
Temperance Brennan made her way, proudly, up the aisle and steps to the stage, shaking hands with three of her former professors, and receiving a rolled up paper from the Dean. She thanked him, shook his hand and then moved to the front of the stage with her classmates. She smiled out into the crowd at her 'family'.

Her best friend, and Fairy Godmother, Angela Montenegro-Hodgins, also her Lady-in-Waiting, sat with her husband, Jack, and held the most beautiful blue-eyed baby boy in her arms, Michael, who was now a year old. Angela and Hodgins had gotten married right after the whole fiasco with the Ball and the shoe and such and soon after had given birth to the little boy, whose eyes were as blue as his father's and whose hair was curly and jet black like his mother's. They had made Temperance the Godmother, which she gratefully accepted.

Jack had also been promoted to bodyguard of the newest royal couple. This meant that he had to follow them around when they went out in public, and make sure that they were in no immediate danger from anybody. Basically, everything he did before but now he could carry a gun, much to Seeley's chagrin.

Then, there was Seeley. He sat there, smiling proudly up at his girlfriend, a tiny baby girl, who was an exact replica of her mother, except for the darker hair, in his arms. Her name was Margaret Christine Booth and Temperance had given birth to her just over a year ago, about a month after Michael was born. She was born in late June, thankfully, and Temperance had the entire Summer to spend with her before returning to school in the Fall for her Senior year of college. Maggie, as they dubbed her, had yet to say a word, though run as fast as she could when her feet touched the ground, though she was not as restless as her father when sitting. Instead, she sat peacefully in his lap as she watched her mother receive her diploma. Temperance smiled down at her little girl and the baby smiled back, showcasing that infamous Booth charm smile that she'd inherited from her father.

Temperance's smile widened at that of her daughter's. She didn't like to admit it but that little baby girl made her heart melt and her knees shake, every time she remembered that she was the one that made her. Well, her and Seeley.

But mostly her.

Temperance blew a kiss to the girl and her father as she and all her classmates turned to the speaker. And when the last student was called up, and it was announced that they had all graduated with Honors, all the students took off their hats and threw them as high and far as they possibly could, cheering as the audience burst into applause.

Temperance smiled as she saw Seeley motion towards the back of the auditorium. She nodded in understanding and stepped down, off the stage, gathered her hat, and real diploma, and went to go meet her friends and family.

As soon as he saw Temperance walking up towards them, he let Maggie loose and she ran right into her mother's legs, shrieking happily. Temperance chuckled and scooped up the little girl, nuzzling her and kissing her cheeks, making the tiny girl giggle.

Temperance laughed as Maggie kissed her cheek in return and wrapped her arms tightly around her neck. She smiled even wider when Seeley came up and kissed her lips softly. "Congratulations, Mommy." He said, looking at her lovingly.

Temperance smiled and kissed back. "Thank you, Seeley." She said. Then she heard a squeal.

"Sweetie!" Angela exclaimed, enveloping Temperance in a hug and nearly crushing Maggie in the process. "I'm so happy for you!"

Temperance chuckled. "Thank you, Angela, but you may be cutting off Maggie's air supply here."

Angela immediately stepped back, looking shocked and embarrassed as she looked at Maggie, who was slightly flushed and breathing slightly heavier than usual. "Oh, Magpie!" she exclaimed, taking the baby out of her mother's arms. "I'm so sorry." She began showering kisses all over the now giggling girl.

Temperance chuckled, and turned to Seeley, who was staring at her with a dead-serious expression on his face. "What?" she asked. "Is everything okay?"

Seeley smiled and nodded. "Of course. I just...I need you to sit down for a moment."

Temperance's eyebrows rose but she didn't question the request. She just nodded and took a seat on the bench next to the door of the auditorium. Seeley smiled at her and got down on one knee in front of her.

Temperance's eyes widened and Angela and Jack smiled widely, making her think that maybe they knew about this.

Seeley smiled at her shocked expression. "Temperance Brennan," he started, "two years ago, we meant under false identities in front of a hat shop, and even then I thought you were the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen. I was almost scared to death that I would never see you again after that day. But then that night, I saw you walking home from school and I knew that it was fate that brought us together. Especially since you had the same blue eyes that I saw every night when I was at war. Do you remember that story?" She nodded. "Yeah, well, it's true. Even though I'm pretty sure I've never seen you before then, I saw those same beautiful blue eyes every time I closed mine and that's what kept me going. That's what still keeps me going. So, please, for the sake of fate...Marry me. Also, I love you and Maggie more than I'll ever be able to express." He smiled charmingly at her. Temperance couldn't help but chuckle at his boyish grin.

She took a long time just staring at him, not saying anything, just eying the adoring expression on his face. She was about to open her mouth when she heard a small, slightly familiar voice.

"Say yes!" Maggie exclaimed, shocking her parents, Jack, and Angela, who was grinning madly.

Temperance looked at Angela, questioningly and Angela blushed. "I didn't use any magic, I swear! I just spent about forty hours teaching her how to say that the old-fashioned way. Seriously, I don't know how you people do anything without magic!"

Temperance, Jack, and Seeley laughed, their children echoing them. "Say yes!" Maggie repeated.

Temperance smiled at that little girl and then turned to Seeley. "Yes." She said, smiling, tears filling her eyes.

Seeley smiled widely at her and brought his mouth to hers for a loving kiss. "Really?" he asked. She nodded and he turned to his bodyguard. "Jack!"

Jack smiled and pulled out a small shoebox from inside his wife's bag, handing it over.

Seeley took it and opened the box, pulling out a small glass slipper in Temperance's size. Temperance's eyes widened as she eyed the familiar slipper. "Where-?"

Seeley shook his head. "You don't want to even know what I went through to get that." He said.

Temperance chuckled and shook her head as Seeley placed the slipper on her foot. "Do I have to wear this all the time?" she asked.

Seeley shook his head. "Nah, this was purely symbolic. I've got a ring shaped version." He pulled out a smaller box and opened it to her, revealing a gorgeous platinum engagement ring with a humble sized diamond.

Temperance was in awe of the ring and had to stop herself from ooh-ing and aah-ing like a little girl as he slipped the ring onto her finger.

Seeley smiled at her as her eyes met his and their lips met in an earth-shattering kiss, as Angela and Maggie squealed, and Jack clapped his hands, Michael imitating him.

Okay, so that's the end. The next will be Beauty and the Beast, but it will probably be modern and the roles reversed. I'll make notes and flow charts and go all Brennan in planning this but chances are it won't be up for a while, so don't hold your breath. I'll get it out as soon as possible. Promise! REVIEW!