It felt as if his body was on fire. The statue suddenly released him, and he fell in a heap on the ground.

"It has been a long time, Potter," He said. Voldemort kicked Harry's wand toward him. "Fight me."

Harry hurried to gather his wand, but attempted to run and hide.

"Don't try to hide. Duel me," said Voldemort. Harry's eyes darted between Voldemort, Cedric, and the cup. "I'm positive that Dumbledore has taught you how to duel."

Harry lifted himself off the ground, trying to ignore the pain that was getting worse every second. His scar was burning. He stood up and faced Voldemort bravely.

"You thought that you could hide, but you could not, Hanna Potter!" Voldemort mocked. Harry was puzzled. He had never tried to hide. "Bow!"

Voltemort forced Harry to bow.

"Avada Kadavra!" "Expelliarmus!"

Two brilliant lights, one green, the other red, met in the middle. The wands locked together and there was a firework like explosion. Harry grasped his wand tighter as the green began to win, and with force, the red pushed back harder.

Wormtail ran forward.

"Do nothing! He is mine to finish!" Voldemort yelled. Then, a brilliant light spread across the graveyard. Cedric appeared in the air, and smiled grimly at Harry, next followed an old man. Harry watched in amazement as his mother and father appeared in the air.

"Hanna!" It was his father's voice. It was directed at him, so why had he called him 'Hanna'? Harry had no time to think about it as he pushed his spell again. "When the connection is broken, you must get to the port key! We can help you for a moment to save you some time, but only a moment. You understand?"

Harry nodded.

"Harry! Take my body back, will you?" Harry turned to Cedric. "Take my body back to my father."

Harry knew he couldn't say no. He would have done it even if Cedric asked him too.

"Let go," Lily said. "Hanna, Sweetheart, you're ready, let go!"

Harry broke the connection, and the four spirits charged at Voldemort. Harry ran towards Cedric's body, grasping his hand.

"Accio!" Harry felt someone grasp his leg as he was pulled away by the port key. He squeezed his eyes together tightly as he heard the familiar music and excited screaming. He dropped the port key and grabbed onto Cedric. Tears were streaming down his face. From pain, sadness and fear, everything was just completely overwhelming. He heard the crowd begin to silence. Dumbledore ran forward, and he felt someone release his leg. He didn't care. He felt another sharp pain, one in his stomach.

"Peter Pettigrew!" The minister exclaimed. Dumbledore cast a charm that froze the man as he attempted to scurry away.

"Keep everyone in their seats. There's been a death!" Dumbledore commanded. Amos ran out of his seat, and Dumbledore pulled Harry off of Cedric. He noticed the blood that was coming from a slash on his stomach. His arm was bleeding horribly as well.

"My son!" Amos cried, clutching his son's robes and crying.

"He's back! Voldemort's back!" Harry cried. "Voldemort's back."

The crowd was completely quiet now and had heard every word. Harry let out an agonizing scream. Dumbledore helped Harry up and quickly escorted him out of the crowds and into the building. Harry felt darkness creep up on his consciousness, and it didn't take long for it to overcome him.

Harry blinked, and then closed his eyes again. He lay down only a few more seconds before abruptly sitting up, causing pain to spread throughout his body. He forced himself to sit up and lean against the bedpost. Looking around, he could not recognize his surroundings. He was not in the Gryffindor room, nor was he at the medical ward. He couldn't place where he was, until a familiar man walked through the door.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Harry exclaimed, and then jumped a little in shock when he realized his voice was light and a bit high pitched, much like a girl's voice.

"You're finally awake, I see," Dumbledore smiled at him.

"How long was I out?" Harry asked, but heard the girl's voice again.

"Two weeks I'm afraid. School has been let out for the summer," Dumbledore told him. A familiar figure walked into the room.

"Sirius!" Harry stared at his Godfather, who smiled back at him.

"What's going on?" Harry exclaimed. Dumbledore and Sirius looked at each other. "Voldemort's back! As his teenage self!"

Dumbledore nodded. "It is a long story, Hanna."

Something triggered in Harry's mind, and he remembered how his mother and father had called him Hanna. Voltemort had too.

"What? Professor Dumbledore?" Harry was so confused. "Why are you calling me 'Hanna'?"

"Because, that is your true name. Hanna Potter." Dumbledore tried to smile reassuringly at her. 'Hanna' blinked in surprise. Her eyes travelled down to where she had two lumps beneath her shirt. Those did not belong… "You were born a girl."

"Why have I lived 14 years as a guy than?" Harry gaped at the headmaster.

"We have no ideas. The night he tried to kill you, when he transferred his powers and gave you that scar; it was that night you were turned into a boy as well. We didn't tell you because we believed you may remain a boy forever."

"So why am I a… girl?" Hanna began to panic. How could she ever go back to school like this? It would be the most embarrassing thing ever! 'Yes, the famous Harry Potter is actually a girl!' She didn't like the sound of that headline.

"We believe that your recent fight with He-who-must-not-be-named triggered you to change back. We may be wrong and it simply wore off, but there are few other possibilities," Sirius said. Hanna nodded. She took a deep breath and then asked,

"How am I supposed to go back to school? Everyone knows me as a boy."

Dumbledore and Sirius exchanged looks once more. Sirius grabbed a newspaper and handed it to the girl. She had taken it surprisingly well, but the next news would be much harder.

Hanna's eyes widened as her eyes scanned the newspaper.

'HARRY POTTER KILLED BY HE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED!' Was the headline. Hanna flipped open the paper and read the article. It was six pages long.

"Does this mean I can't go back to school?" Hanna asked. Dumbledore shook his head.

"It means you can't be Harry Potter anymore, Hanna. You will have to be reregistered as Hanna Potter, be sorted as a new student. You have to keep it a secret, and just be Hanna Potter." Hanna was silent. She wouldn't be able to tell anyone of who she was.

"What about my scar?" Hanna asked. She realized she no longer needed glasses. "How am I going to hide it?"

"We will try a mixture of charms and spells. Some muggle make-up should work as well. It is not easy to hide a cursed scar."

"And I can't go back to the Dursley's!" Hanna exclaimed.

"We know, we know," Dumbledore calmed her. "When you used the port key to come back, you also brought back Peter Pettigrew. Since then, Sirius' name has been cleared. So-"

"I get to live with Sirius!" Hanna exclaimed. Sirius nodded, and the girl's eyes lit up. She jumped from the bed and hugged Sirius. Who cares if she was a girl now? Who cares if she couldn't tell anyone? She could finally live away from her horrible aunt and uncle, and live with Sirius!

"Yes. You have this summer to become Hanna Potter. Do what you must to always keep you secret hidden. Tom may believe you are dead, so for now you are safe. Remember, Hanna, be yourself. Farewell, Hanna, Sirius." Dumbledore disappeared with a smile.

"C'mon, lay down," Siruis nudged her towards the bed. Hanna sat down, feeling the pain in her abdomen. She tugged up her shirt slightly to see a long scar across her stomach. She checked her wrist where, sure enough, another scar was.

"I couldn't help it… It's my fault Voldemort is back. He needed my blood…" Hanna glared at the scar.

"That's not true Hanna. He could have used anyone's blood," Sirius said reassuringly. Hanna smiled up at him.

"I'm glad you're free," Hanna told him. He smiled back.

"It's all thanks to you." He laughed. "First thing we need to do, is get you some clothes!"

Hanna groaned and slumped back onto the bed.

First Chapter done :)

Hope you liked it! Please tell me what you think! :)